Chapter 7: Winter Years part 1

If you want to help me financially, you can do it on

Keeping a tight hold on his horse's reigns, Ned Stark had to resist the urge to press his horse into a faster pace as the landscape around them began to become steadily more and more recognizable as they grew closer to Winterfell. In comparison to his time at the Vale or during Robert's Rebellion, the Greyjoy Rebellion had caused him only to part from Winterfell for only a short duration of time, nearly two moons. But even then, it felt like an eternity. Especially with the news that awaited him once they'd returned to Northern soil. 'Cat has given birth. A son. A second son. The second child born of our union that I was not there to witness.'

"And these…Mandalorians, they are able to defeat your kind?"

Looking over his shoulder, Ned spotted his two new charges riding near the sorcerer that'd managed to change so much in such a short period of time. For pretty much the entirety of the boat ride from the Iron Islands back to the North, Ned was fearful that either Theon or Asha, Asha especially as she was the eldest, would try to bring some form of harm to Nox. An effort that would no doubt lead to either one or both Ironborn wards to be seriously injured at best, or dead at worst.

But to his utmost surprise, not only did that event not come to pass, but the exact opposite seemed to be happening. Both of his wards seemed to be growing somewhat fond of the sorcerer. Or, more accurately, Asha was relaxing and coming to terms with being in his presence and young Theon was following her lead in the matter. It helped immensely that Nox was so incredibly persuasive. The man had captured the imagination of Asha and young Theon early in their journey by telling them a few tales of his homeland. Whether they were true or not, Ned couldn't tell, and none of the tales revealed details or specifics of his home beyond what had already been discussed. But the tales had done their job in creating a sort of truce between Nox and the wards.

Asha seemed especially interested in the tales of these 'Mandalorians', as Nox called them. As did many of the Northern Lords and men, namely the Great Jon, who decided to accompany the Starks back north instead of heading south in order to participate in a Tournament that Tywin Lannister was organizing on orders from Robert to celebrate the defeat of the Ironborn. These Mandalorians were apparently a warrior sect from his homeland that were dedicated their lives to the art of war and honor. And were, by Nox's own accounts, men and women that were able to match the sorcerers and sorceresses, these Sith and Jedi, of his homeland step for step on the battlefield. Such a group was of great interest to the two wards, and to Ned as well. For any group of warriors that held to honor as Nox described, and could go match even the likes of Nox, were a people he was very interested in getting to know. For his part, Nox didn't seem to have any qualms about describing a sect of warriors that were capable of defeating those like him.

"Sometimes," Nox answered Asha. "A fight between a Mandalorian and a Sith or Jedi had no definite outcome. Although there were many who didn't believe it to be so. But just because one is skilled or powerful, does not make them invincible. A single lucky arrow fired when the target is not paying attention can fell even the greatest. So, what does that mean?"

"It means archery is better in combat?" Theon answered, to which Asha immediately slapped her brother upside the back of his head.

"Think first before sprouting off at the mouth, Theon," Asha chided her brother. "It means that it doesn't matter how strong or skilled you are, you can still die from an unforeseen attack."

"Exactly," Nox nodded. "One must remain vigilant and not allow their skills to become lax over time. The Mandalorians had that edge. Their entire life was dedicated to art of combat and – ah. I see that we have arrived already. Time certainly does pass one by when talking on a subject you enjoy."

Ned nearly jumped out of his saddle as he looked ahead and spotted the tall grey walls of Winterfell in the distance. 'By the gods…I need to stop getting so distracted by Nox and his tales.' Ned sighed before feeling his spirits lift at the thought of what awaited them within the walls of his home. "Come," Ned commanded, tapping his horse's flanks with his heels to set their pace at a trot. "We will be within the walls within an hour at this pace. Let us not delay any longer."

None of the men, or women, argued with him as the thought of the end of their long journey renewed their spirits. Within the hour they were passing through the walls of Winterfell, the warmth coming from the hot springs that warmed the keep washing over them. The main road that lead through Winterfell and towards the inner castle was lined with all the denizens of Winterfell as they came out of their homes to welcome their Lord and loved one's home. As they passed through another small wall and into the inner castle, Ned's joy increased tenfold as he spotted his wife, son and daughters standing in a line waiting for him along with Maester Luwin and Lord Manderly. His joy was dampened slightly at noticing how Jon had been forced to stand back several paces an in line with the servants of the Keep, but he pushed that out of his mind for now. There would be time to deal with his placement. For now, he wanted to hold his family and see the newest addition to the pack.

"My Lord Husband," Cat greeted him as he dismounted from his horse, a bundle held firmly in her arms. "Welcome home, my love."

