Chapter 13: The Return (2) part 3

The castle of Dragonstone was certainly an imposing sight, one that Nox knew more than one Sith Lord or even Dark Council Member would gladly take for his or her own Keep. Hells, he was even tempted himself the moment he laid eyes upon it. And it wasn't just because of its near impenetrableness due to the natural defenses of the island provided nor it's walls. Nor was it the fact that the keep was made entirely of black stone that almost seemed to shine slightly in the light of the sun. No, what truly drew Nox's attention was the fact that the keep almost seemed to be radiating the Force, much in the same manner as the Sith and Jedi Temples on Korriban and Tython respectively. Had they not just been to Valyria, he would've questioned as to just how such a primitive world was able to create such a strong Force construct like this. But now he didn't question it. He knew. This place, even while still a fair distance from the harbor and the keep itself, felt almost identical to the Lost City of Valyria. Only more, well, alive.

'One of these days, once I have time, I'm going to need to travel this world more,' he thought as they passed through the breakwater leading into the harbor while Ser Manderly barked orders at the crew to prepare to drop anchor and lower the rowboats into the water so they could go ashore. 'Winterfell was built by this Bran the Builder, who I have no doubt had the Force and used it aid in his creations. Force Forging…It has to be. A lost art that went out of style once lightsabers became more common place instead of Force Forged weaponry. Nowadays, the only Force Forging, if it could even be called that, that takes place is the creation of the armor worn by the Sith and Jedi. And even those are pale imitations of what they once were. If those with the ability to utilize the Force in a forging process are still prevalent on this world, then finding them has now become one of my top priorities.'

Getting into the boat with Jon and Talisa at his side, Nox let his senses take in as much of the island as he could. Which, unfortunately, was not much. It was almost as if the keep itself was fighting against his sight. A truly odd sensation, yet not unexpected. 'This world just keeps getting more and more interesting with each new discovery I make,' he thought, barely managing to contain his glee at having the chance to study yet another complex that'd been designed and created with the aid of the Force. 'If this world had been discovered by the Empire, or hell even the Republic and the Jedi for the take matter, there would've been full blown civil war to decide just who got the right to rule it in each respective body of governance. Though the Jedi would've probably gone for the option of banning travel to the world until they could enlighten the 'primitives' about the power they could potentially wield. It would've been such a waste. But that is neither here nor there. And this world is mine now. And mine alone.'

Sensing that they were getting close to the docks, Nox pulled his senses back into himself. But paused as he felt a familiar presence waiting for them on the dock. 'Well, from what I gathered of the two of them the last time we met, one is not far from the other. Which means if he is here, then so is Stannis.'

"Ser Seaworth," Nox called out to the elder man once their boat began to be tied off onto the dock by the rowers and dockworkers, "I didn't think our arrival would warrant such a greeting from a man of your standing with Lord Stannis."

The former smuggler turned knighted land holder merely stared completely gob smacked as Nox, Jon and Talisa carefully stepped off the boat and onto the dock. "Lord Sorcerer," Seaworth greeted them with a polite bow, his accent thick and quick. "I must say m'lord, it's a wonder you're here on this day. Almost enough to make a man believe the gods really do exist in this shite world."

Now Nox's interest was fully peaked. Turning his heads upwards, he tried once more to try and find the source of the disturbance but found himself firmly rebuked by the keep. 'Whoever or whatever sent the disturbance must've done it in a single concentrated burst and then retreated into themselves. That seems to be the only way they got the sensation out past the walls of the keep.' "Is that so, Ser Davos? And why would my appearance make one believe in divine intervention?"

Fear. Anguish. Hope. Despair all swelled within the older man in swirl of emotion, each one battling to best the other despite him keeping a calm face. "Lady Shireen, Lord Stannis's daughter, she…she's caught greyscale."

'Now it all makes sense,' Nox thought as the last piece of the puzzle was put in place. 'That burst was definitely from one suffering some form for torment. But it was also young. Untrained. And it also explained why there hasn't been more than the initial burst that Jon and I both sensed. She doesn't know what she's doing.'

