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Spinning on his heel, hand reaching for the small dagger, while unconsciously putting the young girl protectively behind him, Jon faced the source of the voice. The man had the same blond-white hair as the young girl, Dany he guessed her name was, and he had her same violet eyes. But that was where the similarities ended. At least to Jon and through the Force. Where the young girl – Dany – was obviously timid, there was a strength and compassion just under the surface. This man, however? The only word that Jon could think to describe what he felt was: putrid.
"Brother," The young – Dany, said warily. "I—"
"Enough! I care not for you excuses! Now come. We are leaving this infernal city and those pathetic fools who should've supported my claim with open arms!" The man nearly shouted, spittle flying from his lips as he reached out and roughly grabbed Dany by the arm and began pulling her along. "Come now! You don't want to wake the dragon, do you, sister? Then stop your sniffling and move!"
Jon's hand tightened on his dagger as he stepped forward to intervene. No brother should ever dare to treat his sister in such a way! He might not always get along with his trueborn siblings, but he would never dare even think of manhandling them in such a manner! He'd started to move, little more than a slight shifting of his weight, but he was stopped as Dany turned her violet eyes to him. She looked…resigned. Not only that, but her eyes were almost begging him to not do anything. As if she were afraid for him, rather than being afraid of what was happening to her. So despite wanting so very much to run his dagger into the man's heart and end his life, Jon forced himself to let go of his dagger and stand back as the man pulled Dany away from him before disappearing into the crowded street.
Even after they'd left, Jon wanted to go after them. He could sense her. He didn't know how or why, but if he closed his eyes he could easily point to where she was in the crowd. 'Why her?' Jon thought, trying to fight against his urge to go after her. 'This isn't one of Sansa's silly stories where the knight swoops in and sweeps the maiden off her feet and they kiss. I don't want that…but I do want to protect her. But why her? I've seen something like that happen at every other street corner since I got lost in this city. But never once had I felt such a desire – no, need – to protect someone. Just what is ha—'
Jon's world spun as he felt his legs go out from underneath him. His back hit the stone road hard, driving the air from his lungs as a boot came down on his throat. "Pathetic, acolyte. Having your head so far in the clouds you couldn't even sense my approach nor intent. Had I wished, you'd be dead right now and never even know it."
The boot left his throat, and Jon was left coughing as he tried to bring some air back into his lungs while looking up at the sightless face of his mentor. Even though the cloth covered his eyes, Jon could feel the disappointment in them at his pathetic display. "Sorry, Master," he coughed, rising to his feet.
Nox didn't offer to help him rise. Not that Jon had expected him too. If there was one thing that Nox could never be accused of, it was being soft to those who he deemed worthy of his time. He'd lost count of the number of times he, Robb, and even Theon could barely walk from the training grounds. Whether it be from pure exhaustion, or from the simple fact that the three had been beat so mercilessly that they could hardly walk without causing pain. He'd thought, along with the others, that Arya's addition to their training would soften the sorcerer slightly. But they'd been wrong. Nox hadn't relented just because Arya was with them. If anything, he grew more demanding. And what was the most embarrassing was the fact that it was his little sister, the She-Wolf Reborn as the people of Winterfell had taken to calling her, that was always the first to get back to her feet and ready to face the next challenge.
"Next time I won't be so lenient, acolyte."
"Yes, Master," Jon nodded, dusting himself off. "Where…Where were you, Master? Those men just took you and you…disappeared."
Motioning for him to follow, Master Nox turned and marched away, leaving Jon almost running to catch up as the two began weaving through the crowded streets. "The Triarch wished to speak with me. On what matter I will not say now. But his reasoning will become apparent to you soon."
"Yes, Master," Jon replied dutifully, before looking around and noticing that they were moving in the opposite direction of where Jon believed the harbor was located. "Um, where are we going, Master?"
Nox didn't spare him a glance, not that he could, nor did he break his stride. "Apparently, there is someone who wishes to meet with me here in Volantis. Someone who has been trying to dig into my past. So, we're going to meet him. For now, you will stay in my shadow and be quiet and observe. And don't even think that I have forgotten about your lack of self-awareness just a few minutes ago. We will be discussing that, at length. And I doubt you will be making the same mistake twice."
Jon could only gulp as he dutifully followed the sorcerer through the crowded streets, fearful of just what sort of twisted and no doubt painful lesson Nox would have in store for him later. 'I should've just gone after that girl.'
