
One of the girls, surprised, jumped and called out Kannazuki's name.

"K-kannazuki senpai!!!"

She had immediately recognized him; he was the senpai whose presentations she loved to listen to during her free periods.

"What are you doing here, senpai?"

"Would the girls have set a trap for me by any chance? It already seemed suspicious, but now that Kannazuki senpai shows up, I'm sure, they sold me out."

"And if that's not the case, what will he think of me for letting myself be dragged into this kind of gathering?"

"It just so happens I was invited to replace Ichigusa senpai, who didn't show up!" (Kannazuki)

Kannazuki said this as honestly as possible.

"You didn't have to put him down," thought the two senpai who were accompanying him. That was their little thought for Ichigusa.

Kannazuki took out his phone for a moment and fiddled with it before putting it back in place.

"Let them take their seats first, Chinatsu."

"I-I'm sorry!" Chinatsu replied, looking embarrassed.

After briefly apologizing for their slight delay, they sat down.

"Well, we all come from the same school, so we more or less know each other, but since there were some unexpected events, let's do the introductions again!"

"Alright, I'm Takaheya Ryojima, third-year, fifth semester in business."

"Now it's my turn, Hajime Gin, also in the third year, studying law."

So that's what their names were, thought Kannazuki. Although he appreciated them for their consideration, he had forgotten their names and first names. But now it was his turn to introduce himself.

"My name is Kannazuki Satoshi, second-year, studying technology."

While introducing himself, he locked eyes with Chinatsu, who, slightly embarrassed, looked away.

"Your turn, girls. It seems that some of you haven't met Satoshi yet." (Takaheya)

"Okay," the other two responded, though Chinatsu didn't seem very enthusiastic. After all, they all knew him.

"Tsukinoshita Mai, third year in business, happy to be here today."

"My turn, Konohana Setsuna, third year in law, also happy to be here."

"Niseki Chinatsu, first-year in human resource management."

With the introductions done, Kannazuki now understood the situation and the circumstances that led to this meeting.

"Now that the introductions are done, maybe it's time to place an order!?" (Takaheya)

Ryojima often took the initiative, just like this time. I deduce that he came up with this idea, thought Kannazuki, but his analysis quickly evolved.

"Order whatever you want, it's on me!!!" (Hajime)

Or rather, at the request of the other two, he had organized this meeting. So, he must already have a girlfriend among them. This is more of a date than a friendly gathering.

"Well, let's just see how things develop!"

Everyone made their orders: a parfait for Kannazuki, flan for Hajime, Chinatsu preferred a cream cake, Tsukinoshita and Konohana went for cake but with different flavors, while Ryojima was satisfied with a simple coffee.

Everyone satisfied, they moved on with the plan: meet at Café Noble, then go bowling, afterward head to karaoke, and finally find a restaurant to end the day.

12:45 PM

There were few people at the bowling alley. Ryojima left them alone for a few seconds to handle everything, then joined them. After his return, they all settled in.

An idea began to form in Tsukinoshita's mind to take advantage of the situation, and she didn't hesitate to propose it.

The "Survival FallenQuille" (she had just invented this name), a team challenge game.

She then explained the rules and team assignments.

"Of course, let's go with a game of ten frames, if that works for you, since the number of pins will determine our score. If we miss a spare in two throws, our teammate will give us a penalty for the next throw if the score is under 8. And we play one after the other. So, always aim for a strike."

"The losing team will pay for the meal, but if their score exceeds 150, everyone will pay."

These rules didn't bother any of the participants, and the teams were quickly decided. After all, some had come with specific objectives, and all this only confirmed Kannazuki's thoughts.

Team A

Takaheya Ryojima + Konohana Setsuna

Team B

Hajime Gin + Tsukinoshita Mai

Team C

Kannazuki Satoshi + Niseki Chinatsu

"Say, senpai, if you miss your spare, as a penalty, I'd like to ask you if you really planned on coming with us?" (Chinatsu)

"(Konohana) A penalty for a throw!?"

"(Kannazuki) Don't jinx us, please, I've already told you, they found me on the way."

"(Tsukinoshita) That's more kitten-like than anything."

Everyone gave a slight smile, but Kannazuki remained stoic.

After all, Chinatsu hoped they would lose the game. How much would a meal for all these people cost?

The "Survival FallenQuille" had begun!!!

Right from the start, Team B slightly dominated the game. Hajime and Tsukinoshita complemented each other perfectly, and their good rapport was really annoying to the other two teams.

Team A seemed destined to pay for the meal they had promised, in addition to enduring the penalties that were increasingly deviating from their original purpose. It had become a way for them to get closer.

"(Takaheya) Setsuna, you just missed a chance to make a spare, and you only got six pins. Ready for your penalty?"

"(Konohana) Well, it's harder than it looks! What will it be this time?"

"(Takaheya) How about a massage? My shoulders are stiff after this turn."

Setsuna complied while waiting for her turn or Takaheya's.

"(Niseki) Kannazuki senpai, can you help me? I want to do better this time, guide me and I'll just release the ball."

"(Kannazuki) Alright!"

He approached and positioned himself behind her. She blushed slightly as she realized she was putting herself in an embarrassing situation.

Her hand guided by his, she panicked a little. The ball slid, describing a curved trajectory before straightening up and hitting the pins.

It was a strike, her first one.

"(Tsukinoshita) Wait, isn't that cheating?"

"This is clearly not playing fair!!!"

"What's the point of penalties otherwise?"

"(Konohana) Now that you feel threatened, you're appealing to the rules. What's the point of forming teams if we can't help each other?"

"(Hajime) That's not wrong!"

"(Konohana) Maybe we should remove the penalties?"

"Otherwise, you're being pretty forward today, Chinatsu!!!"

Niseki was embarrassed.

"(Kannazuki) Stop teasing Niseki, Konohana-senpai. Since penalties can't be removed, especially when it's you collecting them."

Kannazuki's words had an effect on Konohana.

She realized her strategy was being countered. At this rate, not only would their team pay for the meal, but she would also be stuck with all the penalties, as Takaheya was having a field day being the only one keeping the team together.

I'm too lazy!!!

Thought Kannazuki, his bad habit taking over.

1:30 PM

A ringtone sounded in the room from Kannazuki's phone. He then stepped outside, pretending to answer a call, which was actually just an alarm he had set earlier.

They had followed him just like that, and also because they were looking for something to do. But this little game was starting to bore him; none of the three girls present really interested him.

He walked a bit in front of the room, wondering if he should come up with an excuse to slip away. Or should he do it right now? He decided to do it right then and there, a very quick decision on his part.

1:05 PM

While walking along the street, after reaching the building right after the room, a truck traveling at very high speed crashed into the building, throwing Kannazuki far away; he died on the spot. Other pedestrians were directly crushed between the wall and the truck; at least five people were crushed.

Seconds later, a wave of panic engulfed the area. People were naturally moving away from the spot. Alerted by the noise, Takaheya and the others came out to see what was happening; Kannazuki's lifeless body lay there.

Niseki rushed to him but was stopped by Hajime. She just cried while Hajime simply looked away. Konohana and Tsukinoshita, visibly shocked, couldn't bear the sight, one of them even felt nauseous and didn't hesitate to vomit.

The police had already been notified; they should be there in a few minutes.

The sound of a click, muffled by the ambient noise, came from the car, a sound similar to a countdown.