"Then it is indeed fortunate that we are here, considering Lady Talisa here and I have been fine tuning our cure for greyscale ever since we had successfully cured four members of our crew," Nox stated, shock echoing off the old knight at his proclamation. "Jon, head back to the Sea Wolf and get what supplies we need to treat the young Lady. Ser Davos, if you would please leave an escort behind to bring my Apprentice here up to the keep once he's acquired what we need, it would be appreciated. And while he's at it, I feel it best that Talisa and I begin to work on the young Lady as soon as possible."

Jon was back in the boat before Nox had even finished speaking, leaving the elderly knight stumbling to catch up as he ordered a few men to stay behind before motioning for Nox and Talisa to follow him up towards the keep. "Lady Talisa?" Ser Davos said as they walked up the winding pathway leading up the cliffs edge towards a tower stationed at the very top of the cliffs edge. "A very Essosi name, my lady…From the region of Volantis, if my ear doesn't mistake me."

Talisa's steps faltered ever so slightly. "That is correct. I – I am Talisa Maegyr of House Maegyr of Volantis of the Tiger Clan."

This time it was Ser Davos's turn to lose his footing. "Lady Maegyr? I wasn't expecting to ever see the daughter of one of Volantis's Triarchs to grace the shores of Westeros. Not anything we need to be concerned about is there, Lord Sorcerer?"

"No," Nox replied, shrugging off the concern as the neared the top of the path. "Lady Talisa here was merely looking for a chance to leave her past behind and bartered her services as a healer to our crew in return for safe passage. And I must say, it has been quite the advantageous trade. I doubt I would've been able to create this cure for greyscale without her expertise."

Talisa preened at the compliment as Davos's watchful eye flickered back and forth between the two of them. "Well, then I owe ya two my thanks now, if this works the way you say it does. Lord Stannis has sent ravens to every corner of the Realm calling on anyone and everyone who might know a way to help his only child. He's even offered a boon to the ones who are successful in healin' her. Just don't be blowin smoke, Lord Sorcerer. Lord Stannis ain't in the mood for false hope."

The three stayed quiet as they came to the top of the cliffs edge and entered a drum-like tower that was covered with effigies to dragons and many other unsightly creatures. 'Okay, I'm starting to seriously think there was a Sith Lord who crashed in Valyria at some point in time and handed down their fashion sense to the Targaryens before they came to Westeros,' he thought as Davos led them through a doo within a dragon's maw of all things. 'This place would suit just about every Sith I have ever come across in my life.'

Walking briskly through a throne room, which Nox briefly noticed was made almost entirely out of obsidian of all things, Davos led them towards the back of the chamber and up several flights of stairs before coming to a stop before a set of double doors that was guarded on either side by two guards. Both wearing the black and yellow stag of House Baratheon.

"This is the Northern Sorcerer, boys," Davos explained, waving towards the two of them. "And a Lady Healer from Volantis. They're here to see Lord Stannis about Lady Shireen's condition."

It was telling the amount of pull Davos had, even if he didn't know it, that the two guards immediately moved to open the doors. The interior of the room was just like the rest of the keep. Dark with obsidian carved figures of dragons and other almost demonic figures scattered along the wall. But the one thing that truly set this room apart was the gigantic table that dominated most of the room. A table that was carved into an exact replica of Westeros. It even had the major holdfasts and keeps marked along its surface. And at the far end of the table, standing with his back turned towards them so he was facing out the large window's overlooking the bay, was Stannis Baratheon.

"M'lord," Ser Davos said, walking forward to stand beside Stannis as the man turned around. "The ship was ca-"

"The Northern Sorcerer." Stannis said abruptly, cutting his man off. "And a woman from Volantis. Given what I have seen of your abilities and what many have theorized you can do, I take it that you are here because of my daughter's ailment?"

'Nope. Still hasn't gotten that stick out of his ass. I would've figured since he's obviously married and has a child that he would've gotten laid since the last time we spoke. But either his wife or he is just a poor fuck cause he hasn't loosened up an ounce.' "You would be correct." Nox replied. "We were passing by on our return from Valyria and sen-"

"Can you heal her?"

Biting back the retort that wanted to be free, Nox nodded. "Aye. Talisa and I have developed a technique to heal greyscale an-"

"Has it been successful?"