Coming upon the place that'd been given to him by the Triarch, Nox paused outside the building as he realized just where he'd been sent. Which was more than slightly obvious given that some of the 'wares' were out on nearly full display on the street near the entrance. 'I take it this was a joke that the Triarch decided to play on me.' The brothel, for that was exactly what the establishment here was, was quite immaculate. He could tell that all the women and men that were posing and showing off their offerings were well taken care of. Then there was the structure itself. Open and spacious, golden and glass drinking pitchers scattered throughout the main reception hall. All in all, this establishment obviously catered towards the Lords and Ladies of the land rather than the poor.
While Nox had no qualms about entering such an establishment, the same could not be said for his young acolyte by his side. "Um, Master Nox…This…This place –"
"Is a brothel, Jon." Nox replied, turning his head towards the young man. "And what of it?"
Jon was practically shaking in place as he pointedly looked everywhere besides at the workers of the brothel. "Won't…Um, won't Lady Nyra be upset with you, um, visiting a place like this?"
"Yes, but only if I came to such an establishment looking to partake in the services offered," Nox replied. "Now, control yourself, Jon. Think of this as a test. I've known women fighters who went as far as flashing their tits at their adversary in order to gain an advantage. I'm not saying that such a thing will happen to you, but you must be ready for anything and everything. Which means getting over this hang up you have with the fairer gender. And before you start trying to deny my words, don't. I can sense your emotions probably better than you can. And, in case you forgot, we share a cabin and you talk in your sleep…Dacey and Asha at the same time, huh? Quite the imagination you have."
He didn't need to see to know that Jon's face had gone red from his neck to the roots of his hair. Chuckling, he turned heel and marched into the main reception hall of the brothel and walked up to a woman standing near a desk who was bent over a book with a quill daftly scribbling notes on the page. Once Nox and the still blushing Jon, reached the desk the woman looked up, a smile plastered across her face as she started talking in High Valyrian. "Greetings my Lord, welcome to…Oh…Another blasted mummer looking for a free lay."
Tilting his head, Nox regarded the woman before him through the Force. 'Arrogance. Anger. Annoyance. All wrapped into one.' "Forgive me, but my High Valyrian is not that good. But did you just refer to me as a mummer for some reason?"
The madam of the brothel scoffed and shook her head before waving her hand. "At least the foolish mummers that came before you at least had the decency to learn a civilized tongue before trying to get a free lay. And while you may make a decent replication of the Northern Sorcerer, the Chosen of the Lord of Light, that does not entitle you to free services. Now pay like everyone else, or my two guards behind you will remove you from my establishment."
Nox could sense the two men that'd quietly made their way behind himself and Jon. Each were taller than Nox by at least a head and were twice as thick. Both physically and mentally judging by the quick pass Nox did over each man. By his side, he could sense Jon tighten, ready to pounce at a moment's notice if need be. "I assure you madam, I am no mummer. And I am not here to partake in your establishment's specialty. I'm merely here seeking one of your patrons."
The madam's annoyance only grew with his words. "That information is privileged, foreign mummer. Now if you aren't here to partake, then leave. Time is coin, and I have no desire to waste more speaking with the likes of you. Remove him."
"Very well," Nox sighed, "I guess we do this the hard way then."
Closing his hand, Nox raised his left hand. Cries of alarm sounded with the unmistakable sensation of fear as the two towering guards were lifted into the air by an invisible Force. Both men clutching at their throats as they desperately tried to breathe through Nox's hold on them. Keeping them aloft for a moment, Nox waited until he had everyone's attention before throwing both men through one of the columns in the room, shattering bone and stone as the two men went clean through the pillar. Sensing another guard rushing at him, his right hand moved with a motion honed from years of training as he effortlessly summoned his lightsaber into his right hand and igniting the blade. The man, seeing the sudden appearance of his lightsaber, tried desperately to halt his advance, but his size and momentum worked against him and without even having to move, Nox took the man's right arm clean from his shoulder as the guard passed him by.
Bringing his lightsaber forward, Nox held the humming blade in front of the madam of the brothel. "Now, shall we try this again? Or do I need to make more examples of your guards?"
Instead of answering, the madam of the brothel completely floored Nox as she nearly ran around counter she was standing behind and threw herself at his feet. Prostrating herself and refusing to look up at him. "Chosen of R'hllor…I beg your forgiveness, my Lord! I never thought you would ever step foot in my establishment. Please, forgive my ignorance! If you wish, I will have a dozen of my best girls, or boys, ready and willing to serve your every whim, regardless of what that might be."
