Family history

"Okay, so how am I going to hide this things from Cass and Lason"?

Lazarus was standing next to a mirror in his apartment wondering how to hide his new attractive appearance from his friends. As if responding tobhis thought he heard a familiar yet unsettling voice he didn't want to hear anytime soo.

"So need help or are you going to stand there looking at yourself, or will you let me help", Dakarai said in a bored tone with his arms crossed.But his clothing was different than before, his outfit consisted of hoodie and sweat pants.

Laz looked at his alternate copycat with the same blank stare.

"Hay, so do know how to make these things go away from I don't want to make my friends see me like this"

Laz pointed at his halo and wings emphasizing how he could atleast make excuses on his physical appearance with lies such as working out and going to a tattoo parlors. Making it seem like he's having his rebellious teen phase even though he's never had one and is in his early 20's.

"Don't worry just calm down and think about something that make u feel safe and calm, and your wings will return inside you"

Lazarus closed his eye, and began to think of calm and soothing thoughts. As Dakarai said his wings began to retract and enter his body, and the halo vanished.

"So are you going to continue explaining, or are you going to stay quiet". Laz moved to his closet and took out a new pair of sweat pants, white tank-top that clung towards his new muscular physiqueand sandals.

Dakarai look confused for a moment before realizing what he meant. "Oh you meant that sure, let's continue with our chat".

Long ago God created the first human Adam and Eve, who the first humans ever created and one of his most precious creations. But not everything is meant to last as eve was trick by Lucifer to eat the forbidden fruit alongside Adam. They lost most of their Supernatural abilities along with Immortality.

After that they had 2 children Abel and Cain who where as close as most siblings. Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd. But one day Abel and Cain made offerings to God bu,t only Abel's were accepted which lead Cain to be driven by jealousy and hatred to kill his brother.

Before, he realized what he had done Abel was dead, and Cain upon realing what he had done cried while holding his brother's lifeless corpse begging for forgiveness, God cursed him and he becomes the first Vampire in existence, the cursed made can truly immortal with almost nothing being able to slay him and to powerful to be sealed away.

He'd travel the world for millennium with no goal or motive he would turn people from different regions of the world into vampires. Such ad Greece, Africa, Asia and Japan.

But around the year 1428 Vlad Dracula Tepes was born, in Romania as a human but would grow up to be a brutal and vicious Ruler as his nickname implies he impaled 20000 and murdered 60000 others though various means. Which lead him to damnation by God, to become the second vampire to be created by God himself. Those two would be known throughout the supernatural as "GOD'S DAMNED".

Both would have children but as Cain only had one lover and African Vampire of a tribe he created centuries before called "The Osebo", while Vlad would have many children his favorite child coming from his Third wife Lady Dimitrescu a vampire countess with all most unnatural power even on vampire standards. Those two child children would meet at around 1890 in battle. The battle was stated to showed to power of both bloodlines.

The Daughter of Cain, who as named Abersash who's one of the strongest and youngest vampires of her time being only 300 years of age barely and adult vampire and Vlads son Adrian Tepes. Affectionately given yhe nickname Alucard by his father who was around 290 years old upon their meeting.

Their clash would lasted months and shock countries. Their fights would spark a rivalry which would later become a friendship and eventually a blooming love which, made our mother Amara Cain Tepes. Who would be born around 1999, and become as famous as her grandfathers. She would face kings and queen of other races, gods, famous warriors ad would rarely know defeat.

She would meet our father Azrael around 25th century and they would fall in love their was aposition from both vampires and angels but they weren't taking any complaints. Azrael may not be known throughout the biblical texts but their as some that states he is stronger than most of his siblings aside Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel. "Before our birth their was an attack on by an unknown force".

Our parents were separated by the attacks and our mother was too weak to defend herself and us, which gave the attacker to take us and do who knows what they did to us.

"And that's the gist of our story, you may want more but that's all I have to give we can't access our heritage as easily as others so-"



Dakarai looked up at Lazarus who was shedding tears. While the memories flowed inside his head, Dakarai using telekinesis brought a box of tissues next to the bed to Laz.

"You good?" He asked in worry.

"Yeah I'm good, and thanks for saving me".

They sat their in silence while Laz tried to come himself down.