Two truths and a lie

After both Alexander and Sandro received medical care, they had decided to go out for a drink that evening. 

Or more accurately Sandro insisted that they do so and Alexander eventually caved. Although Alexander didn't find the idea that terrible, but he wasn't going to tell Sandro that. To him it would certainly beat simply recovering in his room alone. 

The return to the restaurant Sandro and the other members of alliance had been to on their night out. Sandra found the revisiting poetic. I returned to the true first meeting place of my alliance now to usher in another ally, I wonder how many alliances have been forged over good food drinks and conversation. 

The two had walked into the restaurant and taken a seat by the bar counter, which was made from finely carved wood and a polished stone countertop. The bartender was a quiet older man who is showing signs of gray hair. He had on a professional outfit befitting his station. He seemed quiet merely awaiting the two of them to order something. 

Well, looking down at the menu drinks Alexander remembered something and glanced up at Sandro. He then proceeded to say in a casual and absent-minded tone, " Ohh yeah by the way feel free to get whatever you feel like I'll cover it.'' 

Weather raised eyebrow in a smirk syndrome asked questioningly, "Are you sure the stuff I'd be interested in getting is rather pricey? Given that they can actually affect us.'' Still looking at the menu Alexander simply shrugged before replying, "It's just money what do I care.'' 

Placing the drink menu down Sandro pointed to what he wanted while stating, "In that case then I'll have this.'' With a faint smile the bartender began preparing his drink. With slight interest Alexander looked down at what Sandro had ordered, he then decided to order the same stating to the bar tender, "I'll have one as well.'' 

The section of the drinks menu that they were ordering from was reserved exclusively for Ascended. As it was made using spirit materials and therefore could actually intoxicate them, whereas normal alcohol would not be able to do so. As it would take a substantial amount of ordinary alcohol for an Ascended to be affected. Also, ordinary humans could not consume the types of drinks the tour ordering as it would be fatal to them. 

The two enjoyed their dreams for a short while just sitting quietly within one another's company. Alexander was surprised that Sandro had been remaining quiet for so long. 

"Hey you know what we should do we should play a game!'' Stated Sandro suddenly with enthusiasm. 

Alexander sighed inwardly, thinking, I wondered how long that would take. He then asked in a questioning tone, "Will it be something that'll irritate me?'' 

Sandro answered honestly, "I don't believe so, no.'' 

Alexander nodded upon hearing that before speaking with a slight edge in his tone, "Good, because if it does, I'll put new holes in you.'' 

With a confused expression, Sandro gave Alexander a once-over before asking, "You have your sword on you?'' He asked because, at the moment, Alexander didn't have the metallic briefcase in which he kept his sword. Alexander shook his head lightly and stated simply, "No, that would be impractical, to have my sword at all times. I do keep a dagger on me, though.'' 

Sandro's eyebrows raised faintly at that. He then returned to the original topic of conversation. "The game I propose we play is simple: Two Truths and a Lie. We'll take turns picking topics of discussion, and we both give two truths and a lie based on the topic. If you're able to deduce the lie, the other person has to take a drink. If you fail to discern the lie, you take a drink.'' 

With a slightly amused expression, Alexander asked, "Is this just an excuse for me to buy you more drinks?'' 

Sandro smirked and simply shrugged in response. 

He then gave the first prompt with curiosity, "How about our family upbringing and stuff like that?'' 

Alexander stared at his empty glass for a moment before responding. Leaning back in his chair, he said, "Sure, I'll start first. I grew up wealthy. Despite my parents' busy lifestyle, they always managed to make time for me. In my youth, I befriended a lot of our servants.'' 

Sandro answered immediately, with little hesitation, "Your parents had time for you—that's the lie, isn't it!'' 

Alexander gestured to the bartender and said, "Bartender, would you mind getting my acquaintance here a drink?'' 

Sandro was surprised at this; he had been certain he'd guessed correctly. "So, the lie was that you befriended your staff?'' he asked, confused. 

Tilting his empty glass, Alexander glanced at Sandro and replied, "I've never been one for socializing.'' 

Downing his drink in a few gulps, Sandro wiped his lips with his thumb before saying, "Well, I suppose it's my turn. Here goes: I grew up an orphan who was raised by a foster family. I was incredibly popular in my village. I spent most of my free time helping out businesses in the village.'' 

Alexander glanced at Sandro before giving a simple and direct answer. "The lie is that you had a foster family.'' 

Dejected, Sandro called over the bartender for another drink. In a playfully annoyed tone, he said, "How did you guess that? I was sure you wouldn't catch it.'' 

Alexander turned his head, making direct eye contact with Sandro. Despite guessing correctly, he signaled the bartender to bring him a drink as well. After taking a sip, he simply stated, "I have a good eye for sensing pain.''