Deactivating his lightsaber, Nox flipped the hilt around and tucked the weapon back into the folds of his robe. Expanding his senses, he absorbed everything in the immediate vicinity of himself and Jon. The madam's anger and arrogance were long gone. Replaced with a tremendous amount of fear and awe. As if she were both delighted and scared shitless at his mere presence. And she wasn't the only one. Most of the patrons and workers of the brothel were in similar states as the madam. Many of whom had dropped to their knees and had their heads bowed low.
'Well, fuck,' Nox cursed. Having been the figurehead for a cult on Nar Shaddaa, he could easily recognize the sudden shift in the room regarding his presence. These people worshiped him. Useful, but dangerous as well. Devotees like these were useful, but one needed to handle them with care as their devotion often blinded them and made them more trouble than they were worth. 'Followers of the Red God, R'hllor. I was mostly sure that the Triarch was overstating my standing amongst the Followers of this Red God. But, apparently, he was actually understating things.' Nox thought, trying to plan out his next few moves carefully. 'Perhaps I should've talked with that Red Priest, Thoros, more during the Greyjoy Rebellion. Perhaps then I would understand more on just why these people seem to think I'm their messiah.'
"Rise," Nox commanded, prompting almost the whole room to immediately rise to their feet. "There is no need for you to kneel before me now. And while your offer is enticing, I will have to pass. I am not here seeking the pleasures of the flesh. Rather, I am here to speak with someone. A Westerosi man who is asking question about me specifically. I'm sure I don't need to tell you more than that, madam."
The madam, who'd quickly rose to her feet at his command, nodded. "Yes, Chosen One, I know who you speak of. However, he and his companion arrived just before you and your…ward. And requested the services of some of my best. I can disturb them, however, if you wish."
Shaking his head, Nox waved off her recommendation. "There is no need. However, I would like a quiet place to sit and relax while I wait for your guest and his companion to finish."
"Of course, Chosen One. I have the perfect room for you and your ward. And I will send word to the one you wished to speak to that you desire a meeting when he is finished." The madam nodded before turning her head and speaking in High Valyrian. "Slave! Bring the Chosen of R'hllor to the best resting room and see to any needs he and his ward might have! And be quick about it or I'll see you sent down to the brothel at the docks!"
A young girl with black hair and sun-kissed skin with a single large red teardrop tattooed beneath her right eye stepped forward, her eyes cast firmly downwards. "May…I escort you…my Lord?"
Staring at the young woman, Nox felt the familiar knot form in his gut whenever he was face to face with a slave.
Having been a slave for a good portion of his youth and having experienced the cruelty of such a position, his views of slavery were not favorable. But at the same time, life within the Sith Empire had forced him to accept the reality of slavery. So, while he hated the practice, he was accepting of it. A contradiction to be sure, but one that he could not help. But perhaps…there was an opportunity… It would take some time…but with his apparent standing amongst the faith of this land and the moves he'd already begun to perform… Perhaps he could gain something similar to his Screaming Blade Cult from Nar Shaddaa before he left Volantis's shores in a few days.
"Please do," Nox nodded, motioning for Jon to follow. "Come on, Jon. Keep your head on straight and your mind open. Try not to get too distracted by what you're about to see and hear."
Walking through the brothel was…interesting, to say the least. While he couldn't see them physically, Nox wasn't immune from the Force sight of women and even some men running from room to room nearly or completely naked. And then were the noises emanating from the rooms, needless to say the sights and sounds more than slightly distracting. But where Nox was able to ignore the sights and sounds, Jon was not. The young man was completely flushed as he kept his eyes firmly trained on the floor as they walked. But that still didn't help. And his emotions were going crazy with all of the lust and desire nearly overriding his senses. 'Hmm, not good,' Nox thought, an idea of a new training regime coming to mind. 'It would definitely test the acolytes' abilities to stay focused… But I doubt Lord Stark, let alone Lady Stark, would agree to having a few whores going at it on the sidelines while the boys and Arya went through their daily training regime.'
Coming upon their room, the slave opened the door and dutifully stood off to the side to allow them to enter before her. The room looked as if it would cost a small fortune to rent out. Spacious with several couches with silk coverings and pillows scattered throughout and a balcony that gave one an almost perfect view of the Rhyone River and the soon to be setting sun. But that wasn't all that there was to the room. The moment he had stepped in, the noise of the brothel had almost completely disappeared. 'Interesting. They actually figured out a means of soundproofing a room.'