Now Nox was getting ready to blast the man with a bolt of Force Lightning, just to remind him just who he was speaking too. 'I hate being interrupted.' "If you would let me finish, Lord Stannis," Nox growled, noticing that the two guards behind him both shifted their weight and readied their grips on their swords. "Then you would know that we have cured four individuals of greyscale since we left Valyria. And you two, don't even try it. You take even one threatening step towards either myself or the young lady beside me and I'll shove your heads up each other's asses."

It was only because of Lord Stannis's intervention that the two men did not immediately charge at Nox and thus seal their fate. "Leave us. Both of you." The Lord of Dragonstone commanded, his tone brokering no argument and making both men immediately bow and leave the room. "How long will this cure of yours take to administer?"

"The initial treatment could last an hour or several. It all depends on the severity of the infection." Nox explained. "After that, your daughter will need to take a specific dosage of antibiotic twice a day for at least a week or more to help fight off the remaining infection. After the antibiotics have run their course, your daughter will need to remain isolated for at least a week or more to ensure the infection does not flare up once more."

"And if it does?"

Nox merely shrugged. "Then we go through the process once more. However, of the four we have treated, all four have had all of sign of greyscale disappear within two to three weeks after going through this treatment. Though to hedge our bets, I will leave a detailed process with your Maester on how to continue her treatment should the need arise."

Stannis's face never changed once throughout the entire conversation. But he could tell that it was just an act. The man was a duck on a pond. On the surface, calm. But underneath the surface, his feet were going near the speed of sound. "What do you need?" the Lord of Dragonstone asked, breaking the long silence between the four people left in the room.

"My Apprentice is collecting what we need from our ship in order to heal your daughter," Nox informed him. "But we can begin our preliminary examination of your daughter's condition before he arrives."

Nodding, Stannis's eyes tracked towards the open doors and the two guards standing just outside. "Guard. Go and wait for the Sorcerer's Apprentice in the main hall. Bring him immediately to my daughter's chambers the moment he enters. You two, with me. You as well, Ser Davos."

Falling in step with Stannis, Talisa and Ser Davos lined up behind them as they were led further up the tower. "When did your daughter's condition become recognizable?" Talisa asked as the four climbed the stairs.

Stannis didn't give any indication of having heard her as he continued to head up the stairs. "Maester Cressen recognized the greyscale forming on her flesh a moon's turn ago. The Maester has been doing what he can to slow it's progression, but he has been unable to treat her fully."

That wasn't good. The few that they had treated were both recognized and treated within two weeks of coming into contact with the affliction. Force only knew just how far the disease was able to spread given it'd been four weeks since it was first recognized. As they reached the topmost level of the tower, Nox was immediately hit with another slight disturbance from the Force. A wail of agony and defiance. And now he had a decent idea about just who was causing the disturbance and why.

Leading them towards a door with two guards stationed on either side, Stannis didn't even spare either helmed man a glance before he strode past them, flinging the doors open and leading the four inside. "My lady! Please, you must take this! It will-"

"No!" A young voice screamed in agony. "No more! It – It – No! Please!"

Stepping around Stannis, Nox took stock of what was going on. The room was sparsely furnished, save for a desk and a large bed. And upon the bed was a little girl perhaps no older than six or seven years old. Her entire presence screamed agony stemming from the greyscale that stretched from near her eye level down past her neck and under the nightshirt she was wearing. And beside the bed was a very old man, even by Nox's standards, trying to get the young girl to drink some milky white concoction. 'Milk of the poppy if I remember correctly.'

The moment the four entered the room, the Maester turned his attention from the little girl on the bed to them. He could feel the eyes of the man bounce off all of them, only to come back and linger on him. "Lord Stannis, please, forgive the sight. Your daughter is in a great deal of pain an—"

Not waiting for the old fool to finish, Nox stepped past Stannis and all but physically pushed the aged Maester out of the way so that he could take his place beside the young girl. Holding his hand over the girl's head, he sent gentle waves of Force into her in order to temporarily deadened the nerves in her body. Almost immediately, the young girl stopped screaming and squirming in her bed. 'She's strong in the Force. Not quite as strong as Jon. But she's definitely at Arya's level in terms of sheer power.'

