Chapter 14: Revelations part 2

Sitting at the high table within the Merman's Court of New Castle, Ned Stark broke his fast with his family and Lord Manderly's family as they waited for news of the impending return of Nox and all those who went with him to Valyria. The only members of both family that were absent from the meal were his Lady Wife and Rickon, both of whom were still in Winterfell, and Wyman's second son Wendel, who had accompanied Nox on the voyage as the Captain of the Sea Wolf. Picking at the food on his plate, Ned took a single bite before setting his utensils aside. Honestly, the food in White Harbor was by far some of the best he'd ever had. But it was far too rich and often heavily soaked in butter or salt for his tastes. A sentiment that seemed to be shared by his children as four of them only lightly picked at their fast. The only one who didn't seem to mind was Theon, who had already cleaned a single plate completely and was working on putting more on.

In truth, while Wyman and his family were wonderful hosts for both himself and his family, Ned was starting to grow restless. The time that'd passed from Nox's raven while he was in Dorne till now had been both the fastest and slowest passage of time Ned could remember since the beginning of Robert's Rebellion. And with each passing day, his impatience for their return grew, especially with the news from the Wall that awaited them upon arriving at White Harbor several days ago. Lord Commander Mormont had informed them years ago that a former Black Brother by the name of Mance Rayder had turned his cloak and joined the Wildlings, but Ned had thought that that would be the end of any word of him. But that had not been the case. Mance had thrived beyond the Wall, and not in a way that was good news for the North.

It'd taken him years, but the former Brother of the Night's Watch had managed to unite almost all of the Wildlings north of the Wall under his banner, making him a 'King-Beyond-The-Wall'. Not a pleasant notion as memories of the last King-Beyond-The-Wall, Raymun Redbeard, still lingered in the minds of the people of the North. Especially in the minds of the Starks as, while the King-Beyond-The-Wall and his host were eventually killed nearly to the man at Long Lake, he did manage to behead William Stark, Ned's own great-grandfather, before he died. But despite their eventual defeat, the Wildings had managed to inflict a lot of death and pain upon the people of the North. And the fact that less than a century had passed before a new King-Beyond-The-Wall had risen was not a pleasant thought.

'Will my life forever be cursed to fight one battle after another?' Ned thought, his mind trailing back to the two wars that'd taken him from his home for years and cost him almost his entire family.

And while the news of the King-Beyond-The-Wall was indeed troubling, the second piece of news that came from the Night's Watch was equally as troubling. Apparently, nearly two dozen Black Brothers from the Shadow Tower, all men who chose the Black to escape the King's justice, had followed Mance's example and defected. Had they merely gone north of the Wall, that would've been one thing. But, no, they had taken it a step further and apparently helped to secret an entire warband of Wildlings across the Gorge using the Bridge of Skulls and into the North. And since they'd crossed weeks ago, there'd been no word of them by either the Mormonts or the Umbers. The only sign that they were still in the North was the fact that Commander of the Shadow Tower, Ser Denys Mallister, had reported that they had not tried to cross back to the Far North. It was unusual behavior to say the least. Usually whenever the Wildlings raided south, they would go for a settlement or two, and then retreat. But not this warband. No, this group crossed into the North without issue and then seemingly disappeared without a sign.

Word had been sent to the Dreadfort and Karhold, but neither Roose nor Rickard had sent back word yet as to whether or not the Wildings had attempted to raid their lands. Not even the newly formed Rangers could seem to find them. 'If no word is sent by the time we reach Winterfell, I fear I will have to ask Nox to accompany myself and my men out into the North to hunt them down in person. I don't want to take Nox away again, especially given he will have just returned and will have ample reason to stay behind. But, as much as I hate to admit it, finding and eliminating this warband will be far easier with him at my side rather than at Winterfell.'

Pushing thoughts of Wildings and war to the back of his mind, Ned picked up his fork and knife and began to carefully pick at the heavy food laid out before him. Hearing a slight giggling coming from his right, Ned cast a sidelong glance towards his eldest daughter. Sansa was currently sitting with her friend and companion Jayne Poole and the eldest granddaughter of Wyman, a beautiful young girl by the name of Wynafryd. The young woman was of the same age as his sons, Robb and Jon. And judging by the lighthearted looks on the girls faces and the quick glances Wynafryd was sending towards Robb, it wasn't difficult to guess what their current topic of conversation involved.

