En el capítulo anterior, Kaito continuó explorando sus habilidades mientras los hechiceros de Jujutsu investigaban la desaparición de las maldiciones en Tokio. Gojo y sus alumnos siguieron sus movimientos y, tras un tenso encuentro, acordaron reunirse con él para obtener respuestas.
Durante la conversación, Kaito reveló su verdadera identidad: era un antiguo hechicero de hace más de 2000 años, conocido como el "Dios Maldito" y la "Primera Maldición". Relató cómo su clan fue destruido por los clanes Gojo y Zenin, y cómo, tras años de sufrimiento, se convirtió en una maldición viviente y el origen de las maldiciones actuales.
Al final, Sukuna intervino, burlándose de Kaito, lo que provocó un intercambio de palabras entre ambos. Mientras tanto, los hechiceros se sorprendieron al descubrir la verdad sobre su pasado y su poder, preguntándose si era un enemigo o un posible aliado.
Kaito se reclinó en el sofá y observó tranquilamente a los hechiceros.
—Entonces, magos… ¿qué planean hacer?
Gojo lo miró fijamente antes de responder con su habitual tono despreocupado, pero con un matiz serio:
—Eso depende de ti... y de lo que planees hacer ahora que has vuelto. No solo quieres restablecer tu clan, ¿verdad? ¿Cómo crees que te verá el mundo?
Kaito mantuvo su mirada fija en Gojo por un momento antes de hablar, su tono tranquilo, pero con firme convicción.
—La barrera que creé… su propósito era separar los últimos desechos de la humanidad, mientras su energía se extendía por el mundo. Pero hiciste algo… Pusiste otra barrera sobre la mía. ¿O quizás intentaste copiarla?
Hizo una breve pausa, observando sus reacciones antes de continuar.
La barrera que crearon... la destruiré. Informaré al mundo sobre la verdad de las maldiciones y las extenderé por todo el planeta. Además, permitiré que la energía maldita, que hasta ahora se ha concentrado en Japón, se propague sin control.
Su mirada se hizo aún más aguda.
—El mundo se hará más amplio… y sólo los más fuertes sobrevivirán.
Los tres estudiantes abrieron los ojos con sorpresa, sintiendo la seriedad en las palabras de Kaito.
Gojo, con una sonrisa torcida, pero con un tono más agudo, habló:
—Eso es lo que encontraste, ¿verdad? Buscas un cambio, algo que te recuerde quién eras... pero lo que dices no tiene sentido. ¿Por qué harías eso? ¿Por qué liberarías la barrera y esparcirías la energía maldita por todo el mundo? Alguien como tú, que desprecia a los humanos... ¿por qué les darías poder?
Kaito opened his mouth slightly, as if he was about to answer immediately… but remained silent.
In his mind, the question echoed again and again, like an endless echo.
But… why?
Why do I want to do this?
Gojo watched her expression and smiled in amusement.
—It seems you haven't fully assimilated into that body yet. Its thoughts... its way of seeing the world... filter into your mind and contaminate your personality. I can see that, Kaito.
Kaito felt a sharp stab in his head.
He put a hand to his temple and leaned forward slightly.
"Damn… this body still affects me."
Memories weren't the problem. The human mind… was the problem.
"The original soul of this body was destroyed… that's a fact or not… So why do I feel this way? Why are there foreign thoughts in my mind? Why do I hesitate?"
He gritted his teeth.
"I've lived more than three lives. I shouldn't care."
The pain increased.
"Reestablishing my clan… that's the only certainty. But the cursed energy… that wasn't my true purpose. Two ideas have united in my mind, but in the end… only one can remain."
He closed his eyes tightly.
"I'm going to destroy the barrier of this land and then... then I'll think about it."
But the feeling of emptiness did not go away.
"My wish was destruction and chaos… but… damn, my head…!"
Gojo leaned back comfortably on the sofa, still wearing his confident smile.
