The Start of something new

The story Starts off with Ren asking out his childhood crush Hana on top of school on a sunny windy day Ren asks her with a smile "will you go out with me" she then says " What took you so long" then he looks up with a surprise on his face and he said " am sorry i. i." before he can finish she gives him a hug and she says " I have been waiting so long" he turns red and hug her back slowly and then she said " Let's go back to class" said with tears in her eyes and they got back to class and then the bell rings so while they was on their walk home he asks " so are you my girlfriend now?" she looks at him with a smile and says " of course silly" she then was holding his hand while blushing before they go home Hana gives him a hug and says " Please never leave me" with tears in her eyes Ren says " i will always be here don't matter what" so they go home and they go in there room thinking about what just happed that day and both of their faces turn red the next day they cross each other and walk to school together while walking she grabs his hand while turning her head away and turning red and he is look at her in a aww and she turns back to him and they lock eyes and then look away while blushing ren felt so happy that they was together but he can't stop to think 'what happens when we are out of school' with a confused face but he brushes it off saying to himself worry about that later when that time comes. they enter school and get their stuff to go to class Hana looks at ren and says "can you believe it" with a smile on her face then Ren askes her " believe that am with the prettiest girl in the whole world?" face turning red has he says it then class begins and while the teacher is teaching Hana sees that the chair is about to break but its to late it breaks everyone looks back at her and starts laughing Ren gives her a hand up and asks her if she's okay she says "yes" with a sad expression on her face and people are still laughing at her and the teacher yells "STOP" get back to work and gets Hana a new chair and tells Hana " don't let them get to you okay" the leaves to go back teachings Ren then hears a group of girls calling Hana a "loser" "weird" and he doesn't understand why they are saying that he askes Hana " wanna get something to eat later" while holding her hand to make her feel better "yes i would love that thank you" says Hana school is over and Hana and Rin goes get something to eat while on there way back they see the group of girls and they are looking at Hana with a crazy idea in there eyes they walk by Hana and Ren then turns around and throws eggs at them!! Hana starts running away Ren catches one of the eggs and throws it right in to some ones mouth and then goes after Hana looking back with a angry expression and thinks why is Ami the girl that has a crush on Ren doing this but he cant think about this now he catches up with Hana she looks at him with tears in her eyes and askes " why me what did i do wrong" with tears coming from her eyes Ren gives her a hug and says "it's gonna be okay am here" with a sad expression on his face they get back up and starts walking back home Hana has her head on his shoulder while holding his hand. A day goes by and Hana is still sad so Ren askes her out on a date!!! to the arcade she says "yes of course" they are the arcade and Ren is happy that Hana is getting better and starting to have fun she looks at him " lets have a race on Go Karts" Hana says while holding his hand and walking to the go karts as they get ready to race Ren says " I'm glad your having fun" " when am with you Ren i get happy" Hana says with a smile on her face and blushing " now come on silly lets race" Hana says 3 2 1 the race starts and Hana had a late start and Ren starts off fast and way ahead and she catches up to him there goes 1 lap 2 more to go Ren is in the lead drifting on every corner Hana and Ren are starting to get close that's lap 2 final lap and its close and Ren slows down and lets Hana win after the race she says "Nice race thank you" while going in for a hug and he says " I love you" while blushing Hana looks at Ren with a surprised expression "Ren i loved you ever since we saw each other... i Love you to" Hana says they go play other games time passed and they are on they way back home and Hana says " thank you so much Ren for this Date" while looking at him in aww and blushing "anything to make you happy" Ren says. It's night and Ren is trying to sleep but can't he keeps on think to himself " what will happen after school with me and her" he is scared that somehow some way they would be spilt apart and having to get jobs and not seeing each other often he sad that may happen in the future meanwhile Hana is think about how she wishes that Ren was with her and cuddling.