Feeling the girl open her eyes under his hand, Nox pulled back slightly on his power. "You – You're the sorcerer from the North." The young girl's voice was coarse from screaming for Force only knew how long. And deep within his darkened heart, he felt something shift within him. 'Damn it…Why do I always have such a soft spot for children?'

"That I am, young Shireen."

Hope swelled within the young girl as a smile graced her scaled face. "Are – Are you here to help me?"

"I am," he nodded before holding his hand out over her face once more. "We can talk more later, young one. But for now, I need you to sleep." At his command, Shireen went limp as her eyes rolled back into her head.

"Gods, what have you done, sorcerer?!"

Turning his head towards the old Maester, Nox waved off the man's concern. He could almost taste the fear and distrust that was coming from the Maester. "Not what you think, old man. I merely put her into a deep sleep for the time being so that we can work on curing her. Talisa, I need you to expose the areas we need to work on. Lord Stannis, we need freshly boiled water, a wooden table she can lay on, fresh linens, and whatever vinegar you have here. Also, her current clothes, plus whatever she's been wearing since the greyscale was discovered, and her bedding, all need to be taken out and burned."

Perhaps it was the command in his voice, or perhaps it was because he'd managed to give his daughter a small semblance of peace, but Stannis didn't even hesitate before barking out orders for the guards and chambermaids to fulfill his commands to the letter. Less than half an hour later, the room had been cleared out of her bedding and clothes, and a table was brought in along with fresh linens to cover both the hard-wooden surface and to preserve the young girl's dignity.

"The greyscale has spread far, but not nearly as far as it should have," Talisa noted as herself, Nox, and the Maester examined the young Shireen while Stannis and Davos stayed as far back as they could while still being in the room. "If the first time you noticed the scaling was nearly a moon's turn ago, the spread should be far greater than what it is. She's remarkably strong willed for one so young."

Nox knew that there was more to it than that, but now was neither the time nor the place to go over the fact that the Lord of Dragonstone's daughter was not only Force-sensitive, but one of the more powerful Force sensitive individuals he'd come across on this world. Sensing the approach of his Apprentice, Nox didn't bother turning around as Jon half-ran half-skidded into the room as he attempted to slow himself.

"Master," Jon breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath while holding out the leather case containing the antibiotics and surgery tools. "I've brought everything."

"Good." Not even bothering to look back, Nox held out his hand and used the Force to pull the leather case out of Jon's hand and onto the nearby table where the case unfolded to reveal the different cutting instruments and vials of antibiotics. "Lord Stannis. At this time, there is nothing you can do to help, and this will not be pleasant. I'd advise you take yourself and my Apprentice, Jon here, down to the courtyard so that you can work off some of that famous Baratheon fury that I can sense boiling just under the surface within you. And don't feel the need to hold back on account of his age. I assure you, Jon can and has taken quite the beating in the yard many times."

Jon, knowing what was coming, didn't need telling twice and almost left a trail of dust behind him in his haste to get out of the room. Stannis hesitated only a second behind Jon. But after giving a slight nod to the Maester and a wordless command to stay in the room, he too left and was followed soon after by Davos. Dipping his hands into one of the buckets of freshly boiled water to wash them, Nox stepped to the side and allowed Talisa, followed by the Maester, to repeat the process before the three gathered around the unconscious Shireen while they each put on leather gloves that'd been provided for them. Picking up one of his makeshift scalpels, he turned it, so the blade was pointed towards him and held it out for Talisa to take. "Talisa, you're on point this time around. We'll follow your lead."

To her credit, Talisa didn't hesitate nor flinch as she took the scalpel from him before bending over Shireen near her face. "We'll begin near her eye and work down," Talisa stated, her hand steady and her voice firm as she picked up a pair of tweezers in her offhand. "Sorcerer, stand ready with water and vinegar to keep the wounds clean."

"What in the name of the gods do you think you're doing?!" the Maester shouted as he finally recognized just what was about to happen as Talisa laid the flat of the blade against Shireen's skin near the edge of the greyscale by her eye. "You cannot just flay the girl! Lord Stannis will have both of your heads when h—!"

Snapping his fingers, the Force responded to his command by clamping the Maesters mouth shut with an audible click. "Shut – up – and let us work."

