The royal tour 1

The carriage came to a halt, and Jane felt a rush of excitement in her chest. Taking a deep breath, she smoothed out her dress as Prince Dubois offered his hand to help her down.

"Are you ready, my dear?" he asked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Jane nodded, managing a smile despite her nerves. "As ready as I can be."

As they stepped onto the cobblestone streets of the town square, the crowd erupted with cheers. Colorful banners fluttered in the wind, and the air was filled with the delicious aromas of fresh bread and blooming wildflowers. For a brief moment, Jane was taken aback by the sea of eager faces.

"They're so excited to see us," she said softly, her voice almost drowned out by the noise.

Dubois gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "They're thrilled to see you, Jane. You mean hope to them."

Before Jane could respond, a group of children broke free from their parents, rushing toward her with wide eyes and bright smiles. Without a second thought, Jane knelt down, her skirts fanning around her on the cobblestones.

"Hello there!" she greeted warmly, her nerves fading away. "What are your names?"

A little girl with braids like Jane's stepped forward. "I'm Lily, Your Highness. Are you really from a farm like my papa says?"

Jane felt a wave of emotion wash over her. "Yes, I am, Lily. I grew up on a farm not so different from yours."

A boy with freckles piped up, "Did you have animals? We have chickens and a goat!"

Jane laughed, her joy spilling out. "Absolutely! We had chickens, goats, and even a couple of lively pigs. What's your favorite thing about living on a farm?"

The children buzzed with excitement, and Jane was swept back to her own childhood. She could almost smell the fresh hay and feel the sun warming her back as she worked in the fields. For a brief moment, a pang of longing for her parents hit her.

I wish you could see me now, she thought. I hope I'm making you proud.

"Your Highness," a small voice interrupted her thoughts. A shy girl with auburn curls was tugging at Jane's sleeve. "Is it true you're going to help people like us?"

Jane's throat tightened. She reached out, taking the girl's hand. "That's my biggest dream," she replied softly. "I want to help make life better for everyone in the kingdom, especially kids like you who are our future."

She felt Dubois's steady presence beside her. His hand rested lightly on her shoulder, and when she looked up, she saw the pride and tenderness in his gaze that made her heart skip a beat.

"You have a special connection with them," he murmured, just for her.

Getting back to her feet, Jane smiled at the children still gathered around her. "Thank you all for such a warm welcome," she said. "I really hope we can chat more during our visit. Maybe you could show me your farms and introduce me to your chickens and goats!"

As the kids dashed back to their parents, excitement shining in their eyes, Jane turned to Dubois. "I never thought it would feel like this," she admitted quietly. "Connecting with people and feeling like I could actually make a difference."

Dubois smiled softly, reassuring her. "That's exactly why you're here, Jane. Your compassion and understanding of their lives are what this kingdom truly needs."

Jane nodded, gathering her courage as they moved deeper into the square. Her earlier nerves transformed into a quiet determination. Though she hadn't been born into royalty, surrounded by the warmth and hope of the townspeople, Jane felt right at home.

Prince Dubois stepped forward, his regal demeanor softened by warmth in his eyes as he addressed the crowd. The murmurs quieted, anticipation hanging in the air.

"My dear people," he began, his voice carrying across the square, "your warm welcome fills my heart with gratitude." He paused, a smile dancing on his lips. "For too long, the crown has been distant from those it serves. Today, we change that."

Jane watched, captivated, as Dubois shared his vision for a kingdom united not just by borders but by a common goal. His words painted a vivid picture of prosperity and justice that resonated deeply with the crowd.

"Together," he continued, "we'll build a future where every child has the chance to pursue their dreams, where every farmer's hard work is honored, and where every artisan's skills are celebrated."

A wave of cheers erupted from the crowd. Jane felt a swell of pride mixed with uncertainty. *Can we really deliver such lofty promises?* she wondered.

Sensing her thoughts, Dubois turned slightly, their eyes locking. The conviction in his gaze steadied her, reminding her of the strength they drew from each other.

As the applause slowly faded, Dubois extended his hand to Jane. "Shall we explore the marketplace, my love?" he asked, his voice warm and inviting.

"I'd love nothing more," Jane replied, intertwining her fingers with his.

They strolled through the stalls, enticing scents of fresh bread and fragrant herbs swirling around them. Jane's eyes lit up at the vibrant textiles and intricate woodwork.