It wasn't a bad match. White Harbor was the largest city in the North and House Manderly had proven themselves to be a steadfast ally of House Stark for years. The girl was indeed pretty and would no doubt bloom into an even more beautiful woman in the next few years. But despite the logical part of his mind that said that such a match would without a doubt be the most beneficial, he could not force himself to make it official. The betrothal of his sister to Robert against her wishes was no doubt the primary reason why what happened had happened during the Tourney of Harrenhal. And as for him, while he had come to love Cat, it had not started out that way as duty had forced him to take the hand of his brother's intended. In so doing robbed him of the chance of being with the woman he loved. While he had indeed come to love Cat, she would still be second as shameful as it was to admit. And he knew that his marriage was not the norm. Not by far. As strong as he knew his children to be, he did not want them to suffer through the same pain as he and his sister due to being forced to be with someone against their will.

Without realizing his actions, Ned's hand shot out and grabbed a piece of food that had been sailing through the air towards its target. Feeling the wet porridge seeping through his fingers, he let out a tired sigh as he turned his sights towards his youngest daughter Arya, who was sitting with the younger granddaughter of Wyman, Wylla. The culprit wasn't hard to guess as, while both girls were staring at him with wide eyes, Arya was the one who was holding her spoon like a catapult that'd just thrown its load. Though once she saw her father's eyes on her, she quickly tried to pull the spoon down below the edge of the table.

"Arya!" Sansa gasped, figuring out that she had been the intended target while quickly looking over herself to see if any of the porridge had managed to get past Ned and hit her.

"What?" Arya asked, trying to seem innocent. Though the act failed quickly. "You're being silly and making funny faces. And it'd be rude to throw something at our hosts."

"Glad to see you at least remember some of your manners, Arya," he said quickly before Sansa could say anything. "But it is still rude to try and embarrass your sister in front of our hosts. Now, apologize."

Looking like she'd just eaten a whole bushel of lemons, Arya turned first to her sister and then to Wyman. "Sorry, Sansa. Apologies, Lord Manderly."

"No worries, my dear," Wyman laughed, his chins swaying as he did. "I find it quite refreshing to have so many youngsters at my table once more! Why, when I was young, it was not uncommon for myself and my siblings to play jokes on each other at every possible opportunity! Though, if I may say so, young Lady, it'd be best for yourself to do so out of the eyes of others. Far less of a chance of being caught that way."

Groaning, Ned finished wiping off his hand while his youngest daughter beamed and his eldest pouted. "Please don't give my daughter any more ideas, Wyman. Trust me, she needs no encouragement in that particular area."

"Apologies, Lord Stark," Wyman apologized, though judging by the tone he didn't really mean it. "And may I say, Lord Stark, that that was an impressive display. Did you by chance see what your daughter was about to do? Or is it perhaps true that this 'Force' that the sorcerer talks about is not limited to only your children?"

Setting his napkin down on the table, Ned frowned while trying to think of the best way to answer. In truth, there was very little he could purposefully do with the power of the Force, despite Nox's many lessons. Jon and Arya were, to use Nox's own words, prodigies and could use the Force in multiple ways without hardly any strain on themselves. And while Robb was not quite at the same level as those two, he was still no slouch and wasn't afraid to use his gifts in the open to help the denizens of Winterfell. Usually by helping to pick up objects that would take several grown men to carry.

Before he could answer, a guard wearing the livery of House Manderly rushed into the room. His face red and his breath coming out in short bursts. "My Lord Stark, Lord – Lord Manderly."

"Take a breath," Ned said, eyeing the clearly winded guard who looked like a strong gust of wind could knock him over. Either the man had run a great distance, or he had been neglecting his training. More than likely the first, given that he knew Wyman was the first of the Northern Lords to implement Nox's training regime for his guards outside of House Stark.

"Apologies, milord," the guard gasped, taking a moment to compose himself. "But the watch towers have sighted the Sea Wolf entering the White Knife. They will be passin by the Seal Rock soon."

All conversation ceased as the guard's words reached them. They were back. Finally. After over seven months, Nox and his expedition had returned to the North.

"Send out the ferries," Wyman ordered. "Have them guide the Sea Wolf to the inner harbor immediately."

"Yes milord, milord Stark," the guardsman replied, bowing to both before quickly retreating from the room.

"They're back!" Arya exclaimed, jumping up from her seat. "We need to—!"

