Chapter 7. Escaping from the Zombie Apocalypse!

Over time, Clayton didn't dwell much on the voice that had called out to him— However, that didn't mean Clayton had forgotten about it. 

His days continued as usual— zoning out during class, slacking off with Ethan, and leaving school the moment the bell rang. Afterward, he would retreat to his usual spot and read. His old white headphones plugged in, playing Wave to Earth, Lamp, Lily chou chou, in repeat. 

Clayton likes his music calm and relaxing. Or maybe even inspiring! To put simply, Clayton doesn't just listen to those bands, he listens to any kind of band as long as their music moves his heart. 

I need milk and bread anyway,

Whilst continuing his daily routine, his habits, Clayton obediently bought the materials with the excuse of, "I need it anyway,". 

Because though, Clayton is just a normal teenage boy, who mainly avoids standing out, he also doesn't like to be restrained. He doesn't like it when others order him around, then proceeding accordingly. 

However, this time Clayton didn't really feel any irritation. Maybe because, I misheard it. There was no one who reminded me about the materials for the experiment. Still, I'm glad I remembered. At least once, I can exist without being scolded or disappointing others.

Dammit, I forgot to understand that part!

Clayton scrolled back in frustration— still reading while walking home. The clock struck 11PM as he walked, the starlight and the moon along with the city lights, illuminated the area. The Fall's warm breeze turning colder day by day brushed past Clayton's face as he mindlessly walked forward, his gaze glued to the LCD screen of his smartphone.

This time, Clayton was really late— later than usual. Because he usually returns home by 9 or 10PM. And Sarah's probably worried. No mother wants her child lurking around the dark streets alone.

I hope she'll let me off....

Though, that'll never happen. Still, even if she scolds and lectures him, Clayton knows Sarah deeply cares and loves him. 

Ugh! It'll already be midnight if I walk like this! But that doesn't mean I want to be in a rush either! And, I'll already be 1 or 2 AM before I can fall asleep. Then, how am I going to wake up at 6AM!

Clayton particularly hates being a rush, as he likes to do everything calm and amiable to ensure the best, possible results! Or it may just be laziness.

That's why, instead of rushing to meet the bus's schedule, he prefers walking— without having to be restrained by anything, just walking calmy— fantasizing about another world, animes and novels.


"Come on, Clayton!" A voice filled with joy rang from the distance.

I turned around, and, unexpectedly, group of people were waving at me with bright smiles— a happy smile— ridiculous smile that only friends or families can share. 

Beyond them, the vast blue ocean stretched endlessly, reflecting the golden glow of the setting sun. Waves lapped against the shore, their sound mixing with the laughter of familiar faces. Their feet glided effortlessly across the warm sand.

Then, a hand touched my shoulder, and a familiar voice spoke. "Instead of reading all the time, why don't you go and have fun. You're at the beach after all."


I turned off my smartphone and shoved it inside my right pocket— while also making sure my pen was secure: It was a habit of mine— always moving with my pen and my phone inside my pocket— precisely, the pocket of my pants.

I took one step. Then two, three. I began walking towards them, the soles of my feet touching the warm sand. It felt nice. 

Then, a loud music, hoking of cars resounding from the jammed road jolted Clayton awake. Still, thinking about that made Clayton's heart ache. He protested on not needing that kind of privilege, but deep down, he didn't truly know whether he wanted that or not...

And this time, instead of the usual 'sad' and 'negative' dreams, he had a 'positive', 'happy' one. 

Clayton exhaled deeply before turning his head to the right, gazing down at the noisy, jammed road in the distance. He reached for his pockets and took out his phone. 11:51 PM.

It was almost midnight.

Clayton put his phone away and reached for the dull metal door in front of him. 


Clayton tried to open it as quietly as possible but still made some noise while unlocking the door from the outside. The house was dark and quiet. Anyone coming in would probably suspect no one's home— that's how quiet it was. 

However, Clayton knew better. They had turned all lights and electronics off before going to bed— it was their family habit. Samuel had even constructed a device that automatically turns off the internet at given time. Hate to admit it, but he's good at things like that.

Clayton's backpack hanging from his right shoulder, he reached for his phone and turned on the flashlight— slowly walking towards the bathroom.

Just before he grasped the door's handle, "Why are you late?" his mom's voice called out across the other side of the house. "I don't want to tell you this since you're all 'grown up'. Still, this is too late!"

"Yeah, got it." Clayton replied with a low voice before entering the bathroom. 

After washing his hands, face and teeth, Clayton strolled towards his bedroom. He opened the wooden door and hanged his uniform and tossed his backpack somewhere in the darkness before jumping on the bed


I was sprinting at full speed through the bustling city, my breath coming in sharp gasps. The sun had already disappeared beyond the horizon, leaving only the dazzling neon lights to illuminate the streets ahead.

Quickly, I ran out of breath— leaning against a wall to catch my breath. I reached for my phone located in my pockets and checked the time in frustration, panic. My grip tightened around my phone, my breath coming in sharp gasps as he fought the urge to curse."

As I shoved my phone back inside my pockets, I also made sure I had my pen before readjusting the collar and the sleeves of my light blue button-up polo shirt.

Then, I continued running forward— without turning back even once. 

Right. Then left. Forward. 

I zigzagged in all directions, and eventually I stood before a tall two-story apartment. In front of the apartment, there was someone already waiting for me in fluster.

"Hurry up!" a panicking voice containing impatience and fear scowled. 

I obediently ran forward because I knew something terrifying was going to happen in a few hours— an apocalypse, specifically, a zombie apocalypse. 

And Ethan, who had been standing with a fearful face, leaning against a wall with his electric-scooter ready while gripping the handles tightly, finally got in action.

Without hesitation, I jumped onto the scooter behind him. The speed indicator never dropped below 50kh/h, as we weaved through the city in rush. 

After going for a while, makeshift barricade with overturned cars and crates stacked for defense. We got off the scooter and took a spot— preparing for the invasion of the zombies.

"Twenty more minutes" Ethan muttered while checking his watch.

That's right. After twenty minutes zombies were going to emerge. 

Suddenly a loud explosion along with a screeching scream erupted from the distance. People were running for their lives from the chaos— some getting caught, while some simply choosing to give up.

"There's 16 minutes left for the apocalypse!" I yelled in frustration before getting on the scooter. 

Without another word, we hopped back onto the scooter, pushing the speed past 60 km/h, zigzagging through the outbreak.

Honestly, I don't think such proficient driving, impossible scooter tricks aren't possible in real life, as it is just a dream. However, during my subconsciousness, I didn't have the wits to see it.

Then, everything shattered. Shattered into thousands of glass fragments before fading away....

Clayton was awoken by a loud noise. However, he was glad to be awoken from that terrible dream. 

Clayton rolled a few times, used his blanket to cover his face, before eventually reaching for his phone to check the time.

8:49 AM.


Clayton was late, his alarm.... failed to wake him up. But Samuel succeeded in doing so. 

Loud banging and slurred yelling could be heard downstairs. Probably just drunken Samuel. 

Clayton quickly put on his uniform, quietly used the washroom and swiftly left the house— without Samuel noticing. 

The moment he stepped outside, the warm morning sunlight greeted his face, though the autumn air was growing colder by the day. Yellow leaves drifted lazily around him, carried by the crisp breeze.

In the distance, car horns blared, people rushed to work, and the city buzzed with life.

For a brief second, Clayton thought about running to not be later than he is. But that thought quickly irritated Clayton, as he hates proceeding in rush.

"Better to leave with a purpose, than to leave without direction." Clayton mumbled with a mischievous grin before shoving his hands in his pockets— taking his sweet time.