Chapter 7: Winter Years part 5

If you want to help me financially, you can do it on

When she'd first arrived in Winterfell, Cat had initially had high hopes for the girl. Hopes that she would see the light and turn to the Seven, a task Cat had set about trying to accomplish with all the servants to very little actual success. But then he arrived. She'd trusted the girl to watch over him, but she underestimated the sorcerer's cunning. He turned the girl against her. Made her no better than the whores who serviced everyone who had two coppers to their name out in Winter Town. She'd tried to dismiss the girl, but again the sorcerer proved himself most cunning by taking the girl in and making her his…what was it he called her? A 'secretary' or some such nonsense. 'A fancy title for a whore, no doubt. Granted, no one has caught the two in the act. But why else would the sorcerer raise a serving girl up so high and take such an interest in her?'

"Apologies, Lady Stark," the girl replied, dipping into a shallow curtsey while keeping hold on the papers in her arms. "I have not seen the Lord Stark. But Master Nox has gone to train the boys in sparring today in the godswood. Perhaps Lord Stark is overseeing the training as he often does."

Cat sniffed at the subtle slight in the girl's tone. Ever since the sorcerer had gotten his hooks into her, he'd turned Nyra against her. Seven be praised none of the other servants had been corrupted. But that was primarily because she kept a tight rein on those who had the honor of serving a great and noble House.

"Very well, be on your way," Cat said dismissively before stopping as her curiosity got the better of her. "Where are you off to? And what are those you are carrying so closely?"

Nyra looked her straight in the eye. Another slight. "Reports from White Harbor on the status of new shipments of raw materials, as well as reports of progress made by both the glassmakers and the smiths for Steward Vayon and Lord Stark."

Cat felt her ire raise. This was even more proof that the sorcerer was going to try and wrest control away from her children in the future. Such important reports and ravens should've been sent directly to her Lord Husband and herself. Not some upstart sorcerer and his whore! "Very well, be on your way." Cat replied, doing her best to keep her expression neutral as the serving girl curtseyed again and walked away calmly.

'The nerve!' Cat fumed, turning on her heel and making her away towards the rear entrance of the great keep that led towards the godswood. 'Her and the sorcerer act as if they own Winterfell. They forget who they serve. I need to talk to Ned about this again. But I don't know how to broach the subject. He's already stated that he doesn't share my concerns as to the sorcerer's intention. And last time when I tried to push the issue to the point where he yelled…Seven, his eyes. They turned into the eyes of abeast, not a man. And I never want to see those eyes on my wolf again. Or my children.'

Making her way to the godswood, Cat stopped just as she was about to cross the threshold that led into the ancient woods nestled within the great walls of Winterfell. Passing by the guards without giving them a thought, Cat's steps faltered as she walked amongst the ancient trees that belonged to the old gods of the First Men. It didn't matter that she'd married into House Stark, nor that she had obediently bore her Lord Husband four healthy children with a fifth now on the way. The old gods were not her gods. And she never felt welcome in the godswood. It was almost as if, while walking amongst the trees, the old gods were judging her and finding her wanting. 'I cannot keep my promise.' She thought to herself, fighting back against the unease that was growing within her with each step she took. 'I cannot give him that hope, that desire for more that those like him are born with. If he is given the Stark name…he will covet his brother's position more than ever. I can't let that come to pass. I won't.'

Approaching the heart of the godswood, Cat could start to hear voices from ahead. Shouting, cheers. And the steady sound of training blades striking one another. 'Nyra said that Nox was training Robb and the bastard today…l have never seen just how he is manipulating my son. Perhaps this will be a chance to see just what foulness he is teaching him.' Slowing her march, she veered slightly off the path and into the trees so that she could watch what was going on, hopefully without being seen.

Staying partially behind a tree, she came upon the clearing and immediately frowned at what she saw. Nox was standing with his back towards her, facing the center of the clearing while around him over a dozen men of Winterfell were laying down or sitting while nursing some sort of injury or another. Even the Greyjoy boy was on the side, the side of his face reddened as he clutched at his side in obvious pain.

And in the center of the clearing was Robb and her husband's bastard. The two were sparring against one another and, much to her dismay, they were not using wooden blades. No. They had blunted tourney blades. Which they shouldn't be using. They were both far too young. She didn't care much about the possibility of Jon being hurt. But she was concerned about the possibility of Robb being injured.

As she watched the two trade blows back and forth, she began noticing things. Robb was favoring one leg over the other, almost limping as he moved, and he was frequently rolling his left arm as if there was something was not quite right with it. 'They are already hurt!' she realized with a start, her eyes narrowing in on Nox. 'Why has he not stopped this? Where is Ned? There is no way he would allow this to continue!'