"Patience, Arya," Ned warned, giving his daughter a look that stopped her from running out of New Castle and down to the harbor, which she was no doubt about to do. "It will still be some time before they are in the harbor. There is no rush to head down right now. Finish your food, all of you, and then we will head down to welcome them home."

Arya clearly wasn't happy, but she sat down and started to quickly scarf down her food. Though she wasn't the only one. Now knowing that the expedition force was almost home, the excitement in the room had grown greatly and everyone seemed to be in a hurry to finish their food so that they could head down to welcome them home. While Ned would be lying to say that he wasn't in a similar state, his excitement was tempered by a task that'd been looming over his head since before Nox had set out.

'It's past time that Jon and I had a long talk,' he thought, picking at his food once more. 'And I can only pray to the gods that he will understand once all is said and done.'

Standing upon the bow of the Sea Wolf and holding onto one of the rigging lines, Nox took in a deep breath as he enjoyed the sensation of the cool northern air filling his lungs. He'd always been more inclined towards the cold, not Hoth cold though he doubted anyone truly cared for that bucket of ice, and perhaps that'd been why he'd felt so inclined to make his new home in the North. Home. Such a simple word. Such a simple prospect. But in all of his years, no matter his advancements, he'd never had a place he called home. Sure, he had properties on Dromund Kass and Nar Shaddaa as well as his own personal chambers on Korriban, but those were just…places he'd rest his head. The only place he could truly consider home was his personal shuttle, the Fury.

Unfortunately for him, he never truly understood just why that small ship was more a home than anywhere else to him until it was too late. It was a home because it was perhaps the one place where he and Ashara could simply be together without the binds of the Sith or the Jedi or the war between the Republic and the Empire. And when she died, he lost his home. And he never thought that he'd find a new home. But that had all changed when he'd met the new woman that'd claimed a spot in his heart next to Ashara. Nyra, the woman who he helped raise from a mere servant to one of the most influential women in the North. She was his home now. He only regretted that it took him leaving her for months to truly realize that.

Letting go of the rigging line, Nox let his senses roll outwards as the city of White Harbor grew larger and larger while the excitement of the crew grew in equal proportions. He wasn't the only one anxious to return home, it seemed. 'I can sense her,' he thought with a smile as he sensed the woman who had turned this land into a new home for himself. But as he focused in on her, he felt something…different about her.

'Strange. What…What is this presence about her? I sense the Force within her, but how?' Now more anxious than ever to get off the ship, Nox waited near where the gangplank would be lowered while impatiently tapping his foot.

"Master?" Jon asked tentatively as he stepped up next to him. "Are you alright?"

"Fine," Nox bit back, just shy of snapping at his Apprentice. It would not do for him to lose himself just because he couldn't make heads or tails of what he was sensing from Nyra. "Just ready to get off this ship."

Jon didn't say anything further as the Sea Wolf pulled up near the docks to the sounds of a near deafening cheer coming from both the people on the ship and those on shore. Not even waiting for the ship to be fully tied off, Nox slid the gangplank off the ship and down to the dock with but a flick of the Force and started to descend the moment it touched down, leaving Jon to nearly run to try and catch up. By the time the two of them set foot down onto the stone dock, the ropes had just been thrown down from the ship and deckhands were busy trying to tie the massive ship off.

Setting a brisk pace, Nox completely ignored the crowd around him as he focused solely on the small gathering near the base of the pier. It seemed Ned had brought his entire family save for his youngest and his wife to greet them. A touch overkill, but nonetheless the gesture was appreciated. He could even sense that Robb and Arya had grown slightly, both physically and in the Force, since he'd left. Obviously, they'd taken his training regime to heart and had not been idle while he was away. Sansa was the same as always, a powerful Force-user in her own right who was purposefully stifling her powers. And Bran was still the same somewhat blank page to him.

As his attention shifted towards the one whom he'd been looking for the most, his steps slowed until his feet no longer seemed to be recognizing his brain commanding them to move. Nyra was, perhaps, even more radiant than when he'd left. And, oddly enough, she'd even developed a slight attunement to the Force. But neither was the reason why he'd slowed nor why he could sense something from her, even as far away as Dorne. No. The reason he stopped was the second Force-presence emanating from her. A presence focused under the noticeable swell of her midsection. 'By the Force…a…a child? My…My child?'