Without uttering a word, the slave girl went about preparing the room for the two of them. Setting out cups and placing a pitcher nearby, even fluffing the pillows and straightening the silk sheets as well. After a minute of her moving about the room, the slave girl meekly stood before him. Excitement and desire coursing through her. "Is there…anything else this one…can do for the Chosen of R'hllor? This one is…yours to use."
"No," he stated, placing a finger under her chin and forcing her to look up at him. "Thank you, but we would like some privacy until our guest arrives. I will send my compliments of your service to your madam."
The girl preened under the praise before swiftly curtsying so low she nearly touched the floor and scampering off. Now alone with Jon, Nox sat down on one of the couches and took one of the cups and the pitcher. "Have a seat, Jon." Nox ordered, taking a whiff of the liquid inside the pitcher, a very fruity wine, and pouring himself a glass. "We have a bit to discuss."
Jon, finally getting a hold of himself, took the seat across from Nox. "Yes, Master Nox. Umm, what, uhh – "
"Enough stammering, Jon." Nox demanded, cutting his acolyte off. "You need to control yourself better than this."
Swallowing, Jon nodded. "I'll try."
Flicking his fingers, Nox sent a small burst of the Force at Jon, slapping upside the back of his head. "What have I said about 'trying'?"
Rubbing the back of his head, Jon looked down at the floor. "That if you try, you will fail. There is no try. You either do, or you do not."
"Correct," Nox nodded, leaning back and taking a savoring sip of the fine wine. "So, tell me. What just occurred that seemed odd."
He could almost see the gears turning in his young acolyte's head as he ran the last few moments through his head. "The people here, they…almost seem to worship you."
"Not almost, they do," Nox countered, his own thoughts wandering on the situation he suddenly found himself in. "They seem to have concluded that I am their god's 'Chosen One'. And therefore, I am basically the living embodiment of the Red God in their eyes."
"Why?" Jon asked, leaning forward. "I didn't think you worshiped the Red God…or any of the gods for that matter."
"I don't," Nox nodded. "I follow the will of the Force, which can be argued to be the will of the gods if you wanted to be philosophical about it, but that is not the point. Think. Why would the followers of the Red God think that I am some 'Chosen' of their god?"
Jon stared off towards the balcony watching over the city. "I…I don't know."
"Apparently, I need to have you start spending more time in the library with your friend, Samwell, instead of spending so much time in the training yard. Or perhaps you believe that since something is not native to the shores of Westeros, that it is no concern of yours, hmm?" Nox sighed, making Jon recoil in on himself. "But to save you from further embarrassing yourself, I'll educate you this time. The Red Priests are known to perform feats of magic, akin to what you and your kin can do. But unlike myself and those I train; the Red Priests and Priestess do not believe that their power comes from the Force. Rather, they believe that the power they wield is a gift from their God. Compared to us, their acts of magic are mere parlor tricks and they know it. And before you ask, I had a few conversations with a Red Priest that was in accompaniment of King Robert during the Greyjoy Rebellion. And he told me himself, that no Red Priest or Priestess in all of their history even wielded a fraction of the power I have."
"So, because you can use the Force and you're far more powerful than them, they believe that power is because their god gifted it to you?" Jon half questioned half stated.
"Is it really such a strange concept?" Nox asked, trying to open his young acolyte's mind more. "Many in the North believe that I, yourself, and your Stark kin have been blessed by the Old Gods. And there are rumblings south of the Neck that perhaps the Seven blessed the Starks for Lord Stark taking a faithful Andal wife. People often look for simple explanations to that which they do not understand. And religion, no matter the place, can offer those answers. But I do not believe that it is my power alone that has driven the followers of the Red God to believe I am some 'Chosen One'. No, I believe that is because of something else, along with my power. My lightsaber."
At this, the look of understanding on Jon's face quickly vanished. "Your lightsaber? Why would that make people believe you are some god's chosen one?"
Wetting his lips, he swirled the wine around in the glass. "It has to do with one of the more infamous stories within the religion of R'hllor. The story of Azor Ahai, if I pronounced that correctly. Long and short of it, he was some figure in history who apparently defeated a great darkness by wielding a sword called 'Lightbringer'. The blade was said to glow red and carried the heat of Azor Ahai's lover within. The blade could burn through any armor and cut any enemy down. And was the only weapon that could defeat the great evil Azor Ahai fought against. And the followers of R'hllor believe that one day, their ancient savior will return and with him Lightbringer will come forth once more to defeat a new great evil. Whether the tale is true or not, we may never know. But the followers of the Red God believe it to be so. So, can you see how my lightsaber might be the fabled Lightbringer?"
