night for a week when he returned home from work, because she had
lost her wedding ring; two of us officiated quite alone at the birth of an
illegitimate child because the doctor was late in arriving, and none of
the honest Irish matrons would "touch the likes of her"; we ministered
at the deathbed of a young man, who during a long illness of tuberculosis had received so many bottles of whisky through the mistaken
kindness of his friends, that the cumulative effect produced wild periods of exultation, in one of which he died.
We were also early impressed with the curious isolation of many of
the immigrants; an Italian woman once expressed her pleasure in the
red roses that she saw at one of our receptions in surprise that they had
been "brought so fresh all the way from Italy." She would not believe
for an instant that they had been grown in America. She said that she
had lived in Chicago for six years and had never seen any roses,
whereas in Italy she had seen them every summer in great profusion.
During all that time, of course, the woman had lived within ten blocks
of a florist's window; she had not been more than a five-cent car ride
away from the public parks; hut she had never dreamed of faring forth
for herself, and no one had taken her. Her conception of America had
been the untidy street in which she lived and had made her long struggle to adapt herself to American ways.
But in spite of some untoward experiences, we were constantly impressed with the uniform kindness and courtesy we received. Perhaps
these first days laid the simple human foundations which are certainly
essential for continuous living among the poor: first, genuine preference for residence in an industrial quarter to any other part of the city,
because it is interesting and makes the human appeal; and second, the
conviction, in the words of Canon Barnett, that the things which
make men alike are finer and better than the things that keep them
apart, and that these basic likenesses, if they are properly accentuated,
easily transcend the less essential differences of race, language, creed,
and tradition.
Perhaps even in those first days we made a beginning toward that
object which was afterwards stated in our charter: "To provide a center
for a higher civic and social life; to institute and maintain educational
and philanthropic enterprises; and to investigate and improve the conditions in the industrial districts of Chicago."