Mercifully, Stark did not seem interested in interacting with him once Nox was able to reaffirm control of his body to move towards Nyra. Or, even if he did, Nox didn't hear him as everything faded to nothingness, leaving only himself, Nyra, and their child growing in her womb. A child. The one thing he always wanted but never achieved.

"My Lord…Alim." Force, even her voice sounded sweeter to him now that he was before her.

He could sense her desperation for his approval in both her voice and presence. But for the life of him, he couldn't find the strength to respond. Raising his hand, he lightly pressed it against her wool dress that was stretched tight over the swelling life within her. Now with direct contact, he could truly sense the life within her. The life that was nearly fully formed and ready to enter the world. "My Lord, are you…pleased?"

"Beyond words, Nyra…my love. Beyond words." It was unbelievably corny, but it was the only thing he could think of to say. Thankfully, though, it appeared to be just the right thing as Nyra's back straightened, and her sense of joy shined like the sun.

"Thank the gods, Alim, I know you were unsure b—" That was about as far as she got as Nox pulled her into his arms and proceeded to kiss her with everything he had.

The crowd around them erupted into cheers and whistles, but he didn't care. He was reunited with the woman who'd claimed a spot in his heart where there had only been darkness for the longest time. And now, now she was about to bring a child—his child—into the world. Breaking the kiss, Nox let his forehead rest against hers as he took a moment to simply enjoy the sensation of just holding her once more in his arms.

"Well, I doubt that anyone will be able to outdo that return, my friend."

Pulling back, Nox turned his attention to Ned and his children. His friend was at the point where he was just shy of laughing while his children were all in similar yet dissimilar states. Robb was beaming like a fool with Jon right next to him. Sansa was sighing as hope, want, and the smallest amount of jealousy seeped from her. Arya had turned completely red and was pointedly looking elsewhere while muttering 'not in a thousand years'. And young Bran, who still a touch too young to fully comprehend just what was going on, was merely smiling and cheering with the crowd.

Clearing his throat, Nox pulled back from Nyra just enough to keep one arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders. "Lord Stark. Forgive the breach of etiquette but-"

"Nothing to forgive Nox," Ned laughed, "I completely understand. And going from experience, I doubt you'll be able to focus on anything else for the time being. So, why don't you and your lovely lady retreat back to the rooms Lord Manderly has prepared for you two in New Castle? We can meet up in the Merman's Court once you have regained enough of your wi—"

That was about as much as Nox was willing to listen to as he turned and swept Nyra up into a bridal carry. Letting out several lighthearted protests, Nox proceed to run as fast as his Force empowered legs could carry him through the crowd as the Northerners cheered and laughed while he passed them by in a blur of motion. His only thought being that he had been away from Nyra for far too long. 'Never again,' he swore as he listened to Nyra as she gave him directions to their rooms the moment, he entered New Castle. 'From here on out, wherever I go, she goes with me. I won't lose her like I lost Ashara.'

Time lost all meaning to Nox as he took his fill of Nyra, which she more than readily reciprocated with a vigor and hunger that frankly surprised even himself. Apparently, pregnancy had made his lover quite randy. Which suited him just fine as he had months of lust to sate. In the end, it was physical exhaustion on Nyra's part that drove the two of them to take a break in their activities. Which was why Nox found himself laying beside Nyra, without a stitch of clothing between them, with his hand resting on the child growing within her. "Have you thought of names, Nyra?"

"Aye," his lover said as she rested her hand over his own. "I thought of some. But I wanted to wait until you returned home before going too far. If a boy, I… Well, I was thinking of Edric, after my brother who died in the rebellion. And after Lord Stark as well."

"Edric is a good name," Nox agreed, feeling the life within her turn as something pressed against his hand.

"Aye, it is. Do you have a boy's name?"

Frowning, Nox thought for a moment. Honestly, the idea of a child had never truly registered in his mind, so to say that Nyra had managed to catch him completely off balance was an understatement. He didn't remember his father and he had no siblings. But there were a few men that he remembered fondly. Andronikos and Darth Marr near the top. But there was only one name at the top of his 'list'. The name of his first true friend, even if their relationship didn't start out that way. "Khem."

The pressure on his hand increased slightly. "After Khem Val? Your former servant and friend?"

"Aye," Nox nodded. "Despite our more than slightly rocky beginning, Khem Val was a true friend in the end. So, either Edric or Khem for a boy's name. For a girl, perhaps—?"