"Oh, Dubois, look at this!" she exclaimed, stopping in front of a display of delicate pottery. Her fingers hovered over a charming blue-glazed bowl. "It reminds me of the one my mother used to keep wildflowers in."

The vendor, an older woman with kind eyes, smiled. "You've got a good eye, Your Highness. That glaze comes from minerals found only in our local hills."

"Really? That's fascinating! I'd love to hear more about your work. Do you face challenges in sourcing materials?" Jane asked, genuinely intrigued.

As the potter talked about recent droughts affecting mineral supplies, Jane listened intently, a frown forming on her brow. "That seems tough," she said. "Have you thought about teaming up with other artisans to share resources?"

The woman's eyes sparkled with realization. "Now that's an idea worth exploring! Thank you, Your Highness, for truly listening."

Jane squeezed the woman's weathered hand. "It's the least I can do. Your craft is a treasure to this kingdom, and we need to find ways to support it."

As they moved on, Dubois leaned closer. "You keep surprising me," he murmured. "The way you connect with people and understand their struggles..."

Jane felt a blush creeping to her cheeks. "I just remember what it was like, working the land, never knowing if we'd have enough. These are my people, Dubois. I can't help but want to make their lives better."

Dubois nodded thoughtfully. "And that, my dear Jane, is why you'll be an extraordinary queen."

The cobblestone path led them to a modest schoolhouse, its weathered wooden doors flung wide to welcome the royal visitors. The air buzzed with excited whispers as Jane and Dubois stepped inside, ducking slightly under the low doorframe.

Jane's eyes widened as she took in the cramped space filled with rough-hewn desks and eager young faces. A lump formed in her throat as memories of her own sparse education flooded back.

"Your Highnesses," the schoolmaster bowed deeply, "we're honored by your presence."

Dubois nodded graciously. "The honor is ours. Please, share more about your school."

As the schoolmaster talked about limited resources and dedicated teachers, Jane's attention was drawn to a young girl in the back row, her eyes downcast and fingers nervously twisting a frayed ribbon.

"May I?" Jane whispered to Dubois, who smiled encouragingly.

She approached the girl's desk, kneeling beside her. "Hello there. I'm Jane. What's your name?"

The girl looked up, startled. "I'm Mara, Your Highness."

Jane smiled gently. "Mara, that's a lovely name. What's your favorite subject?"

"I... I like stories," Mara mumbled. "But Papa says reading's not for farm girls."

Jane's heart sank. "Oh, Mara," she said softly, "I was once a farm girl too. And you know what? Books opened up whole new worlds for me."

Turning to address the whole class, she spoke with quiet strength. "I didn't always have the chance to learn like you do. Some days, I had to choose between tending to the fields and going to lessons. But I promise you, every moment you spend learning is an investment in your future."

Her gaze swept the room, capturing curious eyes. "Whatever obstacles you face – whether it's doubt, hardship, or people telling you that you can't – remember this: knowledge is a light that no one can extinguish. It will guide you through tough times and open doors you never knew existed."

A small hand shot up. "But what if we're not smart enough?" a boy asked timidly.

Jane's smile was reassuring. "Intelligence isn't about knowing everything. It's about never giving up on learning, even when it's hard. I still struggle with some subjects, but that doesn't stop me from trying."

As she spoke, Jane noticed Dubois watching her, pride and admiration shining in his eyes. A warm feeling spread through her chest, boosting her confidence.

The lesson went on, with both Jane and Dubois engaging in a spirited discussion about the kingdom's history. As they prepared to leave, Mara approached Jane shyly.

"Your Highness?" she whispered. "Do you really think I could be more than just a farm girl?"

Jane knelt to meet Mara's earnest gaze. "Mara, you can be anything you want. Just promise me you'll keep reading those stories, okay?"

Mara nodded eagerly, a spark of hope lighting up her eyes.

As they stepped back out into the bright afternoon sun, Dubois took Jane's hand. "You were incredible in there," he said softly. "You truly have a gift for inspiring others."

Jane squeezed his hand, her voice thick with emotion. "I want them to have the opportunities I never did."

Jane held his hand firmly, her voice trembling with emotion. "I just want them to have the chances I never got."

Their carriage stood ready, waiting to whisk them away to the evening festivities. Once they were inside, the joyful cheers of the schoolchildren surrounded them, creating a hopeful anthem for the future.