Eve Everlon, a young witch/vampire heretic, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth as she uncovers the truth about her identity, family, and destiny. On her birthday, Eve learns that she's the chosen bearer of the Grimore, an ancient and powerful magical artifact passed down through her lineage. This revelation sets her on a path to fulfill her fate: fighting against dark forces to bring peace and balance to the world.
As Eve navigates her newfound identity, she's enrolled in Ever High, a prestigious magical school founded by her ancestors. However, her delayed power manifestation makes her a target for bullying and ridicule. Despite these challenges, Eve perseveres, determined to master her craft and unlock her true potential.
Complicating matters is Eve's forbidden love for a dark force, which forces her to choose between her destiny and her heart. As she grapples with these conflicting desires, Eve must also confront the harsh realities of her world and the secrets her family has kept hidden. Why did her father really die? What is her family protecting her from? And what lies behind her mother's loss of powers?
With each new revelation, Eve's understanding of herself and her place in the world evolves. Will she survive as the only witch heretic? Can she unlock her vampire side without sacrificing her humanity? And how will the trials and tribulations of her journey shape her into the powerful witch she's destined to become?
This is an amazing piece of work, keep doing good and please do not keep us in suspense, and I can't wait when Eve becomes a full herectic, and Emerald feels arrogant
Astronomical , this is an amazing work of art, the story, what would happen when, she arrives in Aethoria ? Can wait, to find out what what happened when she access her true powers as the HERETIC it's giving vampire diaries vibe mixed with twilight and little of teen wolf, This is amazing
Reveal Spoiler
This is a really nice book, and the girl with earth magic, I can wait to know what you have in stocks Author Victory, keep up the good work, and Eve didn't even invite her friends 😀 boring birthday for her, but atleast she is powerful and she's handling it quite well KEEP IT UP
This is an amazing book next please, am so excited, fr Evelyn she’s a kickass and I like emerald, he’s powerful ore like a pyromancer and bring it coming
Reveal Spoiler