The name stunned Nox to the point where he jumped slightly. "What?"

"There is no other option, Alim." Nyra said, her voice soft and full of warmth. "I know that I can never replace her in your heart, and I don't want too. She—She did something that I don't think I ever could. She pulled you out of the darkness enough to teach you how to love. And I…I don't want you to ever lose the thought of her."

Feeling a genuine smile come over him, he moved up the bed so that he could rest his head against her shoulder while still leaving his hand resting on her belly. What she'd just said had laid to rest an argument he'd been having within himself for months. He'd missed his chance with Ashara. And by the Force he would not miss his chance with Nyra. "Nyra, I know I haven't said it often enough but I…I do love you. You are my light. My warmth. Ashara may have opened my heart, but you pulled me out of my darkness and are now my source of return should I ever fade again."

"And I love you, Alim, my sorcerer."

Tightening his hold, he felt a bundle of nerves within him swell. 'This is ridiculous! After everything I've faced without flinching, I can't say the fucking words?' Pushing his nerves down as best her could, he took the plunge. "Nyra…I was going to ask you this the moment we returned and…oh fuck it. Nyra, will you join me…as my wife? From now until we are reunited within the Force?"

Her reaction was, well, unexpected. Pure unadulterated bliss erupted from her with the Force of a supernova as his very pregnant lover defied all senses of reality as she tackled him onto his back, straddling his hips with her own as she leaned over, pressing her swelling belly against his own, and started assaulting him with kisses across his face and neck. "By the gods, Alim! Yes! A thousand times yes!"

Holding her gently, he righted her face and pressed his lips to her own. 'If this…If this is what the light truly feels like, then…Force. Why do so many of the Sith deny this?' he thought as he felt a power within him bloom to life. A power born of desire to protect not only Nyra, but now also the youngling growing within her. Their youngling. But while Nox was content with the light kiss, his lover apparently had other ideas as her kiss grew in hunger as she shifted her hips expertly to ready both himself and her for another round.

"Don't think we are done just yet," Nyra chuckled before letting out a moan as she slid down onto him. "Lord Stark said to take our time…and we have quite a lot of lost time to make up for, Alim."

Twisting in his saddle in an attempt to relieve some of the ache, Jon Snow took a moment to gaze at the column of men, horses, and carriages that were following behind himself and those that were in the lead. The reunion in White Harbor had been everything that he'd hoped for and more. Arya had nearly tackled him in a hug the moment he stepped off the boat as Robb had knuckled his shoulder while Bran unleashed a seemingly never-ending barrage of questions about anything and everything that had happened since he'd left. Even Sansa seemed happy to see him as his sister, while able to keep her face passive, was unable to hide the excitement and joy within her. The best greeting though had come from Lord Stark. His father had calmly helped him back to his feet and embraced him before telling him that it was good to see him again and that he was glad his son had returned.

The acknowledgement had warmed Jon better than any fire ever could and he'd nearly broken down there on the docks. Of course, while Jon's reunion with his siblings was apparently entertaining, it paled in comparison to the welcome home that was awaiting his Master. For as long as he lived, he would never forget the completely shocked expression on his Master's face the moment he noticed that his lover was pregnant with his child. And that she would more than likely be giving birth soon after they returned to Winterfell. Hells, Jon never thought anything could ever surprise his Master. But, apparently, he'd been wrong.

After his Master's rather abrupt, and understandable, departure from the docks, his father and Lord Manderly had taken to overseeing to the return of the rest of the nobles that'd accompanied them and the unloading of all the valuables that they'd taken from Valyria. While most of the reunions were simplistic enough, there were two that stood out most of all in Jon's mind, though for completely opposite reasons. The introduction of Lady Talisa Maegyr, courtesy of Ser Wendel in Lord Nox's absence, had gone over surprisingly well. All his life, Jon had known that Northern folk were slow to accept outsiders. But ever since Lord Nox's arrival and with everything he'd done for them, that attitude had shifted slightly. And the fact that Ser Wendel had included the fact that she was an outstanding healer-in-training and had already help Master Nox in creating a cure for greyscale had done much to prove that she would not be a burden during her time in the North. However long that might be.