—It's not so easy to take over a body, is it? You must have absorbed more than memories. Emotions, insignificant details… they've seeped into you. Now you're one with that vessel… as it devours you.
Kaito grabbed his head with both hands.
"This is ridiculous… I shouldn't be feeling anything."
The pain throbbed in his skull as if his very existence were fragmenting.
Gojo stood up with a calm movement.
—Well, it seems you're having some identity issues. But don't worry…
He raised his hand and pointed at him with his fingers, his tone light, but with a devastating force behind it.
—It's time for you to die and pay for your sins… First Curse.
A sphere of energy appeared at Gojo's fingertips.
"Blue," he murmured confidently.
But before the technique could be activated, Kaito disappeared from his spot.
In an instant, Gojo shot out, crashing through the wall with a deafening crash. Itadori, Megumi, and Nobara froze in shock, staring in the direction their teacher had been thrown.
In front of them, Kaito stood motionless, his fist still extended.
"Don't underestimate me. That won't be enough to stop me," he said coldly.
Itadori felt a chill run down his spine. He had barely seen Kaito move.
"How... how was it so fast?"
Acting on instinct, he kicked off onto the tea table in front of him, preparing to attack, but at the same instant…
The table was smashed into a thousand pieces, and before he could react, a sharp blow hit him in the back.
Itadori was slammed to the ground with terrifying brutality.
Megumi and Nobara barely managed to react. They both drew their weapons and tried to attack from the sides.
— Tsk .
Kaito appeared among them like a fleeting shadow.
Two impacts echoed instantly. Megumi and Nobara were sent flying, crashing into furniture and walls, knocking over everything in their path.
From the crater left by the impact, Gojo stood up with a serious expression, looking at Kaito with new appreciation.
"His punch was able to push me back… Not even my Infinite Void stopped him, it just sent me flying. And I protected my entire body… He's fast. He's strong. My students won't even be able to touch him."
Kaito watched him indifferently.
—I'll kill them first… and then I'll sort out the rest.
But at that moment, a stab of pain shot through his head.
— Tch …
Taking advantage of the distraction, Gojo appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the neck with impossible speed.
—I'll get you out of here.
In the blink of an eye, they tore through the walls, knocking them down with deafening crashes.
The two of them shot out of the building at devastating speed. Gojo dragged him through the air, taking him far away from the city in a matter of seconds.
The pressure of the wind roared around them as they moved at an impossible speed.
And then, Gojo threw it with tremendous force.
Kaito's body shot through the skies like a projectile until it finally hit the ground in the middle of a forest on the outskirts of the city.
BOOO ...
The explosion raised a huge cloud of dust and debris. Trees were uprooted. The ground shook from the impact.
Silence fell for a moment… but only for a moment.
Gojo landed softly a few feet away, looking down at the crater where Kaito had crashed.
—Good… Now we can fight for real.
The battle was just beginning.
Kaito stood up slowly, brushing the dust off his clothes. He stared at himself for a moment, flexing his fingers as a slight expression of annoyance crossed his face.
"That hurt..." he murmured coldly.
But something else was troubling him. He put a hand to his temple, feeling the pounding in his head.
"My mind… is still cluttered. I can't organize my thoughts."
He gritted his teeth and looked up, surveying his surroundings. The forest was devastated by the impact, the trees uprooted, the ground fractured by the force of his fall.
He looked away at Gojo, who was looking at him with his usual confident smile.
Kaito exhaled slowly and spoke in his calm tone.
"So you got me out of the city so you could fight at your leisure," he commented neutrally. "Clever. But that won't change anything."
At that moment, Kaito's glasses began to crumble into a fine golden dust, scattering like sand in the air.
Gojo watched silently as Kaito's eyes became fully exposed. A deep red with a slitted pupil, similar to that of a beast.
The air around him vibrated.
—But that… won't change anything that will happen here.
The cursed pressure around them intensified. The real battle was about to begin.