Just as she was about to step out and put an end to the madness, she stopped herself. Jon had slipped slightly on the snow and dropped his guard. And her son had taken advantage and had his tourney blade raised, ready to end the spar in his favor. But just as the blade started to descend, Jon moved. It was impossible. His body was bent backwards nearly all the way to the ground! Yet still, he moved. His body twisting and turning in the unnatural and impossible position as he moved out of the way of the path of the blade just enough, so Robb's strike hit nothing but air.

When the boy managed to right himself, Cat was ready to intervene once more, but her eyes widened in fright as the bastard held out his hand, palm out, towards her son. She could hear her first son's grunt of pain as an invisible force struck him and sent him flying almost to the edge of the clearing, as he slid across the snow. Stopping just short of colliding with a tree.

Even years later, Cat would never remember crossing the distance that lay between herself and the bastard who dared raise his hand against his father's trueborn son. But cross the distance she did, bypassing the sorcerer and all the men of Winterfell who dared to just sit and watch as the bastard used foul, unholy magic against her son! At the last moment, Jon turned towards her, his eyes widening in fear as she bore down on him.

Her full arm slap echoed throughout the now deathly silent godswood as Jon was sent to the ground, clutching at his face. "HOW DARE YOU!?" she screamed, glaring down at the cowering boy at her feet. Her fury was so potent and raw that her innermost thoughts just spilled out of her mouth with no filter as she tore into the bastard. The world fell away from her as she focused completely upon the cowed and recoiling creature below her. "You dare use such unholy magic against your betters?! I'd always known you were a true bastard and one day would succumb to your bastard instincts to fight against your betters. I will see you thrown out of Winterfell BY SUNSET! You and the sorcerer! Who is no doubt grooming you to take over Winterfell so he can rule the North through you! By the gods, I don't know what I was thinking years ago when I begged the old gods to spare your life from the pox after the Seven granted my wish to remove you from my—!"


Cat froze. Her words dying on her tongue. She knew that deep voice. The same voice that often spoke to her softly and offered words of comfort and support. But now…she heard none of those things. Only rage.

Turning, she prayed to the Seven that he wasn't there. That it had only been her imagination or Seven-sent spirit within herself yelling at her to bring her back to her senses. But as she turned towards the source of the voice, she realized that the Seven appeared to have abandoned her in this moment. It was no doubt the influence of the old gods keeping them away. For standing just a short distance away from her was her Lord Husband, Ned. His fists held tightly and stiffly to his side and his face set as if he were about to pass judgment on a criminal. But the worst were his eyes. No longer were they the dark grey that she cared for. Instead, they were again that beastly yellow.

Swallowing, her eyes flickered from her husband to his bastard, who was staring up at her with wide eyes holding his cheek with tears flowing down his face. Looking around, Cat tried to find some support. All the men were staring at her as if they'd never seen her before. As if she wasn't their Lady Stark but rather some stranger who'd just wandered in. Even Robb, her wonderful first-born son, was looking at her as if he'd never seen her before. It was in that moment that it truly struck her. She was alone.

"Ned…" she began, only to stop as her husband held up his hand.

"Training is over for the day," Ned declared, his dark and bestial eyes never leaving her. "Nox. Take the boys to the Maester and see to their injuries. And the rest of you, you are all sworn to secrecy. Should I hear even a single utterance of what has been spoken today, I will find the worst post imaginable and leave you there for the rest of your lives. Now, go. All of you."

The feeling of dread within her swelled as all the men, her son included, gathered themselves and quickly left the godswood. Leaving her alone with Ned. Once alone, Ned didn't say a word. He just stood there, staring at her with his beast-like eyes. "Ned—"

Her words died in her throat as Ned held up his hand, the simple gesture silencing her completely. Closing his eyes and turning away from her, Cat could almost see him visibly composing himself. When he turned back to her and opened his eyes once more, his grey eyes that she had started to care for had returned. "You spoke of the Seven granting your wish to take Jon away." Ned said, his voice empty and emotionless. "And then you made a promise to the old gods when you asked them to heal him. What was your wish to the Seven, and what promise did you make to the old gods?"

Swallowing hard, Cat tried to think of a way out of this, but nothing came. Her secret was out, her shame. And now she had no choice but to face the consequences. She meant to simply say her peace, but when she opened her mouth the words that left her were completely different than the ones she had planned. "You brought your bastard into our home, shaming me, Ned." she started, almost startled by the harshness in her own voice. She tried to stop, but the words kept flowing from her. "You took responsibility for the boy, which I can respect. But he should have never been brought here. He should've never been shown what his trueborn siblings have because his very nature will compel him to one day take it from them. He should've been sent to be raised by one of your bannermen. Or sent to the wall. But you refused to send him away because you love his mother more than me. So, I prayed to the Seven to take him away. And…they did. Just not in the way I had intended."

Ned's face remained completely passive. "The pox."

