Chapter 4: Greyjoy Rebellion part 3

If you want to help me financially, you can do it on

The man blinked, then turned and waved towards the south. "He went that way, milord, towards the harbor. Said we'd go with him we would, but he told us to stay here and wait for you, milord. Said it'd be safer."

"And he was right on that assumption." Ned muttered to himself before turning towards his men. "Ten of you, stay here with the people and aid them in fighting off any lingering Ironborn reavers. The rest of you with me, we ride for the harbor and aid Master Nox."

Climbing back onto his horse, the smallfolk of Barrowton made quick work in creating a narrow path that would allow the cavalry to pass through their barricade two at a time. Strangely enough, their time between the barricade and the harbor passed without incident with nary an Ironborn in sight. A fact which set Ned on edge, as well as many of his men. But when they arrived at the harbor, the reason for the lack of Ironborn became very apparent.

"Gods save us," one of the men near him muttered as the harbor came into a view. It was a sentiment that was echoed by many of his men.

Ned was of mind to agree with his men. The harbor had been turned into a graveyard. Dozens of Ironborn lay dead across the docks, some in pieces. Worst of all, almost all the northern vessels that'd been anchored on the docks were scuttled. But thankfully enough, the Ironborn long ships were still intact. Abandoned, yet intact.

"My lord!" one of his men shouted, pointing westwards down the docks. "Movement over there!"

Pulling his horse around, Ned followed where his man was pointing. "To arms, men!" Ned shouted, raising Ice as he spotted a lone reaver running towards them, a crazed look in the man's eye. But despite expecting more to appear behind him, the reaver stood alone against the men of House Stark. 'What drives a man to attack such numbers alone?'

Without warning, the reaver froze mid step. His eyes widened with fear as he was suddenly hoisted into the air while clutching at his throat as if some invisible force had a hold of him. The man flailed about in the air for a second before flying backwards away from Ned. His movements ceased when a bright red blade erupted from the center of his chest, ending his life. The blade was wrench free and the body tossed aside, revealing Nox to be the one that ended the reaver's life.

Ned was not a follower of the Seven, no matter what some believed. But in the that moment, seeing Nox in black garb and mask, blood red sword held at his side and the cold feeling of death that almost seemed to be radiating from the man, Ned honestly would've sworn that Nox was the Stranger incarnate. 'This…This is what he meant when he explained that a Darth is death itself. He was not lying on that matter.'

"Lord Stark, I regret to inform you that the Ironborn managed to destroy most of the Northern vessels before I could arrive," Nox's voice was calm, almost devoid of everything, as if he were merely discussing the weather with him instead of delivering a report on a battle while surrounded by dozens of dead. "However, I have managed to procure the North a fleet of Ironborn long ships. They won't be needing them anymore."

"Aye, I can see that," Ned nodded, taking note of the dead reavers scattered throughout the harbor. Sheathing Ice, an action which prompted the rest of him men to follow suit, Ned pulled his horse around. "You men will stay here and secure the harbor and take any Ironborn still alive prisoner if possible. You there, give your horse to Master Nox. I need to have words with Lady Dustin." His men immediately moved to follow his commands. The soldier he'd told to dismount did so immediately, allowing Nox to take his horse in turn.

"So, what can we expect from this Lady Dustin?" Nox asked him as the two rode away from the docks and towards the main keep of Barrowton. "When you mentioned her before, I sensed trepidation in you. Why would that be? She is your banner lady, is she not?"

"Aye, she is," Ned nodded. "But there is…history between Bethany Dustin and House Stark. Unfortunately, it is not a pleasant history. And that is all that I will say on the matter for now."

"As you wish," Nox conceded, as the two continued in silence.

As they rode up the hill that housed the main keep of Barrowton, Barrow Hall, Nox took the time to carefully examine the seat of House Dustin. While the keep itself was made of stone, the walls surrounding the keep were made primarily of wood with stone square towers. Not that ideal for defense, but its position upon the hill did give it the defensive capabilities to fight off invaders.