In the building where the other group was, Itadori slowly stood up, staggering slightly as he looked at the huge hole in the wall where Gojo and Kaito had come out.
He reached for his back, feeling the lingering pain from the blow that had knocked him down. Then he looked at his companions. Megumi and Nobara were also struggling to their feet, holding their sides where they'd been hit.
Megumi took a deep breath and spoke seriously:
—Gojo-sensei took him away… I'm sure they'll fight with all their might. But I didn't think there was that much of a difference. I couldn't even see his movements… I just felt the pain.
Nobara clicked her tongue in frustration.
—Damn… that hit hurt, but… it felt weird. Like it didn't even hit me directly. What the hell was that?
Itadori frowned, remembering the feeling of the impact.
—I only saw a flash… and the next thing I felt was something brushing against my back. But as soon as it touched me… my body was crushed against the ground.
Megumi nodded with a serious expression.
—So that's what it was... It didn't even hit us directly. It just grazed us... If that hit had been direct, we'd be dead.
At that instant, Sukuna's mouth appeared on the side of Itadori's face and he spoke with amusement:
—Brat, move. I want to see the fight between them. Hahahaha !
Itadori clicked his tongue in annoyance, but sighed.
—Even if I don't want to admit it... she's right. We have to go to them. Megumi, do you have a plan?
Megumi approached the hole in the wall where Gojo and Kaito had flown out. Without wasting any time, she clasped her hands in a seal and muttered:
A red bird appeared in the air and descended to land beside her. Megumi jumped nimbly, allowing herself to be held by the bird's shoulders as it rose.
"You guys stay here," he said before Nue flew him off in the direction of the battle.
Nobara and Itadori stared blankly for a second before frowning angrily.
"Hey, Megumi!" Nobara shouted angrily, but it was too late.
He clicked his tongue and looked at Itadori with determination.
—Carry me!
Itadori tilted his head, confused.
Nobara glared at him.
—Fuck me, idiot!
Itadori sighed in resignation and picked her up. He took a few steps back, judging the distance, and then ran with all his might toward the edge of the building.
With a great boost, he leaped onto the nearest building, landing on the terrace. Without missing a beat, he continued running at full speed, leaping from one building to another while Nobara held on tightly.
From the sky, Megumi descended to a nearby hill, where a road ran alongside the battle site. He approached the security fence and from there he could clearly observe the fight. The distance was far enough away to avoid detection, but he could still see everything that was happening.
After running and jumping between several buildings, Itadori finally reached the observation point. As soon as he landed on the hill, he set Nobara down and bent down, panting from the exertion.
Megumi, without taking her eyes off the fight, frowned and spoke seriously:
—I told them to stay. It's dangerous to come here.
Nobara, still upset, didn't hesitate to hit him on the head.
—Don't tell us what to do! If you can come, we can too.
Megumi clicked her tongue, rubbing her head with a grimace of annoyance, while Itadori tried to catch his breath.
However, any discussion took a backseat as the three turned their attention to the battle. From their elevated position on the hill, the view of Gojo and Kaito's confrontation was breathtaking. The area had been devastated, with trees uprooted and the ground cracked from the intensity of the blows.
The tension in the air was overwhelming, and the fight was about to begin.
Kaito took a step forward, and in that instant, the pressure in the room skyrocketed. A surge of cursed energy spread out in all directions, crushing the surroundings with its presence. The surrounding birds flew away in disarray, while the ground creaked slightly beneath their feet.
After that moment of chaos, the place was completely silent.
Gojo calmly moved his hand and slid his blindfold down, revealing his glowing eyes.
From their position, Megumi, Nobara, and Itadori watched the scene, their muscles tensed. A chill ran through their bodies, and without realizing it, sweat began to trickle down their foreheads.
The intensity of the battle they were about to witness far exceeded anything they had imagined.
At that instant, Kaito appeared in front of Gojo with overwhelming speed.