His siblings' reactions to Talisa had been amusing as well. Bran couldn't help but stare at her in confusion before bluntly asking her why her skin was darker than theirs. A question that had brought a sharp remand from Lord Stark, but thankfully Talisa didn't take offense and merely explained that due to her homeland and the constant sun and heat, her skin darkened to better protect herself. Sansa appeared to be just as curious as Bran was, though not of her skin, but rather of her home and of the fact that she was a recognized 'Lady' from a foreign land. Jon had no doubt that the moment Sansa managed to corner her, his sister would ask her every question ranging from traditions to fashion. Arya had been the most subdued for some strange reason and, even stranger still when she latched onto Jon's arm while greeting Talisa. Robb, though… Robb's reaction had been one that Jon was already waiting to use in the future. His half-brother had gone completely tongue-tied and red-faced when he'd tried to greet the slightly older girl. It would be good material to jibe and blackmail his brother with sometime in the future. He just hoped that no one told him about Jon's own attempt at talking to Princess Arianne for the first time.

But despite the rather heartwarming and amusing welcome homes', there had been one return that had been filled with heartache. Seeing Dacey, perhaps one of—if not the—strongest woman he'd ever met nearly collapse and breakdown after hearing about the poor fortunes of her family, mercifully in a private setting, had been devastating. She'd even gone as far as offering up her mace or her life in penance for her uncle's actions. But his father had proven himself a Lord to be admired and followed. He denied both of her offers. Stating that Jorah's—Jon just couldn't think of him as a Lord or a knight anymore—actions were his own and that Dacey held no need to make up for his mistakes.

The rest of that first day and night had been spent in celebration of their return, as well as a fair share of ogling at some of their loot and his lightsaber that'd been bestowed upon him by Lord Nox. Small Jon, Eddard Karstark, and Dacey all showed off their new Valyrian steel weapons with pride. And despite not having accompanied them to Valyria, Ser Wendel Manderly had also been gifted a Valyrian steel sword in recognition of his service. A sword which he promptly presented to his father, who proceeded to name it Mermaid's Pride. Predictably enough, all of Jon's siblings had wanted to hold the blade. Hells, even Sansa wanted a chance to hold it. Even though she quickly gave it back after taking only a single experimental swing, Jon could see the slight longing in her eyes when she beheld the weapon.

His Master and Lady Nyra hadn't made an appearance during the return feast, which under normal circumstances might seem like a slight, but given the sheer nature of the sorcerer and what he could do, no one wanted to take the matter up with him. But the next morning when the two did arrive during the breaking of their fast, Jon's father made a proclamation that brought a round of cheers and banging of cups. Upon their return to Winterfell and the night before Robb's name day celebration at the end of the Inventors Fair, Lord Stark would join Lord Nox and Lady Nyra as husband and wife before the weirwood tree within the godswood of Winterfell. Sansa had of course nearly swooned out of her seat as she started rambling about how romantic their story was. A sorcerer who comes to a foreign land and makes a name for himself while uplifting a mere serving girl to a position near enough to a highborn lady of the land.

And speaking of the fair, that had been something that had surprised not only Jon but Lord Nox as well amazingly enough. Robb clearly hadn't been idle while Jon had been away. While he was still not as good as Jon was with a blade, especially now that Jon wielded a lightsaber, Robb was certainly shaping up to be a Lord that could rival their father. All the Lords and Ladies of the North would be in attendance, as well as a few Lords from the Vale. The fair would last for a week and during that time the few students from the Winterfell College would present the Lords and Ladies with their discoveries and inventions hoping to garner interest in their findings. And it wasn't only the students from the Winterfell College that would be participating. There was an open invitation to all those of low birth as well to come and present anything that might better the North. And should whatever they present be worthwhile, they would be gifted with coin, boons, or even titles if it was warranted. It was quite ingenious, and even Lord Nox had praised the heir of Winterfell for coming up with the idea and organizing it.

After the meal was completed, they then set about the slow process of sorting everything that'd been taken from Valyria. Even after knowing about everything they'd taken, Jon was still amazed at the sheer amount of loot. It took nearly until sundown to fully unload all the valuables from the Sea Wolf and the galleon Asha had commandeered from the pirates. The presumably stolen loot on the galleon, while not nearly close in value to what was on the Sea Wolf, was certainly no small sum. And speaking of the galleon, Asha had petitioned Lord Stark for her to keep ownership of the ship, claiming she had fought for it and defeated the previous captain in single combat. While he hadn't denied her request, he had granted it either. Stating that he would make his decision after Robb's name day celebration that would be taking place after they returned to Winterfell. Upon the completion of which, Asha will have reached the age upon which King Robert had declared that she would be returned to the Iron Islands.