As Nox and Stark rode through the main gates of Barrow Hall, the dozens of men milling about the courtyard immediately ceased whatever they were doing and turned towards them. Almost as one, the men of the yard began cheering for the two. Their relief that the assault on their town had ended was so thick in the air that Nox could almost taste it. But despite the joyful atmosphere surrounding them, there was a black spot. A pool of…well, 'hatred' was not quite the right word. Disdain was more apt. The black whorl of emotion stood in such contrast to the rest of the people celebrating in the yard that it stood out like a search light in the dark.

'Lady Barbery Dustin, no doubt.' Nox thought, focusing in on the tall and relatively attractive woman standing with her back straight at the entrance to the main keep. 'A complicated, unpleasant history indeed, Stark, if this is her reaction to your mere presence. Even after you and your men helped to liberate her city from Ironborn reavers.'

Despite her internal feelings towards her liege Lord, Lady Dustin kept her outward appearance completely devoid of all emotion as Nox and Stark dismounted from their horses less than a few paces away from the entrance of the keep. "Lord Stark," Lady Dustin greeted her liege Lord coolly, her eyes briefly passing over Nox before dismissing him and refocusing on Stark. "Your assistance is…welcome. I'm glad to see that you brought more than a stallion with you this time."

The remark was spiked with utter contempt from Lady Dustin and brought about a quick ping of remorse within Stark. "Lady Dustin," Stark returned her greeting just as coolly. "Barrowton is of the North, as I am. I will do whatever I can to defend its people. I am heartened that we were able to arrive before the reavers managed to do too much damage."

Keeping his distance, Nox carefully observed the verbal volleying between Stark and Lady Dustin. While he hadn't truly considered Stark to be completely politically savvy, this interaction alone proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he wasn't a complete novice. "Yes, heartening indeed," Lady Dustin acknowledged. "And tell me, how many reavers managed to escape from the harbor and how many Northern ladies have they taken to rape? Or northern men to turn into thralls on their ships?"

"None," Stark countered quickly, drawing Lady Dustin up short. "Master Nox here managed to cut off the Ironborn's escape long enough for the men of House Stark and your own House to bring the raid to complete end without a single reaver ship managing to escape."

At the mention of his name, Nox could hear several murmurs of 'sorcerer' being muttered about the yard. 'Interesting. It seems that my reputation has indeed spread throughout the North quickly. Amazing, considering this lands lack of quick information exchange.'

As for Lady Dustin, she turned her attention back to him, her disdain diminishing and being replaced with a bought of curiosity. "Ah, your foreign sorcerer. We've heard tales of him. Each more unlikely than the last."

A challenge. Despite her obvious disdain for all things related to the Starks, Nox found himself taking a liking to the woman. Not one individual since he'd made an example of the Stark guardsmen on his first day in Winterfell had dared to talk to him so. It was…refreshing, after a fashion. "I assure you, Lady Dustin," Nox replied, stepping forward and taking a slight bow with a smirk firmly in place. "If anything, the stories that you have heard of me have been greatly watered down."

Lady Dustin stared at him, as if she were trying to figure out if he was trying to play her for a fool. "Time will tell, Master Nox," she said, cutting his title sharply before moving back to Stark. "I'm afraid that with your sudden arrival and the turmoil that we just experienced, I cannot have rooms prepared for you and your men within Barrow Hall at this moment, Lord Stark."

Nor did she want to have rooms available either, Nox noted, seeing through her ploy with relative ease. Stark didn't seem to mind in the least however, as he merely nodded. "You and your people come first, my Lady. I see will see to it that I and my men are situated in town. And we shall pay for our time here as well."

Obviously whatever reaction Lady Dustin expected from Stark, him simply going along with her denial of giving him rooms and offering to pay for his stay as well was not among them. "I see," Lady Dustin nodded slowly. "Well then, if there is nothing else, Lord Stark, I must beg your leave. There is much work still to be done in the aftermath of this attack."

"Of course, Lady Dustin," Stark agreed. "Should you have need of my men, you need only ask."

Without waiting for another word, Lady Dustin turned heel and marched back into the keep. Leaving her men rushing to keep up with her retreating form. "Well," Nox chuckled once the doors to Barrow Hall closed. "That's an interesting woman. And I can see what you mean by a complicated history. That woman…"

"Hates me," Stark finished for him. "Aye, I know."