His fist slammed into it with tremendous force, causing a devastating explosion.
The surrounding trees were uprooted, the ground cracked violently, and debris was thrown in all directions.
But as the dust cloud began to dissipate, the scene became clear:
Gojo held Kaito's fist just inches from his face.
His expression remained calm, but his feet had slid back several meters from the impact.
With a slight smile, Gojo spoke:
—You won't be able to touch me.
Kaito, unfazed, replied coldly:
—We'll see.
Kaito reacted immediately. With his other arm, he launched a sweep with brutal force, but Gojo nimbly ducked.
The impact of the sweep destroyed everything behind Gojo, leveling trees and raising a cloud of debris.
Taking advantage of the opening, Gojo punched Kaito in the stomach with devastating force, sending him flying to the other end of the forest.
Kaito flew through several trees before stabilizing in the air.
At that instant, behind him, three golden waves appeared, distorting space.
From them emerged three enormous swords with unique and majestic designs, floating with an imposing brilliance.
The swords launched themselves at full speed at Gojo, appearing right in front of him in the blink of an eye.
The impact shook the ground, and the force of the explosion sent Gojo flying.
With flawless acrobatics, he stabilized and landed softly.
However, the swords did not stop.
Two of them spun in the air and launched themselves in a horizontal slash at full speed.
Gojo jumped, spinning around to pass between them.
But at that instant, the third sword appeared from above with a vertical cut.
It hit Gojo directly, slamming him into the ground with a blast of energy.
The other two swords took advantage of the opening and descended with force, pressing Gojo even further into the ground.
The ground cracked under the pressure, but even so, the swords could not touch it.
Gojo smiled confidently.
Expanding his infinite barrier, he pushed off the ground and unleashed a wave of energy that pushed the swords away.
Although the weapons were still floating around him, pressing on him, they were now slightly pushed away due to his technique.
From a distance, Kaito watched him calmly, but his eyes reflected a slight annoyance.
The swords continued to press against Gojo, floating around him with an imposing glow. However, he calmly began walking toward Kaito, showing no concern whatsoever.
Kaito narrowed his eyes and analyzed the situation.
"That barrier... it's annoying. While Sorata Gojo's was more like an energy barrier that could be broken, this one is different. Instead of blocking me completely, it seems to slow down my attacks, distorting the impact before they can reach it. It's composed in a completely different way."
Gojo continued to approach calmly, his confident smile intact.
At that instant, a golden energy wave appeared at the side of Kaito's hand, distorting the air around him. From its center, the hilt of a katana slowly emerged.
But at that instant, Kaito felt a sharp stab in his head.
His expression twisted in pain as an intense feeling of dizziness hit him.
"Again… This interference…"
The pain was so strong that his concentration was broken for an instant, and the katana sank back into the energy wave, vanishing, and the swords pressing on Satoru stopped.
Gojo, not missing the opportunity, immediately appeared in front of him and grabbed his head tightly.
With a single movement, he slammed Kaito into the ground, creating a massive crater around him.
Without giving him time to react, she raised her fist and brutally smashed it against him.
The impact expanded the crater, causing the ground to crack and blood to scatter across the debris.
But Gojo didn't stop.
He raised his fist once more and punched even harder.
The terrain was completely devastated. The force of the blow cleared the area completely, knocking down nearby trees as if they were mere branches.
From a distance, Nobara watched the impact with wide eyes.
—It seems the fight is over…
Megumi crossed her arms, not taking her eyes off the chaos Gojo had left behind.
—If he hadn't had problems with his body, he would have been a much more dangerous opponent.
Itadori, still feeling the residual pressure of the battle, swallowed before speaking:
—You're right… I could feel it. The energy he released… it was terrifying.
The three continued to watch the scene, convinced that the battle was over.
But inside Kaito… something was happening.
An infinite black space expanded around him. An empty place, soundless, lifeless.