After a long day of unloading, loading, and sorting of the valuables, his Lord father declared that they would rest one more day before heading out the next morning for Winterfell. That had been nearly a week ago, and at the pace they were going, it would still be at least another week or more until they reached the ancient seat of House Stark. The wagons that carried the valuables, not to mention the carriages that were housing Jon's sisters, Lady Nyra, and the granddaughters of Lord Manderly playing a significant role in why it was taking so long for them to return. Not that Jon was necessarily complaining. While a not-so-small part of him was anxious to return to his home, another part didn't necessarily want too.

Out here he was the Apprentice to the Northern Sorcerer, a near-man who had won the favor of the Princess of Dorne, if even only for a short time. But once they reached Winterfell, he would once again become the bastard son of Lord Eddard Stark. A fact that Theon had unfortunately reminded him of several times, though whether he was doing it purposefully or not Jon wasn't sure.

"Are you telling me that even after visiting Braavos and Volantis, as well as actually entering a brothel in Volantis to meet the Red Viper, that you never once partook of a nice wet cunt, Snow?" Theon jibbed while he, Robb, and Jon rode ahead of the convoy by at least a quarter mile along with Dacey, Small Jon, Asha, and Eddard Karstark. "What's the matter Snow? Afraid to spread your seed around? Or is it that you prefer the sight of men instead of women?"

"Ha! Snow? Interested in men over women? Not a chance." Small Jon Umber laughed, coming to Jon's defense, which Jon was grateful for. "If anything, we inferior men need to be taking lessons from Snow here and the Sorcerer. Hells, both had women throwing themselves at them!"

Theon gave the heir to Last Hearth a look of disbelief. "Women were throwing themselves at Snow here? Pull the other one Umber."

"He's not lying, little brother," Asha laughed as well. "There was more than one woman after our pretty Snow's maidenhood, that's for sure."

"Name one." Theon demanded flatly.

"Obara Sand, daughter of Prince Oberyn Martell for one," Dacey replied calmly, completely ignoring the imploring look Jon was trying to give her to go no further. "He saved her life in Valyria and she rewarded him by trying to suck his tongue out. And then, lest we forget the most important one. Our not-so-little Snow here won the favor of Princess Arianne Martell herself and pretty much spent every waking moment in her company while we were in Dorne."

"Wait, the Princess of Dorne?" Robb gasped, turning in his saddle to look at him. "How in the name of the gods old and new did you manage to get her attention, Jon?"

"Oh, your brother here is quite the romantic, Robb," Dacey laughed before Jon could answer. "Some twit noble insulted the Princess while Jon was training in the yard and our noble Snow here just couldn't let that stand. So, he delivered a thrashing upon the man who was not only twice his age, but also a knight as well. Then the idiot went and pulled live steel on him, and Jon just about killed him. Probably would've if not for the Sorcerer arriving and shooting that lightning trick of his into the idiot that tried to attack Jon."

"Really?" Robb asked, raising a brow at Jon. "Well, well, isn't that interesting? I'm sure that Sansa would just love to hear about how you heroically defended a Princ-"

"Hey Robb, what's your thoughts on Talisa?" Jon countered quickly, saying the first thing that came to his head to shut his brother up without telling him to. "And Dacey, was there a raven waiting for you in White Harbor from Oberyn's squire, Daemon was it? You two were pretty much inseparable at the feast and for the rest of the night."

His deflection worked as Robb started stuttering and Dacey glared at him with a look that promised a long and painful retribution soon to be heading his way. But before anymore could be said, Jon abruptly pulled on the reins of his horse, making the beast neigh beneath him as he wheeled him about, his eyes scanning the tree line to their east.

"Jon," Robb asked uncertainly.

"I felt it too." Jon nodded, his eyes moving rapidly along the line of trees.

"What?" Small Jon asked, any humor gone from his eyes as his hand now rested on the hilt of his Valyrian great sword. "This some sorcery horse shit, you two? What's going on?"

A second disturbance from the Force, one screaming of imminent danger, brought Jon's eyes skywards. "Look out!" he yelled, thrusting his hand skywards and sending a pulse of Force energy outwards.