"No, I wouldn't say hate." Nox replied. "That's too simple a word. Disdain I think is more apt. And, if I do say so, Lord Stark, such feelings are usually not garnered without reason."

Turning away from Barrow Hall and Nox, Stark easily swung himself back up into his saddle. "That…is a long story Nox."

Shrugging, Nox hefted himself back up into the saddle, wincing slightly at the saddle sores that he knew were developing on his thighs. "Well, we have a week at best before the closest of your bannermen begin to arrive. I'd say we have time for a 'long story'."

Flicking his reigns, Stark led the two of them away from Barrow Hall and back into the streets of Barrowton. "I suppose to tell the tale correctly, I need to go back to when I was but a boy and fostered in the Vale and my elder brother Brandon was sent to foster in the Rills under House Ryswell, Lady Dustin's House of birth."

While Nox and Stark had been hoping to spend only a week or two at best in Barrowton, they'd ended up spending nearly three before the last of the Northern Lords who were to ride with Stark managed to all arrive. Thankfully the time had been well spent repairing what few Northern sea vessels were salvageable and altering the Ironborn long boats to better suit their needs. But even after spending nearly a month in Barrowton, that was only the start of the waiting. They then had to spend another week on the seas before they managed to arrive at the Iron Isles.

And after over a month of doing next to nothing, Nox was growing more than slightly anxious. Anxious for the chance to finally cut lose once more. To utilize the Force to its fullest. The fight once more. 'I'm going to have to develop a new means of faster travel.' Nox thought to himself as he stood near the bow of the ship carrying himself, Stark and the men of House Stark. 'The problem is, what type of propulsion would be feasible in this era? A piston engine, perhaps. But there in lays the problem. No one has used such a propulsion system in many thousands of years! The idea is simple enough…but how to execute it is another matter completely.'

As the ship slowly pulled towards the docks, Nox put aside thoughts for the future and refocused himself on the here and now. He had a war to win after all. Stepping off the northern sea vessel, Nox took in the town of Lordsport, the main port town belonging the island of Pyke, the home of Castle Pike and the seat of House Greyjoy. The town was, to put it mildly, a shit hole. But that wasn't necessarily the Iron Islanders' fault. The forces belonging to the crown, the Westerlands, the Reach and the Riverlands had done a number on the settlement. Numerous buildings had been burned down to the ground and the dead were still laying in piles in the streets while the victors drunkenly celebrated in the streets.

"I hate war," Lord Stark mumbled next to him as the two men made their way off the docks with Jory Cassel and Ser Rodrik Cassel flanking them on either side. Several of men at arms stopped their celebrating as they noticed their arrival. But besides that, they did nothing to stop them from entering the ruined remains of the town.

"Pathetic." Nox mumbled, not caring the least that the drunken celebrators could hear him. "Not one person has tried to question our arrival. Even though over half of our fleet were made of Ironborn vessels, they did nothing to halt us from approaching their main camp. Incompetence doesn't even begin to describe it."

"I would not have put it so," Lord Stark said back. "But you are correct. Victory is no reason for watchers being lax in their duties."

Rounding a building, the two men and their escort found themselves before a small castle. Although again, to call it a castle was being generous. The building was little more than a stone mansion that had a wooden palisade surrounding it. "King Robert will be in there." Lord Stark stated, turning towards Nox. "I'll go and announce our arrival. Try not to get into trouble."

"You wound me, Lord Stark," Nox replied almost mockingly. "I don't get into trouble. Trouble just has a habit of finding me wherever I go."

Stark snorted in mild amusement. "I'll believe that when I see it. Jory, stay with him. Ser Rodrik, you're with me."

"Yes, my lord," Ser Rodrik and Jory said at the same time before the elder marched to follow his liege Lord.

Once the two men were beyond the palisade, Nox turned on his heel and marched back into town. He'd sensed something the moment they docked, and he was not about to let what he sensed continue any longer. Not while he was around. "Gods, Master Nox, slow down!" Jory called out to him as the younger man had to nearly jog to keep up with him. "Where are you going in such a hurry? The battle for the town is long over."

"The battle may be over," Nox replied. "But the fighting has not yet ceased."