"Cat," Ned smiled, approaching his wife and wrapping her in his arms, being careful not to disrupt the bundle in her arms. Despite the differences they had and no matter what Ned's heart constantly yelled at him, she was his wife, the mother of his children. And he truly did care for her. "It is good to be home."

Pulling back from him, Cat graced him with a smile that lightened her face. "Husband, I present to you your second true son."

Her statement wasn't lost on Ned, and he was glad that her words were said quietly enough to barely pass beyond the two of them. Taking the bundle from her arms, he carefully pulled back on the edge of the blanket, revealing a small face beneath. While Sansa and Robb may have taken after their mother in terms of their looks, Arya and the little one in his arms were without a doubt Stark. "He's perfect." Ned smiled, looking up at his wife. "What is his name?"

"Brandon Stark," Cat said proudly. "After your brother and the founder of your House."

"A good name." Ned nodded, handing his new son back to his wife, but not before leaning in and giving Cat a quick kiss. "Thank you, Cat."

Cat's eyes shined with happiness and pride as she stepped back and allowed Ned access to the rest of their children. "Robb, Sansa, Arya, come here you." He laughed as he gathered up his children, bestowing hugs and kisses between them all before finding himself before Lord Wyman Manderly.

The Lord of White Harbor had a smile on his face as he watched Ned disentangle himself from his children. "You will forgive me, my Lord, if I do not greet you as such. I'm afraid that not only would your arms not reach around me, but I fear my wife would get jealous if she hears the tale of me kissing someone else."

"Aye, I can imagine," Ned nodded, his mood light as he greeted the Lord. "I thank you, Lord Manderly, on behalf of House Stark for your aid during my absence. And the King sends his regards and thanks along as well. To you and your sons for their repelling of the Ironborn attack on Dragonstone."

Manderly's chest puffed out, an impressive feat considering the man's girth, at the praise. "I will ensure that my sons hear of the King's regards, my Lord."

Lastly, Ned made his way through the line and greeted his 'bastard' son. "Jon," Ned smiled, squatting down in front of the boy.

Jon seemed to be almost surprised at being greeted, but his face split into a wide smile and Ned could almost feel the joy emanating from the young boy. "Fa – Lord Stark. I am glad to see you."

"And I you, Jon," Ned smiled, ruffling the boy's hair. "Did you do as I instructed and support your brother during my absence?"

Jon's eyes flickered briefly towards the rest of his family. "Yes f – Lord Stark. As best I could."

"Good." Ned smiled again, before patting Jon on the shoulder and making his way back towards the line of men and women that'd rode with him.

Motioning his two new wards forward, Ned introduced them to his family. "Wife, children. This is Asha Greyjoy and Theon Greyjoy. From this moment onwards they are wards here at Winterfell and are to be treated as if they are part of the pack. Understand?"

"Yes, father."

"Yes, Lord Stark," his family and the servants of Winterfell answered as he ushered Asha and Theon forward.

"Good. Robb, Jon, please see Asha and Theon to their rooms. Maester Luwin, Lord Manderly. I would like to have words with you both before we attend the feast tonight. You as well, Nox. We need to discuss some of the ideas you talked to me about during the voyage home."

The courtyard immediately began to disperse as the people of Winterfell began returning to their assigned tasks. Behind him, Ned noticed Nox hanging behind for a moment, talking to the Ironborn woman and young girl that he rescued from Lorch. After a quiet conversation, he watched as Nox handed the two a small coin purse before making his way towards Ned.

"I wasn't sure if they'd had quarters assigned or not." Nox said, answering Ned's unasked question. "So, I gave them some coin to put them up in Winterfell for a week or so until we can iron out the details of what they'll be doing here."

'That's right,' Ned thought as the two made their way through the great keep and towards Ned's solar, followed closely by Luwin and Manderly. Once they'd arrived, Ned had to resist the urge to head straight for his bed, and instead made his way to his desk and sat down. "Alright," Ned began, looking at Maester Luwin and Lord Manderly especially. "Now that formalities have been observed, I want the truth. How did my son perform during my absence?"

"He performed admirably for a boy his age, my Lord," Wyman answered after taking a moment. "He was as patient as he could be when dealing with the smallfolk, and he wasn't afraid to ask for advice from either myself or Maester Luwin when dealing with certain matters. And anything that was presented that was too much of a decision for him, he was able to set the matter aside until your return."

Hearing how well his son of only seven name-days performed made Ned swell with pride. Robb would be a good Lord of Winterfell in the future. "And what of Jon?"

And the mention of his bastard, both Wyman and Luwin looked uneasy. "Young Jon…did his best to do as you instructed, my Lord." Luwin answered tactfully.

"Which is barely a half truth," Nox cut in before Ned could. "Something or someone was preventing Jon from giving Robb aid. Is that the truth?"