Kaito appeared in the midst of that darkness, with his original appearance. His long hair fell over his shoulders, dressed in a traditional yukata. His eyes, his real eyes, shone with their characteristic brilliance.
In front of him, in the distance, a small ray of light filtered through the blackness.
And there, standing in the light, was another person.
Black hair, elegant suit… his face was familiar.
Kaito narrowed his eyes and spoke in a firm voice:
—So it's you… Shiro Tanaka.
Shiro glared at him, her body shaking with emotion as her voice cracked.
—No… I won't let you do whatever you want…
Kaito watched him calmly, assessing his desperation.
—So this is what's left of your soul… You no longer belong in this world. But I must admit… your will is immense, much stronger than most.
Shiro gritted his teeth in anger and raised his hands, ready to face him.
Kaito narrowed his eyes, his voice turning colder.
"You know very well the strength of my will and what I'm capable of. Don't provoke me any further. I took your body without knowing it, but it's enough. I'm protecting the life you lived before. That should be enough."
Shiro looked at him with hatred, his eyes reflecting deep pain.
—Damn it… You're just a bad person! I saw parts of your memories… You killed as many innocent people as you were! You slaughtered them mercilessly, you tortured them! You suffered the same, and yet you did it to others… Monster!
The light surrounding him began to expand with intensity, vibrating with the force of his desperation.
Kaito watched him silently for a few seconds and then sighed indifferently.
—This is as far as you go.
He raised his hand and closed it into a fist.
In an instant, Shiro's light was devoured by darkness. His soul was crushed without resistance.
Kaito spoke in his calm tone, almost as if he were explaining an unavoidable fact.
"If you had stayed still, without interfering, you might have continued existing inside me without me noticing… But I suppose that was to be expected. After all, this body was only being controlled like a puppet. It wasn't fully fused with me yet…" She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the last trace of Shiro fade away. "Sooner or later, his soul would have been destroyed."
Meanwhile, in the outside world…
Gojo looked at Kaito's body, lifeless, his head completely destroyed.
He stood up, sighed, and started walking back a few meters.
—It's all over.
At that instant, Kaito's head regenerated at an overwhelming speed.
Gojo turned quickly, his sharp gaze analyzing every detail.
"I saw his life fade away… No, not his… it was Shiro's body. But his cursed energy remains the same throughout his body, without blemish. What's happening?"
Slowly, Kaito stood up, adjusting himself as his face finished reconstructing itself. Fine lines of red glowed on his skin, as if he was being repaired from within.
Gojo narrowed his eyes and spoke calmly.
—So you killed what was left of Shiro… I can't see part of his soul anymore.
Kaito simply watched him in silence. His face returned to normal, and after a moment, he sighed, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
"I should be thanking you… even with my own eyes, I couldn't see its soul. It was too hidden in this body. But thanks to you destroying the brain and causing the vessel's temporary death, I was able to sink deeper into its interior."
He paused briefly before continuing.
—Apparently, I understand myself a little better now… without the interference of what remained of his will.
His gaze hardened and his cursed energy began to flow with intensity.
—The first step will be to defeat you. Then, I will rebuild my clan. Sorcery needs a change, and I will take control.
A flash of coldness crossed his eyes.
—But if the world stands in the way… I will not ignore the part of me that yearns for destruction. If sorcery is to be reborn, then this world must first burn to the ground.
Gojo smiled confidently, his presence radiating absolute security.
—I won't let you do that... because first, I'll kill you.
Kaito held his gaze coldly and took a step forward.
—We'll see.
The swords that had been attacking Gojo floated in the air, vibrating with latent energy. In an instant, the three disappeared and reappeared beside Kaito.
At the same time, a golden ripple materialized on the side of his hand, distorting the air around him. From within it, the hilt of a katana slowly emerged.
With a fluid movement, Kaito drew the katana. Its blade, black as night, was longer than normal, with a golden hilt adorned with black details, radiating an imposing presence, the same katana from the past.
