What am I really? pt2

Where do you think people go after death. Do you think your soul is taken to be judged in heaven or hell of does your soul just wonder the earth as a spirit.

Lazarus answer would be different. As after he reopened his eyes he was in aa unfamiliar space.

Firstly he wasn't laying on land but instead an ocean of blood and the sky was pitch black without any stars to illuminate it. Second there appeared to be weapons of different cultures that were stabed into the ocean surface of and lastly their was na ominous black castle that look to have been abandoned long ago.

Where am I? Last thing I remember was dying he said in a groggy state wait!!

I look down to see the wasn't any wound in my chest so an I dead or....

'Nope sorry to tell but your not dead"'. A deep and terrifying voice. Who's there show yourself!!

Look ahead why don't ya, you'll find me in the castle ahead.

Lazarus contemplated about it and realized he didn't have many if any options at all and so he began to walk toward the castle


Couple of hours later

"I'm gonna kill whoever is in this bitch, it's one thing to make me do something I don't want to but it's other things if you make me work for is like a slave".

Laz got to the castle doors and push them open. Before they were even fully open a foot came flying out with surprising power and speed sent the doors flying like 70 meters away.


A bombing voice that was like I someone took their nail and scratched a choke-board but on Crack.

Lazarus look up and was to say he was shocked was an understandstatement, the figure standing in front of him was himself just slightly more mature version of himself , he appears to have his body appeared to have been carved out of mable with well difined muscles, his hair was twin colored with one being a pitch black and the othe a bright white, his eye were heterochromicwith on being gold and the other ruby red.

Black tattoos ran along his arms and chest that seemed to have a thin glow to them, a black halo with a red outline was floating on top of his head and he has large angelic wings that were a mix of black and red, his mouth was open to reveal to sharp and pointy fangs that were barely concealed.

"Who the hel"-

Before he could finish his sentence he's alternate attacked him without letting him finish like, a girlfriend who acuses you of cheating on her after seeing a picture of you and a female friend who she doesn't know.

"Hay! Wait minute I just want to talk! Are you even fucking listening- "

bang his alternate delivered a devastating spinning heel kick that nearly took off his head which sent him flying.




Lazarus crashed into three pillers and landed in the water, his consciousness fleeting and his alternate approaching closer he had one thought on his mind

"Do I really hate myself that much"


"Hay how long is Fred gonna take it's just one measly human a hooded figure asked in a feminine voice".

"Who knows we should have sent someone to keep an eye on him so he doesn't finish all of the human we atleast need the head in tacked" another voice said

On a building 10 blocks away from were Fred was attacked Lazarus a bunch of hooded figure stood there waiting for the return of their companion l. The leader of the group stood in front of them and was waiting for a report.

"Felicia, Luke Daken go and see what the idiot doing!"

the leader said with no small amount of a anger in his voice. The 3 subordinate headed towards the companion with impressive speed far above human standards.

"What.. the happened here."

The 3 were rightfully shocked as the saw their friend's body or atleast what was left anyway. His head and the entire right side of his body was gone as if something had eaten, and what remained was badly destroyed it and what was more interesting the human they were supposed to bring back wasn't here.

Felicia was the first to say something.

"So what are we gonna tell 5lthe boss his going to kill us if we tell him not only was the mission a failure, but also one of our members was killed."

One of the female's friends came up to her and placed their hand on her shoulder to comfort her relax ok, "we just need to find the human and we'll be fine"

Hay guys you might wanna check this out as the two members remember the task they looked towards their third member

Whatever killed Fredrick I don't think it was human look around. Now that they had the chance to look around they could see multiple small craters and cracked cement.

What kind of monster can do this much damage without alerts those cockroaches Felicia asked in interest.

Daken what do you think can u track him they no Daken turned back towards them with a confused look what ever did this can mask it's scent from is I think we'll need a mutt to track it down.