Again, both men looked uneasy. "My lord," Wyman began slowly. "It is not my place to question yours or your Lady of Winterfell's authority, especially in your absence. But the Lady Cat all but forbade young Jon from being present during court."

The joy that'd been steadily building within him turned slightly. 'Gods, I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with this so soon.' "How was she preventing him? Did she outright forbid Jon from attending court at Robb's side?"

"No," Maester Luwin answered quickly. "But young Jon did have a fair amount of duties and chores to perform. And those usually prevented him from attending court alongside your heir."

Ned could see the truth between the words Luwin was speaking. Cat had assigned Jon extra work to keep him away from court and away from Robb. While not against what he'd commanded, his wife also hadn't abided by his word. It was not a pleasant situation. "I will have words with Cat regarding Jon and his future." Ned spoke after a long silence. Truthfully, it didn't matter what potential plans Ned might've had in mind for the boy a few months ago. Jon's future was now tied to Nox. "But for now, Nox has plans that we need to discuss the feasibility of achieving."

"Thank you, Lord Stark," Nox nodded, taking the offered opening. "Maester Luwin, how much glass have we managed to produce so far?"

"Enough to add an addition onto our existing glass gardens, but not enough to construct a new glass garden," Luwin answered almost immediately as if he were expecting the question.

"That is not enough." Nox sighed. "The air is growing colder with each passing day. Ideally, we need to construct a new glass garden or two before the snows come. We can still produce during winter, but it will be much harder to assemble the gardens when our men are ass deep in snow."

"The issue isn't the production, Master Nox," Wyman added, wiping at his forehead. "It's the materials."

"Then let us solve that issue through trade." Nox countered. "I'm sure Dorne would be open to trading with us considering our gift to them."

Wyman and Luwin cast one another a brief look of confusion. "Gift? Master Nox?"

"Aye, a gift." Ned nodded. "The hands of Ser Armory Lorch, who was found guilty through a Trial by Combat after he and his men were found raping a young mother and her daughter."

Maester Luwin blanched at the thought, while Wyman merely shook his head. "Should've figured that bastard would keep doing what he was doing. A shame the King didn't let us just execute the man after what he did at the end of the Rebellion. Who did he fight against?"

"Me," Nox answered. "The man was a butcher and a sadist, but in truth had little skill when it came to combat. I crushed him and his men. Literally and figuratively."

Not wanting to relive the fight, Ned moved the discussion forward. "Regardless of what happened, Lorch has finally been brought to justice. Wyman, I'm entrusting you to deliver our gift and open trade negotiations with Dorne."

"You honor me, Lord Stark," Wyman bowed. "I will deliver the hands personally and will not return without an agreement between the North and Dorne."

"I couldn't ask for a better choice to handle this, Wyman," Ned nodded his thanks. "We can discuss the details later, but for now, Nox has several more projects for us to start on. Some of which will require your assistance, Maester Luwin."

Maester Luwin perked up considerably. After Nox's showing of the glass, Ned knew that the aging Maester was excited to see what other secrets he could learn from the sorcerer. "Of course, my Lord. Master Nox, what plans do you—?"

A hand thick pile of papers dropping onto the surface of Ned's desk cut Maester Luwin off. 'Gods, where was he hiding all of that?' Ned wondered as he stared at the stack of papers of his desk. 'I swear the man has the ability to make objects appear and disappear at will! Although, considering the powers he showed on Pyke, such a thing is probably tedious for him.'

"We can start with some of the simpler projects," Nox began, picking up the first sheet of paper and handing it off to Luwin, who began to eagerly devour whatever was on the paper. "However, there is one item that we will need before we can proceed. And that is a steady supply of metal and the ability to make large quantities of high-grade steel as well. Have you managed to complete the blast furnace per the plans that I presented to you before the war began?"

Taking the offered paper from Maester Luwin, Ned looked down at the strange devise that was drawn in surprising detail on the page. 'It looks like a press of some kind. But for what?'

"The foundation has been laid for both the furnace and the windmill in Winter Town," Maester Luwin answered. "But I fear without your…unique abilities that construction has been slow. It will take at least another moon's turn or more before your 'blast furnace' can be used."

Nox winced at that. "Not ideal. At least it will give us time to gather the iron ore that we'll need. But for now, we can begin constructing various parts and pieces that do not require metal. And, while we're on the subject, I would like to ask something of you, Lord Stark."

Setting down the paper, Ned picked up another from the stack, this one depicting a strange metal coil of some kind. "What is it?"

"I would ask for your permission to begin renovations on the First Keep and the Broken Tower."

Setting aside the paper, which Wyman immediately picked up, Ned gave Nox his full attention. "To what end?"