Casting the Maester a not-so-pleasant look out of the corner of her eye at being interrupted, Talisa bent back over Shireen and resumed her position. Taking a single breath to steady herself, Talisa slid the blade under the greyscale, causing pus and blood to pour out from the wound. Dipping a nearby clean cup into another pail of boiled water, Nox slowly poured the water around the wound, keeping the pus and blood from blocking Talisa's view as she slowly worked her knife around the edges of the greyscale in order to dislodge the infection from her skin.

Without a way to tell time, it was difficult for Nox to tell just how long they worked. But he knew by the time Talisa had finally removed the last of the greyscale from Shireen, hours had passed and the sun was nearing the horizon, forcing her to call for torches, candles, and lamps to be brought into the room to provide her enough light to see what she was doing. During that time, the Maester had finally stopped trying to interfere and had instead taken over the duties of removing the infected flesh that Talisa cut away while Nox kept the wounds clean.

"That should be the last of it," Talisa sighed with evident relief, dark circles forming around her eyes. "Now, we need to clean the wounds with water and vinegar to disinfect it as best we can. Then, it will be your turn, sorcerer, to heal her up."

"'Heal her up'?" the Maester questioned, looking down uneasily at the exposed flesh that'd been removed while he and Talisa used a mixture of water and vinegar to clean the infection as best they could. "How do you intend to heal her from…this?"

"Simple," Nox replied with a slight smirk as. "I intend to cheat as it were."

With the wounds cleaned, Nox held his hand over Shireen and slowly pulled on the Force, shaping it to his will before laying it over the young girl like a warm blanket. The Maester stumbled back and gasped loudly as the open flesh across Shireen's face and chest reformed and closed, leaving only a slight discoloration of skin as any evidence that she had even been afflicted with greyscale in the first place.

"By the gods, old and new," Cressen breathed as he reached out to touch the freshly healed skin.

"Don't!" Talisa warned the man, stopping him from touching Shireen as she began pulling out bandages to cover the freshly healed flesh. "We don't know if the previous areas are still contagious or not. So, for the next week, the parts of her body that were marred with greyscale need to be kept covered and clean."

Sensing a familiar presence making its way quickly up the stairs, Nox stalled Talisa from bandaging the young girl. "Hold off on bandaging the girl up for a moment, Talisa. In this case, seeing is believing right now."

He could sense her confusion as to why he stopped her, but his reasoning became apparent as several sets of heavy boots marked the return of Stannis, Jon, Davos, and several guards wearing the sigil of House Baratheon.

"I have waited long enough, sorcerer," Stannis all but growled as he marched into the room. "When will you be finished?"

Purposefully standing between Stannis and his daughter, Nox took his time in removing his gloves and tossing them into a pile of other linens that were destined to be put to the torch. "Patience is a virtue, Lord Stannis. Delicate operations like this take time. Otherwise, the healers can make a mistake and make whatever they're trying to heal worse. But, in this case, your timing is impeccable as we have just finished with the first stage of healing your daughter."

Stannis didn't even wait for Nox to finish as the man crossed the distance between them so that he could lay eyes upon his daughter. Relief and joy sang out from the man as he looked upon his healed daughter sleeping peacefully on the table. All signs of greyscale gone from her person. But as quick as his joy came, it was quickly and ruthlessly stomped back down, leaving the man as blank as a droid or a Jedi. "You said this is the first stage. Yet, I see no sign on greyscale on her. What needs to be done next?"

'So, the man has emotions. But like a Jedi he seems content to deny that they even exist.' Moving around the room, he picked up one of the vials of antibiotics that Jon had brought with him. "Nothing invasive as what she just went through. She simply needs to take a spoonful of this twice a day. Once when she wakes and once before she goes to sleep for the night for two weeks. During this time, she needs to be kept isolated and under observation just in case the greyscale flares back up again."

"And what is that? Some sort of liquid magic, sorcerer?" Maester Cressen asked, though his tone lacked the bite it had when they'd begun the process of removing the greyscale from Shireen.

"Nothing quite as fanciful as that, Maester." Nox countered, setting the vial down. "This was created with good old-fashioned science. Nothing mystical about it. It's a concoction that's distilled from mold. It'll help her fight off the infection, attacking the greyscale still in her system. Or to put it simply, think of it as sending reinforcements onto a battlefield."