Coming to the outskirts of town, the two men found themselves staring at a larger house just beyond the border of the town near the shoreline. Standing just outside the house were two men dressed in leather armor and armed with one-handed swords that were hanging off their waists. Both men were filled with…glee and pride. And complete lack of caring for what was going on behind them, save that they wanted a chance themselves. He didn't need to reach out with the Force to know that this house was the source of the disturbance he'd felt. "Jory, you might want to go and fetch Lord Stark."

The young captain looked first at Nox and then towards the house in the distance. "Those are Westerland men…Master Nox…what are you—?"

"You'd best run, Jory," Nox remarked as he began marching towards the house. "Lord Stark will want to know that I'm about to start some trouble."

To his credit, Jory didn't hesitate. The moment Nox had finished speaking, the young captain was already making for the small castle as fast as his legs could carry him.

As he got closer to the house, he could hear them. A pair of cries and screams for mercy coming from within the house. 'Civilized society, my ass,' Nox growled as he let the dark side fuel him as he marched closer and closer to the house. The two men standing outside remained completely oblivious to his presence until he was almost right on top of them. And even then, the only reason they noticed him was because they both shivered as Nox extended his presence outwards.

"H – Halt," one of the men said nervously as Nox continued to channel more and more of the dark side into himself and forcing his presence outwards to the point where both men were visibly shaking. "W – Who are you a–and why ar—?"

He didn't give the man the chance to finish. The moment he reached them, he lashed out with his right fist, burying it into the man's diaphragm. This forced all the air out of his lungs and made him collapse in a heap on the ground. The second guard managed to only get an inch of steel pulled from his sheath before Nox's right hook caught the man in the jaw. Like his counterpart, the man went down in a heap as he cradled his more than likely broken jaw, leaving Nox with no opposition.

Stepping up to the door, he raised his foot and kicked out. The door didn't just give way. No, the force of his kick sent tore the door clean off its hinges and flung it clear across the small room beyond. For just a split second, Nox stared at what he'd done with more than a hint of embarrassed surprise. 'Okay…maybe a little too much anger there.'

Stepping into the house, Nox surveilled the scene beyond in a split second. And his anger reached a level he'd not felt in a long, long time. There were four men in the room. One was dead and three were without pants. One man was holding an older woman face down while a second was thrusting into her from behind. And the third, their leader judging by the better armor he was wearing, was forcing himself upon a girl who looked as if she had just entered her teenage years, if that.

"What the fuck?!" the man who'd been forcing himself up the young girl yelled. His pig-like face contorted into a snarl, but he kept going at the girl. "If you want a fucking turn, then you'll have to fucking wait."

Nox crossed the expanse in the time it took most to blink. Grabbing a fistful of the man's armor, the steel folding in on itself within his grip, Nox turned and hurled the man through the wall of the house, creating a man-sized hole in the wall. The other two men started to scramble for their weapons, the older woman laying forgotten in a pile of her own tears. Lashing out with his foot, Nox caught the first in the jaw and the second in the gut, putting both men down. Grabbing a leg of each man in each hand, Nox dragged the two offenders to the entrance and threw them both on top of their Lording leader who'd yet to right himself.

Turning his back on the five groaning men outside, Nox took in the sight of the two women before him. The older woman had managed to recover enough to cross the room to the younger girl and had wrapped her up in her arms, her modesty completely forgotten as she laid bare before him.

Nox took a half step towards the two women, but then stopped as the young girl started crying again the older woman flinched at his presence. Squatting down slowly, Nox picked up one of the discarded red cloaks on the floor and tossed it over to the older woman. "Cover yourselves. But stay close to me. I'm not done yet."

Turning on his heel, Nox marched out of the house. Just outside, the three pants-less men and two still fully clothed men had managed to get back to their feet. Predictably, all were now sporting bruises and cuts from where he'd hit them.

"You…You fucking idiot!" the leader screamed at him. "Do you have any fucking idea who I am? I am—!"

"A dead man," Nox monotoned, cutting the Lord off mid-rant. "A naked dead man with incredible small cock at that."

The pig-faced man went completely red faced. "Give me a fucking sword! I'm cutting this fucker down right here and no—!"

"What the fuck is going on here?"

The five men in red armor all immediately dropped to their knees, but Nox remained standing as a group of ten men approached.