Ami is dead!!!

"Ami is dead!?!?" Ren says confusingly to Hana Ami has not been to school for a couple of weeks and no one has seen her or heard from her not even her friend group rumors are going around that she is dead Ren does not believe what he is hearing but he knows it makes sense so he wonders what happed Hana is also not believing it a couple days go by and Ren still has not heard from her parents they went silent Ren thinks there parents are probably looking for her and called the cops that day he saw a lot so did Hana she thinks maybe she made Ami disappear or worse and it scares her to her core Ren goes to hanging out with Hana and while they are hanging out they see Ami and they are confused then Ami Says " Surprise" then lets go of a rope and Glue and chicken Feathers come out of nowhere and lands all of Hana and Ren and they are mad Ren says " why would you go this far" Ami says " Well it is be.." before she could finish Hana says " you are jealous that I'm with him!!" and Ami smiles and says " do not go home" then throws a smoke bomb and somehow gets away. Ren and Hana goes to Hana house 1st and sees that there is spray paint and Toilet paper all over the house also fires then they go to Ren house and it the same thing but 2x worse. Ren looks to Hana and says " she really is dumb" then calls the cops. The cops get there and they tell them and they found her and took her away before she went into the car she says " boom" then boom goes the trees. Next day and she is all over the news for her crimes.