"So, the people who follow this Red God believe that you are some promised champion destined to lead them in battle against some great evil?" Jon pieced together. "But…how do you know all of this? I didn't think that the library of Winterfell had any books or scrolls that tell of this Red God."
"I know because, unlike some, I take the time to study any land that I am about to venture into," Nox said, fixing his acolyte with an accusing sightless look that had the young man squirming in his seat. "But you are right. There are very few tomes in Winterfell that have details on the different religions or histories of any land outside of Westeros. But while we were in Braavos, I procured several books and have spent our time since learning all I could. Now, I believe that will conclude this lesson. Our guest is about to arrive. While he is here, keep your mouth shut unless asked something specific and watch carefully. Perhaps you might learn something."
The words were just passed his lips when the door to their sitting room was flung open, allowing their guest to march in. His tunic was unbuttoned, and his breathing labored slightly as sweat still clung to his skin. The man's presence in the Force was not necessarily what Nox was expecting. It was refined. This was a man who, despite his being born into privilege, worked hard to refine his skills and it showed. But with that refinement came a degree of…arrogance. The man was good, and he knew it. And just behind the man was a woman who was still in the process of arranging her dress as she labored to keep up with her lover.
He could feel the man assessing the room the moment he walked in. He acknowledged Jon's presence, but seemed to dismiss him quickly enough as his attention landed on Nox. "I must say, a brothel in Volantis is the last place I ever expected to make your acquaintance, Sorcerer Nox."
Rising to his feet, he motioned for Jon to do the same. "Usually, you would be correct, Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne," Nox greeted the man, inclining his head slightly in acknowledgement. "As for yourself, given your reputation, the largest and best brothel in a city would always be the first place I would come looking for you."
He could feel the Prince's amusement flutter. "Well, I suppose that I could ask why you have sought me out, but that would just be insulting a man of your intellect. So, I'll skip that part and proceed straight to who your young companion is. He's pretty enough, but certainly not a pleasure boy."
"This is Jon Snow of House Stark." Nox said, motioning for Jon to take a step forward and properly greet the Prince of Dorne. "And my acolyte in the Force."
Oberyn's curiosity spiked, as did that of his companion's. "Lord Stark's bastard son?" he questioned, making Jon flinch at the title, which Oberyn noticed. "Did I offend you boy? It was not my intent. In Dorne, being a bastard does not hold the same stigma that it does in the rest of Westeros. Indeed, in Dorne, bastards are viewed as those who were born from moments of intense passion and are treated just like they were trueborn. In fact, I have six bastard daughters, and a seventh on the way, all of whom I love fiercely. One of whom is even in the city with us now. Enjoying her own entertainment in the fighting pits, no doubt. And this lovely woman by my side here is my paramour, Ellaria Sand, daughter of House Uller and mother to two, soon to be three, of my lovely bastards."
"My lady," Nox greeted the woman, taking her offered hand and pressing his lips to the back of her hand. "I might not be able to see you as your lover does, but your spirit and strength shines through the Force with a brilliant vibrance."
"Thank you, my Lord," Ellaria greeted back, her voice soft, warm, and almost flirtatious. "I must say, if Oberyn hadn't just finished showing me such a wonderful time, I would be tempted to see if the…rumors regarding your vitality are indeed true."
"A tempting offer," Nox smiled. It was indeed a tempting offer. The woman was beautiful in the Force. But she didn't hold a candle to Nyra or Ashara. "But I'm afraid that I have a paramour of my own waiting for me back in the North. And should I make such an indulgence without her presence or consent, I fear I will be eligible to join the Unsullied."
"Well, we can't have such a fine man like yourself fall to such a fate," Oberyn laughed. "So, perhaps Ellaria and I will have to venture North one of these days and see if we can tempt you and your paramour into a night of debauchery unlike any the North has ever seen."
"Perhaps, one day," Nox chuckled. "But let us leave such talks for a later time. Or else I fear my innocent acolyte here will die from embarrassment."
"Very well," Prince Oberyn agreed, taking one of the couches across from Nox and pulling his paramour into his lap. "Dare I ask why you have called me out? Outside of the obvious, of course."
Taking his seat, he motioned for Jon to sit down as well. Holding out his hand, he used the Force to float two more cups from the rack near the wall towards him before filling both glasses with the sweet wine and floating both over to Oberyn and Ellaria. "Well, I was curious as to how your search for information on me has been going so far. Call it…professional curiosity if you will. And please, there is no need to go for that poisoned dagger on the small of Ellaria's back. Before it could even leave your fingers, I would have it buried in your throat."