Holding his hands behind his back, Nox spoke slowly as he outlined his plans. "The First Keep, you well know, is dilapidated and has been left in such a state for decades, if not centuries. During the winter years, it can house citizens of the North, but outside of that it serves little purpose. It is, for all intents and purposes now, a waste of space. I plan to change that for the better. We can transform the Keep into a place of ingenuity by using the empty halls and rooms as places to construct many of these items laid out before you. The metal and wood will be shaped and formed in Winter Town, and then shipped into the First Keep to be worked into their final purpose. We can also dedicate a section of the keep into a public bathhouse that feeds off the hot spring water that runs through the walls of not only the Great Keep, but also the First Keep as well."

"I see," Ned nodded, thinking the possibility over. There was merit to his words. And he was right in saying that, for now, the First Keep did nothing for them. "And what of the Broken Tower?"

"The tower would serve as an extension to the work being done in the First Keep, as well as place to house the workers," Nox explained. "And I would also seek to convert part of the Tower into a…college of sorts."

"A college?" Maester Luwin perked up. "A place of learning? Do you mean to separate the North from the Citadel?"

"No," Nox denied, shaking his head. "More like a supplement to the Citadel. But unlike your Maester Order who only takes on those of Nobility, and only men at that. The college would educate the lowborn as well as the highborn people of the North, both men and women who show promise."

Luwin frowned. "I would not be able to teach so many. My duties in teaching the sons and daughters of the Lord Stark as well as my other duties would not give me the time to do as you suggest."

"And I'm not suggesting that you teach. At least not to the masses." Nox countered. "Bethany and her daughter Hilda, the mother and daughter we brought back from the Iron Islands, are well educated. Their background is their own and I will not discuss it without their leave to do so. But I believe that Bethany is capable of teaching those that wish to learn. And from her, we can identify those who have sufficient skill and who are deserving of furthering their education by aiding and studying with Maester Luwin and even myself if I have the time."

The more Ned heard of Nox's plan, the more he wanted to see them come to fruition. The glass alone that Nox had gifted them had the opportunity to change the face of the North. Not only because it would allow them to create more glass gardens and therefore grow more of their own food. But eventually they would be able to start trading the glass with the other regions of the Seven Kingdoms and perhaps even in Essos. And if these, devices, that Nox was suggesting they make could have the same impact, then Ned was all for them.

"Maester Luwin, can our coffers support the renovation of the First Keep and the Broken Tower as well as see to the beginnings of these projects?" He asked.

Luwin scratched at the back of his head, looking off to the side. "The coffers are deep, my Lord. I would have to spend a few days with Master Nox going over the details for each plan and the cost associated with each. But I believe our coffers could support most of what is being proposed. However, it would heavily cut into the coin set aside to purchase food during the winter years."

"The coffers of White Harbor are open for your use on these endeavors, Lord Stark." Wyman cut in quickly.

With the coffers of White Harbor available to them, there was no question as to whether they would be able to afford most, if not all, of what Nox was proposing. But Ned knew he would have to ration how much he relied on the aid from Wyman. While the man was loyal and a good man, he could see his endgame. Wyman had two granddaughters after all, both of whom where near of age with Robb. If they relied too heavily on White Harbor, he would almost have to accept one of Wyman's granddaughters becoming the next Lady of Winterfell. Not an altogether uncomfortable choice, but one that he was not ready to make. Not yet at least.

"There are ways that we can cut some of the costs as well." Nox continued. "If we focus our efforts on creating one or two glass gardens in Winter Town, I can supply the caretakers of the gardens with seeds from my homeland."

That got Ned's attention, as well as the attention of the other two men in the room. "What kind of seeds do you have to offer?" Ned inquired. "And are they capable of growing in the glass gardens during the winter years?"

"They are," Nox nodded before elaborating further. "Parts of my homeland are not so unlike the North. It took a long time, but we eventually managed to cultivate plants that can grow in extreme climates such as North. And perhaps even the lands beyond the Wall."

"What kind of plants?" Luwin asked, his eyes alight with curiosity.

"A few grains, a specific type fruit, and a vegetable or two," Nox answered. "Nothing exotic, but they can sustain a population if you grow enough of them."

"Then that will be our first priority." Ned concluded, ending the discussion. "Lord Manderly, I invite you to rest the night and join me at the head table at the feast tonight. But I am sorry that I must ask you to return to White Harbor first thing in the morning and head for Dorne straight away. If we are to get the glass gardens built for these new plants before the first snows, we will need the resources to do so soon."

Wyman bowed as much as his gut would allow him to. "It is no trouble at all, Lord Stark. As you say, I will head out at first light and make for Dorne with all haste. And I won't return without a shipment of sand and a trade agreement with the Dornish."

"Good," Ned nodded, rising to his feet. "Now, gentlemen, I think that is enough for tonight. Let us head to the welcoming feast, and we can talk more while we're there."