Hana and Ren vs the School/Hana and Ren backstory

Hana and Ren enter the classroom and Ami starts whispering to her friends about Hana being a loser and making fake story's about her Ren goes over there and says " stop why are you doing this Ami" with a mad expression " because why not it is true she is a loser im just speaking the truth" Ami says with a evil smile before Ren can say anything the teacher tells everyone to sit down and while in a lesson Ami throws spitballs at Hana and it starting to make Hana mad but Ami stops because she ran out of paper so its lunch time and Ren went to go get a drink for Hana and himself. Ami and her Friends sees she is alone and starts making fun of her calling her names but then they was talking about Ren " You know he killed his father right" Ami says and she puts her hand on Hana and Hana says " no he didn't" with a angry expression and the hits her with a uppercut so hard that it made her go over 3 tables Ren sees this and try's to go over but Ami brother Meiko stops him and pushes him and Ren hits with a left hook then sweep his legs he got knocked out the lunch room is full of teachers and students and Hana is beating all the girls going after but then the teacher stopped Ren and Hana and suspended them for the whole week and then after they leave school and on the way home Ren asks " are you okay" with a concerned expression " yes i am fine " with a sad expression she did not want to fight because when she does everyone ends up in the hospital and she knows taijutsu and 5 more famous fighting styles she learned from her mother and her father which died protecting Hana from a 5 gun man also with Ren's dad to they died fighting they won but lost to much blood the reason why Ami says " you know he killed his dad right" is because Ren jumped in to fight with them and Ren's dad pushed him out of the way and got him shot but Hana barley remember what happed she passed out and Ren as been protecting them ever since and then he feel in love with her and they decided after their dad's death they would move on and not fight in order to move on and only use it if some ones pushes them or hits them and to not let what people say get i their head but Hana has a problem with that when she was younger she was to mean so she did homeschooled and became nicer to nice she rejoined school in order to be with Ren and be with him longer if they was doing homeschooled she would not see him as much. The reason why Hana lets words get to her like is because she is to nice and she does not want to upset anyone or hurt anyone she does not want to be that person again.