Unhurriedly, he raised his katana and pointed it directly at Gojo. At that instant, a dark energy enveloped the blade, vibrating with overwhelming power as Kaito assumed an attack stance.
—Sword technique, item skill... Delete.
With a horizontal slash, a blast of slashing energy shot out at a speed impossible to follow with the naked eye. Gojo reacted at the last second, propelling himself upward to dodge the attack. However, everything in the path of the slash was sliced through without resistance: the ground, the trees… even the hill in the distance took the blow, causing another roar.
Those watching the fight covered themselves with their forearms as the attack impacted the mountain beside them, leaving a clean gash that ran from one end to the other.
Megumi, her eyes wide open, felt a chill run down her spine. She swallowed and muttered:
—That destructive power… Damn… If that attack had reached us, we would have died without even realizing it…
Itadori looked at the damage with amazement and tension in his expression.
—I couldn't even see the cut... I just heard the loud bang.
Nobara frowned, feeling a cold sweat running down her forehead.
—This is on another level… How is anyone supposed to fight something like this?
Gojo watched the destruction in shock, but he didn't have time to process it. Kaito appeared above him in a flash, swooping down with his katana wreathed in energy. Gojo swerved through the air, dodging by inches, but when the blade hit the ground, the earth itself split in two, creating another massive explosion.
Without wasting any time, Gojo pointed his fingers at Kaito.
A reddish sphere of energy appeared and shot out with overwhelming speed.
Kaito, unfazed, brandished his katana and slashed through the air again. The dark energy collided directly with Gojo's sphere, causing a brutal collision between the two forces.
The impact unleashed a shockwave, shaking everything around it. Trees, soil, and rocks were mercilessly leveled, leaving a devastated landscape of debris and upturned earth.
At that instant, another thunderous crash echoed across the battlefield as Kaito's colossal swords swung at Gojo, pinning him down with no room to move. At the same time, Kaito slashed with his katana, sending a devastating blast of energy directly toward his opponent.
However, just before the attack reached him, several blue spheres appeared around Gojo and were launched towards the cutting blast.
When both energies collided, a massive explosion shook the place.
But this time, something was different. The spheres didn't just block the impact… they absorbed it completely, dissipating Kaito's attack.
One of the spheres, charged with the absorbed energy, moved erratically and, in an instant, pierced Kaito's floating swords, leaving gaps in them as if absorbing wherever it passed, destroying them instantly with overwhelming force.
The sword fragments disintegrated in the air as Kaito watched gravely. Gojo, for his part, smiled confidently. The battle was far from over.
Both in the air observed each other and descended to the ground, Gojo observed him with a smile while Kaito observed him seriously.
The pieces of the swords disappeared into golden dust
Kaito looked at him with annoyance and spoke coldly:
—You think you're so smart... but it doesn't matter.
At that instant, Kaito's katana in his hand disappeared into golden dust like sand, and several golden ripples appeared around him, expanding in the air like resplendent portals. From them emerged golden staffs that shone with an intense red glow. The surrounding heat began to rise rapidly, distorting the air with waves of heat.
At the tip of each staff, spheres of compressed fire began to form, vibrating with overwhelming energy. The ground beneath their feet cracked, and the surrounding vegetation began to burn even before the projectiles were fired.
Gojo braced himself, focusing on the impending offensive.
In the blink of an eye, one of the spheres was shot out with tremendous speed.
The fiery projectile collided with Gojo's infinite barrier, pushing him back several meters as he raised his forearm to cushion the impact. The sphere deviated slightly from its trajectory and shot off into the distance.
Seconds later, the horizon lit up with a blinding flash and a gigantic explosion shook the earth.
The shock wave swept through the area with a fierce wind, shaking trees and raising a cloud of dust and ash.
From the hill, spectators felt the impact of the attack.
Megumi covered her face with one arm as her clothes and hair flapped wildly.