"And that will cure her?" Stannis asked, his eyes still not leaving his daughter.

"In our limited experience so far, yes." Nox nodded. "Though, I will note that we have not treated one with such an advanced condition as your daughter's. But your daughter is strong, very strong. She will pull through this."

Giving one last glance at his daughter, Stannis straightened and turned so he was facing Nox and Talisa. "I promised a boon to whoever managed to heal my daughter. You two have done what many, including my own Maester, have told me was impossible. Name your boon. And should it be reasonable, I will see it done."

"I require nothing, Lord Stannis," Talisa answered almost immediately. "I would never seek payment for healing a child."

"Well, I'm not entirely as selfless as the good Lady Talisa here," Nox added with a chuckle. "But there are two things—"

"You only get one, sorcerer," Stannis countered.

"I'm only asking for one thing, Lord Stannis," Nox countered back. The interrupting was seriously starting to grate on his nerves. "This keep is made of black stone that has drawn my interest. I request a sample of it. A single barrel full would be sufficient."

If the Lord of Dragonstone found his request odd, he didn't say it. "Done. And the second?"

"A discussion between the two of us that would be best held in private."

He could feel the irritation come from Stannis, but the man merely gave him a curt nod in response before turning and marching quickly out of the room. Keeping up with the man's brisk pace, Stannis led the two of them a short distance down the hall before opening a seemingly random door and letting Nox enter before shutting the doors behind them. Just like the few other rooms he'd encountered in the keep, room was very spartan with only a single desk and chair in the center of the room.

"What is it you wished to speak to me about, sorcerer?" Stannis all but demanded as soon as the two of them were alone.

"Your daughter's future, Lord Stannis," he said, facing Stannis.

Stannis rocked back, clearly not expecting that as suspicion and confusion wared within him. "What of her future, sorcerer?"

"Your daughter is Force sensitive, Lord Stannis. Much like myself and the Stark children under my charge. Not only that, but she is strong in the Force, very strong. It's why she was able to hold the infection at bay as much as she did and why I'm confident that with a little bit of help, she will be able to make a full recovery. Given the proper training, she could become quite the powerful individual in the future."

Whatever Stannis had been expecting, that was clearly not it as his suspicion and confusion were dashed almost immediately. "My daughter is…the same as you?"

"Well, not exactly the same," Nox shrugged. "She's not nearly as powerful as myself or even my Apprentice out there in terms of raw power. But given time and training, she could one day reach my level."

Moving away from him, Stannis stood with his back towards him while facing out of the lone window in the small room. "And I take it that you are the only one capable of training my daughter to use this power?"

"Yes," he immediately replied. "Take it how you will, but it is the truth. I'm sure you could find teachers in Essos or maybe even the Citadel if you're lucky. But, at best, they will be able to teach your daughter mere parlor tricks. I will teach your daughter how to use her power to the fullest."

"And what will it cost me to have you train my daughter to use these strange powers of yours?" the Lord of Dragonstone asked as he folded his hands behind his back.

"Nothing," Nox answered honestly, drawing a surprised turn of the head from Stannis. "Those of us like myself, true Sith, seek out those who are truly powerful and pass on our knowledge to them. It is by doing this that we ensure that the next generation of Force users are more powerful than the previous. So, you could almost say it is my obligation to find and train those I find of sufficient power so that they might one day surpass myself." It was an oversimplification of the Sith doctrine, but Stannis didn't need to know that.

"I see," Stannis replied, turning to once again look out over the island while thinking over the offer. "The fact that you are training Lord Stark's children gives credence to your claims. And if what I saw in Stark's bastard boy in the yard is any indication, then you truly are a man of your word. However, my daughter is not yet seven name-days. She is still too young to foster."

This time, Nox didn't bother to hide his scoff. "A bull shit excuse and not the real one as for why you don't want your daughter to come with me right now."

True to his family name, fury coursed through Stannis as he spun around and faced Nox. "You presume to know what I am—?!"

