"The Universe is dying. We live in an afterimage of a bygone era."
–The Book of Symphony: Al Final
The Crystalis Geminidi. A powerful race of sentient human-like gems. Although to compare them to humankind would be an insult. It was rare to see one outside of the Magistrate's jurisdiction let alone on a homonae planet. It was perhaps even rarer to have asked for a human's help. The nearby tribal members lended their united strength to help this geminidi up from the remnants of a broken container. It–or he, rather–stood a good 8ft. tall well above even the tallest villager who was 6ft. 2in. Sio had never seen a geminidi in her life, nor did the concept of a talking gem ever occur to her.
"Ah–thank you!" he exclaimed as he regained his balance. The reverb of his voice was strange and resonated just like when someone struck a gem with a hammer. "It's quite embarrassing I admit, being taken down by a mere crate! I do hope I wasn't interrupting anything too important."
There was a notable silence at his words. Villagers looked uncomfortably at one another and then at Sio and her new caretakers. Dr. Tausidi cleared her throat, which sounded like rubber caught against itself. The geminidi looked, or did what Sio assumed was look, at her.
"A sacred rite, actually," she hissed. The mood soured. The geminidi at least had the decency to appear flustered. His shoulders sagged and his head bowed towards his chest. "But I'll at least assume you didn't mean to interrupt."
"No! Of course not! I merely wanted to take a seat but ah– chose poorly." He said as he opened the palms of his hands and raised them in defense. Dr. Tausidi made no further comment, but let out a low croaking sound to voice her displeasure. Tomak let out a loud whistle catching the attention of the crowd, Dr. Tausidi, and the crystalis. He made one large motion with his hand sweeping it from his side to his head in a sign that Sio recognized was to disperse the general watchers. They obeyed. One by one the people of Ísandur made their way back to their homes. Only Dr. Tausidi, Laura, Sio, Auburn, Tomak, and the geminidi remained. Tomak walked closer to the group and motioned them toward the town center's inner circle where he stopped. Those understanding his meaning walked toward him leaving the geminidi to ponder at the actions of everyone. Dr. Tausidi motioned for the geminidi to follow in the common sign of universal language, and hastily the geminidi approached behind Sio and her caretakers.
"What a day this is! Stranger, what is your name?" asked Tomak.
"Algodon." the crystalis provided.
"From where do you hail?" Tomak waited for Algodon the Crystalis to respond. When he didn't, Tomak simply sighed. "Stranger–Algodon. At least give me the opportunity to know how it is you came about being here. The ports are closed."
At this Algodon made a signing noise that sounded a bit like a laugh. He waved his arm upward towards the sky indicating the Great Void and pointed with his other arm to the large divet in his forehead.
"I am well aware your ports are closed. I was merely here on a scientific errand, you see. Helix-One is something of an oddity where I'm from, which I'll have you know is of no interest at all. Why if I was from anywhere I would tell you, but being as I am a traveller I am from nowhere at best." Algodon expressed. "As for how I came to be here well…"
Algodon explained his predicament, the strange flash of light that intercepted his communications which caused a rift in his connection to his ship and effectively stranded him on the planet. Tomak listened with interest as did the rest of the group huddled around the center. It was rare to have any visitor in the village. Why Dr. Tausidi was the last visitor from the outer stellar systems that came seeking scientific data from Helix-One only to have stayed because she appreciated the cold. At least, that's what she once told Sio. Sio looked upon the geminidi with awe. How she wished to see the stars up close!
"...It seems I am going to be a guest here for some time, that is until I can contact my ship." Algodon said timidly. Tomak nodded his head and pointed with his chin toward a building not too far from where they were standing.
"There is lodging for you at the workhouse, while it is smaller than what I'm sure you're used to, I don't doubt we'll have something to accommodate you. I'll be there momentarily to help you settle in." Tomak turned his attention toward Sio and her caretakers. "As for you all, I'll need to discuss Sio's intended Path."
"It is clear to me Sio's case is special and therefore her Path must be decided by her." said Dr. Tausidi. Auburn shuffled his feet at the suggestion. Laura hummed her agreement. "Tomak surely you agree?"
"I agree her circumstances are unusual, but special? She's not the only one to be orphaned from tragedy." He replied. "Her path is as it was before, she is to be a saltminer."
Dr. Tausidi hissed at that. "You merely make this decision because of quota, Tomak. I expected better of you!"
"I don't appreciate the accusation, doctor." He paused, meeting her yellow eyes with his own brown. " Her grandmother was a saltminer, her parents saltminers, even now Auburn is a saltminer. The Path is clear to me."
"Her grandmother was an astérthan." Laura said. Tomak scoffed and waved his hand as if to brush away the term.
"Her grandmother abandoned her Path as a Dunestrider to pursue the dying stars." Tomak declared. "Her Path is better served for something more worthwhile."
"Then you admit it, Tomak." Dr. Tausidi growled. "You are just filling quota." She threw her arms above her head in exasperation. Tomak shook his head at her reaction. Auburn, who had been silent up until then moved inbetween them.
"Dr. Tausidi, Tomak. It was Iridia's last wish for Sio to be brought up as Dunestrider." he said.
At this both stopped their argument and looked at Auburn. "She charged me with her last words to take on the responsibility of raising Sio on the Path. I swore to her I would do it."
After a moment of silence Dr. Tausidi stepped back from Tomak and Auburn. "So be it." she muttered. She knelt before Sio and left a hand on her shoulder. "Sio, my doors are always opened for you." Then she left. Laura replaced Dr. Tausidi's hand on her shoulder and tapped it to get her attention.
"Sio, what is it that you want?" Laura spoke it as a whisper in her ear so that Auburn and Tomak could not hear. Sio thought for a moment, then looked to Auburn and Tomak.
"I want what my grandmother wants." She spoke it lowly, almost too low for anyone to hear, but Auburn perked up at this. Tomak waved his hand again to dismiss them all. It was decided then. Sio would stay with Auburn for the duration of her adolescent life learning the trades of the saltminers. Laura nodded her head toward Sio and left a similar remark that she would always be available should Sio wish to speak, then she too left toward her home. Auburn stood quietly watching Laura leave and looked from the side of his eyes at Sio while she fidgeted with her shellsuit. Tomak also made to leave.
"Let's go, little Sio." Auburn said after a while. The two then began their short walk to Auburn's shell unit.