Oberyn's amusement jumped even as the woman on his lap froze with a spike of fear. "Well, you can hardly blame a man for being careful, can you?" Pulling his hand out from behind Ellaria's back, Oberyn produced a small finger length blade and tossed it off to the side. "Doubt it would even be of any use against you."
"One never knows," Nox shrugged. "But, as I've learned throughout my life, it is better to err of the side of caution. You tend to live longer."
"Wise words," Oberyn nodded. "So, tell me sorcerer, what brings one such as you all the way out to Volantis. As flattered as I am that you called on me, I don't think you made the trip all the way around the Free Cities just looking for me. And I doubt you are here simply for pleasure, nor are you here to negotiate some sort of trade deal with the Triarchs given how far Volantis is from the North, which means… Ah! Interesting. You're here to mount an expedition to Valyria. Bold of you, sorcerer."
"I see your time in the Citadel was time well spent," Nox nodded, motioning for Jon to remain still as he sensed the spike of surprise and fear emanating from his acolyte. 'He needs to control his emotions more. Fuck, I'm sounding like a Force-damned Jedi.' "You are correct, Prince Oberyn. The Sea Wolf will be here for three days only to resupply. And then I, along with a coalition of Northern volunteers, will enter Valyria with the purpose of discovering some of the lost secrets of the Valyrian Empire."
"Well, that is quite the ambitious adventure you have set your sights on, sorcerer," Oberyn smirked, his hands idly running up and down the sides of his paramour, who'd gained a worried feel to her. And it was the feeling coming off her and Oberyn that left no doubt in Nox's mind what the wayward prince was about to ask for.
"Before you ask, Prince Oberyn," Nox said, raising his hand and catching the prince just before he could ask his question. "There is still room on the Sea Wolf for yourself, your paramour, and yes, even your daughter. You will all have to share a single cabin of course. But if you wish to join the expedition, then as Lord Stark's appointed representative, I hereby welcome you aboard."
Oberyn seemed to be simultaneously caught off guard and pleased with his offer. "And what is your price for allowing me and mine to accompany you, sorcerer?"
"Obedience," Nox answered back immediately, holding up his hand to forestall the Prince's kneejerk reply. "Not indefinitely. Just for the duration of your time onboard the Sea Wolf. I say jump, you jump. Second, we will not be returning to Volantis. So whatever vessel that brought you here will need to return without you, hopefully to your brother with an explanation as to your absence. Third, while you will be allowed to keep some of what is taken from Valyria, I must approve of you taking it before you do so, if only for your own safety. If you can agree to all of that, then you will be a welcome addition to the crew."
To his credit, Oberyn appeared to be considering the offer for all of a few seconds. "For the chance to explore Valyria…those terms are acceptable, sorcerer. You have my spear until you bring myself, my daughter, and my love here back to Dorne."
"Excellent," Nox said, rising to his feet and motioning for Jon to follow suit. "We cast off in three days, Prince Oberyn. I trust you will be able to find ways to amuse yourself before we leave."
"Oh, I'm sure that I can find a way, sorcerer," Oberyn called out to the two of them laughingly as they left the Prince of Dorne in the sitting room.
"Master," Jon said lowly as the two of them made their way out of the brothel, pausing only to thank the madam who nearly curtsied to the floor. "What was the purpose of all of that?"
"Partially, to gain the alliance of a strong fighter, Jon," Nox answered as the two weaved their way through the packed streets back towards the harbor. "Prince Oberyn's skill on the field is known throughout the realm. He is considered on the same level as the former Sword of the Morning as well as Ser Barristan the Bold. Such a man will be useful if we run into any problems. And besides his skill with a blade, the man's mind is incredibly keen when not clouded with emotion. And it never hurts to have an outsider's view on something. This will also serve to strengthen Northern ties to the Dornish, who have quickly become one of our premiere trading partners for raw materials. Lastly, we will be here for three days, acolyte. There is no doubt in my mind that the Prince would've learned of our presence in such time and come to us. If he had, he would've been ready for us and we would've been on the backfoot. But by coming to him in such a way…"
"We put him on the backfoot," Jon finished the thought. "And with your quick offer before he could ask, you surprised him enough that he would agree to your terms before fully thinking them over."
"Very good," Nox congratulated his acolyte. "Perhaps you are truly listening to my lessons, after all. Now, Jon, tell me about this young woman and the man that you ran into in the street. The blond one that is currently dominating almost all of your thoughts."