Untold Secrets

"How did you, Rea, know that Antonio would get into an accident?"

Trying to think of a reason, Antonio spoke on my behalf.

"She saw me and the car that was coming."

I looked at him.

"There was a commotion in the entrance anyway, so when she saw the speeding car and me crossing the road, she ran to save me. Seeing the unfolding, I saved her too - we practically saved each other."

"It still doesn't make sense, since Rea went out at the same time the accident nearly happened."

"Can we please save the talk for another time?"

"Okay," he said, sighing in defeat, "If only you could tell me, you would see many things I know about."


We were at the Villa and I took Arya out since she fell asleep and after saying goodbye to Alejandro, he spoke again.

"Antonio, Rea?"

We looked at him.

"There are secrets you both keep from each other. If you could speak about them, and involve me in what's happening, this calamity could be dealt with in a day."

"Uncle-" Antonio spoke, but got interrupted by him again.

"There's more success when more advisors are included in decision-making, right?"

Leaving us with that sobering question, he drove away. Jackie took Arya in while I followed behind Antonio. As soon as we got inside, I stood by the stairs, my strength failing me. I guess it had been a while since I last had such action-packed life events like these that I collapsed.

And I saw black.


Rea collapsed, and I went up to her. It's been a while, in fact, years since she last dealt with such action in her life. She must have been exhausted physically and mentally.

Carrying her to our room, I told everyone that I would take care of everything and Jackie brought me the first aid kit.

"Thanks," I said as she handed the kit over to me before heading out.

There were many wounds to take care of. I am not surprised she didn't tell me.

"You are so stubborn, Rea," I said.

It made me remember my uncle's words.

"You are both stubborn."

I chuckled as I dressed up her wounds. Some on her neck, leg, and arm. Putting a blanket over her, I was about to pack up and take the kit back when Rea grabbed my hand.

"Don't... go," she said.

Rea was more of a reserved person, never giving in to her emotions, but seeing her in this state, I wonder if she will remember this tomorrow.

I could see her flustered side already.

"Okay," I said, "Sitting on the floor, close to her, "I won't go."

Her grip was tight, yet gentle. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep.


I then remembered what I wanted to search for. Selective mutism.

"Selective mutism is a learning disability that causes a person to become mute in certain situations or environments."

"When does it occur?" I asked, typing using one hand.

"To any person. Both young and old."

Rea said that she had trauma... was it from her father? Or a family member?

Don't let it (her trauma) get to you, Rea.



I woke up and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Jackie looked at me with a smug smile.

"Someone received some special care."

I widened my eyes as I touched my neck, and looked at my arm and leg. Antonio dressed my wounds, and he didn't mention anything.

"Want some coffee?" Jackie asked, "It's ready."

"Yes please," I said as I sat by the kitchen counter.

While I enjoyed my coffee, I decided to text Antonio.

"Thanks for the..."

A funny way to put it...

"Special care yesterday. I appreciate it."

Sending it, I also attached a thank you sticker that I designed. I never thought I would use it.


I slammed my phone on the counter, making Jackie jump.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly as I took my coffee mug, trying to forget what I sent Antonio.


I was in a business meeting with one of my twin brother's business partners back in Korea. He was always happy to introduce them to me. They were pitching an idea to see if they could open their companies in Italy.

As they continued with their pitch, I received a message from Rea.

"Thank you for the special care yesterday. I really appreciate it."

Along with a Gacha version of herself saying thank you.

I chuckled at the message, everyone diverting their attention to me.

"Carry on," I said, trying to keep everyone focused on the meeting.

I stared at my phone and after some time, sent a personalized smiley face in response.


"Who got you chuckling and blushing during the pitch?"

My twin brother, Arnaldo, asked.

"No need for you to know," I said with a smirk on my face, "You wouldn't even understand."

"Hey, I understand Korean without being originally born in Korea," he replied, "Tell me."

"I will tell you one day," I said.

"Come on!"


He sent a Gacha smiley face of himself. I laughed, or rather, giggled at the sight of this. Was I really enjoying this?

"Is it from Antonio?"

Jackie, who snuck up on me from behind asked.

I nodded continuously, "Look!"

I showed her the smiley face he sent.

"A different side of Antonio for sure," I heard her say.

That's when I realized,

That I showed Antonio a different side of me; a happy, open side of me.


Antonio was back home much earlier than expected, but we enjoyed dinner as a family nevertheless. We were surprised to see who the person at the door was, but we welcomed him anyway.

"How are my stubborn kids doing?"

Antonio and I sighed while Arya laughed.

"Fine," we said in unison.

"Well, I come bearing gifts."

He handed us invitations to the business awards held in Portugal. Antonio looked at me before turning to look at Alejandro.

"But this is short notice," he said.

"Not when you will be receiving an award!"

"Says who?" Antonio asked.

"Says the stats!

Before Antonio could question any further, he then received a phone call.

"Answer it."

Answering it, he got up and went to a quiet area, leaving Alejandro with Arya and I.

"I thought you said you were not injured."

I touched my neck.

"Antonio thought it would be better to cover my scratches. They are merely scratches."

"Hmm," he said, as if not convinced.

Before I could wander into space, Antonio came back on time.

"I have been chosen for the Italy Business Awards?" Antonio asked.

"Why is it held in Portugal then?" I asked.

"Different scenery purposes, Rea and yes you have been chosen best businessman of the year, Antonio."

Arya and I clapped hands for Antonio.

"So pack your bags... excluding Arya."

Antonio and I looked at him, "Why not?" Antonio asked.

"That's okay," Arya signed as she went down from her seat and walked out with her uncle."

Then Alejandro whispered to us, "Spend some time together, okay?"

He then walked out, leaving us flustered and with a lot of questions.