"Yes," Cat nodded, shame filling her. "When I saw him, so sick and so little, I…I regretted my prayer. I tried to take it back, but the Seven would not listen to me. Each day, he grew weaker and weaker, and my prayers did nothing. So, finally…I prayed to the old gods. I begged them to make him well. I promised them that…"

"What did you promise the old gods, Cat?" Ned pressed.

Again, it was as if the words were being forced from her. "I – I said that if they healed him that I would make you give the boy the Stark name. That I would love him like a mother should," she said, her shame and past laid bare before her husband.

Ned was silent for a long time as the two stood amongst the snow and trees of the godswood. "You never spoke a word of this to me."

Catelyn merely shook her head as her voice failed her. 'Why did I tell him? I wasn't going to…I didn't plan on deceiving him…but…why? Why did I say exactly what had happened so readily?'

Letting out a low sigh, Ned turned away from her and faced towards the ancient weirwood that dominated the center of the godswood. "A promise made to the old gods is not one that should be taken lightly. Nor should it be ignored once made, for bad things often happened to those that did such. And if word gets out that the Lady Stark made a deal with the old gods and then failed to uphold her end of the deal, my own bannermen will begin to question not only my own but my children's right to rule to North."

Cat thought that was going a bit far. But nothing she could say now would help her in any way, so she stayed silent as she knew that. "And despite my relationship with Robert, I cannot simply ask the King of Westeros to legitimize my bastard son on a whim. He has to earn it," Ned continued, shaking his head. "Then there is also where to place him. As a legitimized son of House Stark, he cannot simply be sent away and forgotten about."

The snow crunching beneath his boots, Cat stayed still as Ned turned back to her. "I will work on finding a reason to legitimize Jon. And while I have never asked for you to be his mother, I do ask that you begin treating the boy as my son. Not as the great offense or threat you think he is. For if you had watched him interact with his brothers and sisters, you would know that he would never want to harm them in any way. I will not force you to apologize to him for today, but there will never be a repeat of these events again, wife. And as for his mother…she is no threat to you, Cat. Nor to our children. She never has been, and she never will be. And that is all I will say on the matter."

Swallowing, Cat nodded submissively, she kept her head down as if she suddenly found the ground most entrancing. Not that there was much she could say her in defense. Not right now while Ned was in such a state with her. While her husband was known as the 'Quiet Wolf' and known for his honor, there was a great anger within him that few ever saw. And having now been confronted with it, Cat did not like it at all. "Yes, husband."

"Good," Ned nodded. "I will make sure that word of what happened here will not be spoken of."

Keeping her head lowered, Cat tried not to flinch as Ned lad a hand on her cheek. "Cat," his voice was softer now, soft enough that it made Catelyn look up into his eyes. "I am angry at you. Gods know that I'm angry. But I still care for you greatly. You are my wife, the Lady of Winterfell and the mother of my trueborn children. And I do love you."

Cat felt tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she nodded. "I love you, Ned. And I…I will be n-nicer to the bast – Jon."

"That is all I ask, Cat."

Catelyn felt herself sag in relief as she felt her husband's comforting arms encircle her and pull her in close. All too soon for her liking, her husband pulled away and let go of her. And then without another word he turned and left her to stand alone amid the godswood.

'I didn't tell him,' she thought, her hands going to her midsection. 'But now was not the right time…not with what happened.'

Turning her back on the weirwood, Cat made her way back down the path in the snow leading out of the godswood. As she walked, she reflected to what just happened. 'It…It had to be the sorcerer. It had to have been. I would have never done that…! Well, I would have berated the bast – the boy for beating his trueborn siblings. But I would not have struck him! It was the sorcerer. It had to have been! Him and his whore. They tricked me somehow! But…how? And why did I say exactly what happened so quickly? It was as if…as if I could say nothing else. Even when I had planned to say something completely different…just what happened? Did the sorcerer cast some sort of spell on me without my knowing? Or, or was it Ned? No. I can't think like that. Ned wouldn't do that to me…would he?'

Shaking away the thoughts, she lifted her chin high as she walked past the guards, neither of whom even looked in her direction. 'It had to have been the sorcerer. He's trying to discredit me. He's already turned his whore against me and now he's starting to turn my own family against me. He set this up, he must have. But I can't just order him gone from Winterfell, as much as I want too. He's too well liked by the people of the North.'

Cat knew that she wouldn't get any support for this problem here in the North. Maybe she needed to talk to someone else? Her father most definitely. But she needed another. She needed a friend to confide in. 'Maybe Petyr? I heard that he has been made Master of Coin… Yes, perhaps I will write to him. I could use a friend that understands the threat that a sorcerer poses to my family. And perhaps he'll have an idea on how to help. He always had interesting ideas for games when we were children. Perhaps he will have another now?'