The dozen or so arrows that'd been coming straight for them all shattered as if they'd struck true against a stone wall yet failed to find purchase as the broken shafts fell uselessly to the ground a few dozen paces from Jon and the others.

"Shit!" Eddard yelled, pulling his sword free from its sheath. "Bandits?"

"No," Jon replied, shaking his head as he watched dozens of fur cloaked men and women rush out from the heavy tree line and make for the carriages and wagons. "Wildlings."

"Wildings?" Theon near shouted in disbelief. "Wildings don't venture this far south!"

"Apparently now they do," Robb stated, sitting up as tall as he could in his saddle while drawing forth his own sword. "We have to get back to the column and help with the defense."

Palming his lightsaber, Jon eyed the soon-to-be battlefield. The men of House Stark and Manderly had formed a crude line of shields and men between the wagons and the quickly approaching Wildlings while the noncombatants were doing everything they could to try and help by picking up bows or crossbows and letting loose at their attackers, though with little accuracy. When the Wildlings managed to cross half the distance between the tree line and the column, a flash of light came from near the wagons as lightning streaked out across the field, killing several Wildlings in a single pass but doing little to slow their momentum.

"Fuck this waiting around shit," Umber growled, jerking his horse around. "We're standing here with our dicks in our hands! Let's go kill these fuckers and then raise a fucking horn over their corpses!"

Jon could feel the nerves rolling off his brother, as accented by the slight shaking of Robb's hand as he held onto his sword. Though as quick as spark from flint, the shaking disappeared as Robb went completely calm and turned towards Jon. "Are you with me, brother?"

Flipping his lightsaber hilt into his hand, Jon drew forth the blade with the sound of quenched steel, revealing the white blade for all to see. "Aye, brother. From here to the hells and back."

Licking his lips, Robb turned his horse around so that he was facing towards the column and the small group of Wildlings that were running towards them. "For the North!" Robb shouted, holding his blade high and kicking his heels into his horse's side.

"For the North!" Jon and the others shouted, even Asha and Theon much to his amazement.

It didn't take long for their horses to go from a trot to a full run as the seven charged headlong towards the Wildlings in a wedge formation with slight space between each rider. The Wildlings proved just how unused they were to fighting men on horseback as the small group of a dozen or so didn't try to set up a wall of spears or shields, instead they just kept running straight at them. Just before the two small groups clashed, a few Wildlings showed some sense as they tried to pull out of their path after realizing they weren't stopping. But the rest just kept on running. And when they inevitably clashed, the result was predictable. The heavy Northern warhorses ran over the Wildlings like they were blades of grass. And the few that didn't get bashed aside or crushed under the hooves of their horses were cut down by the quick swings of swords from the riders.

Not slowing their momentum after breaking through the small group that'd come to intercept them, Jon urged his horse to keep pace with Robb as the seven of them raced for the skirmish at the wagons. As they drew closer, Jon could start picking out aspects of the fight. Lord Stark was atop his warhorse in front of the makeshift shield wall, Ice held in one hand and the reins of his horse held in the other as the Warden of the North cut down one Wildling after another that got within his reach. And standing a slight distance down the row of shields was Lord Nox. His lightsaber out and cutting down Wildlings like a scythe through wheat. While one or two Wildlings managed to evade his blade, they were not able to evade Lord Nox's lightning. Just as they were about to reach the line of battle, Jon watched in awed horror as his Master unleased a bolt of lightning that struck a Wildling in the back just before said Wildling could reach the wagons. The man, or woman he wasn't sure, could only give off a single strangled cry of agony before his entire body turned to ash and disappeared on the wind.

Coming into the fray, Jon eyed a Wildling who'd just stood up and held his hand up high. Jon's gut lurched as he realized the Wildling was holding a man's head. A man that Jon recognized as one that he'd just broken his fast with this very morning. Letting his anger run through him and not carrying that his target had his back turned towards him, Jon brought his lightsaber down upon the back of the Wilding's neck and separated the man's head and upraised arm clean from his shoulders.

Not bothering to look where the body fell, Jon pulled roughly on the reins of his horse to wheel him around towards his next target. Swinging his lightsaber downwards, he cut through a bronze sword (though he used the term loosely) and the Wildling's chest that was wielding the weapon.

"Robb! Jon!" Lord Stark bellowed, making Jon glance out of the corner of his eye to see his father cutting a path towards them. "Get back to the wagons! Now!"

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