"I don't presume, I know," Nox countered, not backing down. He'd faced far angrier and far more powerful than the Lord of a small island to even feel the slightest twitch of fear. "You suppress your emotions well enough to keep your face passive in order to fool those around you. But to one like me, you might as well be screaming what you're feeling at the top of your lungs. You don't want your daughter to come with me right now because of some horse shit about her not being old enough. No. Simply put, you don't want your daughter to come with me because you love her, and you're scared. For fuck's sake, you just nearly watched her suffer a terrible death at the hands of greyscale. Is it really such a crime to admit to yourself that you love that little girl and you're afraid to let her go right now after she's just been healed?"

Walking forward until they were but an arm's length apart, Nox kept his eyes, figuratively of course, trained on Stannis. "I've seen what happens to those who deny their emotions and rely only on a sense of 'duty' to guide them. They become little more than mindless drones masquerading as people. You love your daughter. There is no shame in admitting that. Instead of denying it, use it. Use your emotions to fuel your purpose and make you stronger. Make yourself better than others think you are."

An uneasy silence settled in between the two as Nox stood his ground before Stannis, neither willing to be the first to break away. In the end though, Stannis was the one to crack first as he sighed and turned around, unable or unwilling to keep facing Nox. "Is there a time when my daughter will no longer be able to learn how to use these powers of yours?"

"The younger one can begin training the better as it allows their mind to be properly melded to the use of their abilities," Nox commented. "But if you wish to hold onto your little girl a little while longer, then I would say she has to begin formal training within the next few years before she reaches the age of ten. Until then, I can give her some exercises to help her begin learning how to control her powers."

"And if she doesn't begin your formal training until after her tenth name-day?"

Nox shrugged. "Then her powers will go down one of two paths. Either they will begin to atrophy until they are next to nonexistent or she begins experimenting without proper guidance and potentially harm either herself or those around her."

The answer seemed to appease Stannis. "So, what you are saying is that I have to decide whether or not I want my daughter to receive training from you within the next three years. What does this training entail? The bastard proved himself a fine blade, perhaps one of the finest I have ever seen despite his age. Yet my daughter is no man. And she has responsibilities to uphold as a future lady of House Baratheon."

Nox wanted to bang his head against the wall. This shit was so much easier in the Empire, and even the Republic. Once a Force sensitive was taken in for training, their past lives were supposed to be of no consequence. Not that that was always true. But it was the way it was supposed to be. "Think of her training as in terms of an education given to even the highest-ranking families in this land and the education given to the Maesters of the Citadel. And then elevate said education several times over and you will have but a glimpse of what I intend to teach your daughter. She will be trained in martial prowess. It is a part of what makes us who we are. But it need not be the field she specializes in, like my Apprentice Jon. And frankly, Lord Baratheon, it is not just your choice to make here. This is your daughter's life you are talking about. If you don't feel the need to give her the choice about her future, then perhaps you don't actually love your daughter as much as I thought you did."

The fury within Stannis raged once more as the man fought to keep a lid on his family's temper. 'Oh, I can't wait to get Shireen up North and begin her training. Her Family's words are 'Ours is the Fury'. What better slogan for a future acolyte of the Sith can there be but that?'

"Very well, sorcerer," Stannis said harshly, all friendly tone gone from his voice. "I shall…consult my daughter about training under you in the future."

"Splendid." Now he just needed to plant the idea in the girl's head to want to be trained. Which shouldn't be that difficult of a task. After all, children were always very easily swayed by the arcane. "Then, with your permission, our ship will stay docked in the harbor for the night so that Talisa and I can monitor your daughter's progress throughout the night. And in the morning, I shall test your daughter's aptitude for the Force, and should she prove herself to a certain point, I will give her a few exercises to do before she comes North. Then we will leave as soon as I am satisfied. We have been away from the North for far too long. And many amongst my crew are anxious to return to their homes."

"Very well," Stannis replied, going over to his desk and writing down a quick note before handing it to him. "Give this to the first servant you come across and they will grant you and your foreign healer any room near my daughter's so you may stand vigil throughout the night. However, come morning, I will be present when my daughter awakes and when you put her through this test of yours. Now leave me. I have much to think about."

Taking the note, Nox gave the stern man the barest of nods before turning and leaving him alone. 'Well, that was interesting. Responding to a disturbance in the Force and finding another potential acolyte on Arya's level…Hmm…I must be doing something right for the Force to favor me so.'

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