—Damn… What was that?
Nobara, eyes wide open, tried to catch her breath.
—That thing… was it just an attack?
Itadori looked at the devastation with a frown, feeling his pulse quicken.
—This… this is another level.
Gojo looked at the explosion with a challenging smile and then looked at Kaito.
—That explosion was pretty strong.
Without missing a beat, he raised a hand and pointed directly at Kaito.
At that instant, a massive blue sphere of energy began to form at his fingertips, absorbing everything around it with overwhelming force. Energy beams crackled around him as the sphere grew in size, and then, in a flash, it shot out at high speed toward Kaito.
Kaito narrowed his eyes. In response, the compressed balls of fire floating around him were simultaneously launched at the blue sphere. The two energies collided, triggering a series of explosions that shook the battlefield.
But then, the explosion was sucked into the interior of the blue sphere, devouring its entire trail of destruction. The sphere continued to advance… until, suddenly, it shrank and disappeared completely.
The ground shook with the final impact, leaving behind a massive crater. From the edges of the newly formed chasm, Kaito and Gojo watched each other.
Gojo took a step forward and in the blink of an eye he disappeared, reappearing right in front of Kaito with a punch straight to his face.
Kaito reacted instantly, tilting his body to dodge the blow. Wasting no time, he threw his own punch at Gojo, but Gojo easily caught his arm and responded with a crushing blow to Kaito's face.
The impact caused Kaito to fall to one knee while Gojo smiled confidently.
"You're not as untouchable as you think," he commented with amusement.
Wasting no time, Gojo threw another punch, but Kaito dodged it with a precise head movement. He then counterattacked with a punch straight into Gojo's infinity.
The impact was strong enough to send Gojo flying backward, rolling on the ground at high speed.
However, in the blink of an eye, Gojo reappeared right in front of Kaito.
—Don't get so excited.
Gojo landed a crushing blow to his stomach, sending him flying into the air from the force of the impact. Before he could react, Gojo spun around and delivered a second punch straight to his face, sending him flying into the nearby rubble.
Stones and debris flew in all directions.
Gojo didn't stop. He ran at full speed toward Kaito and, with a precise leap, descended with a kick that hit the ground with brutal force.
The ground cracked under the weight of the attack.
But Kaito was no longer there.
He rolled on the ground, dodging the blow at the last second, before getting back to his feet.
In an instant, lines of red energy began to glow over his body, running through his clothes like an interconnected system.
Kaito appeared in front of Gojo, throwing a punch straight at his abdomen. However, Infinity stopped the impact, causing a vibration in the air before the force dissipated with a rumble.
Gojo countered with a punch, but Kaito deflected it with his forearm and responded with another attack. When their forces collided, a wave of energy shook the ground.
Gojo launched a swift kick at Kaito's ribs, but Kaito intercepted it with his knee, the impact resonating with a dry crunch.
Relentlessly, Kaito charged forward at high speed, throwing a punch straight at Gojo's face. Gojo ducked his head at the last moment, dodging by millimeters, and countered with a blow to the torso.
Kaito reacted in time, taking a step back. He spun around and threw a low kick, trying to knock him off balance.
Gojo jumped back to evade the attack, but Kaito was already waiting for him with his other leg. Pushing off, he jumped and launched an upward kick at Gojo's face.
Gojo crossed his forearms to block the impact in midair, but Kaito seized the moment. With a calculated move, he braced himself on Gojo's forearms and slammed him down hard.
Gojo hit the ground, kicking up dust and debris while Kaito stood on top of him, applying pressure.
In an instant, Gojo pushed Kaito up with a swift movement of his arms. Without wasting any time, he caught one of Kaito's legs in midair and threw him away with force.
Kaito spun in the air, quickly steadying himself and landing on his feet, as Gojo scrambled to his feet.
Before he could fully compose himself, Kaito appeared beside him and threw another punch.
Gojo intercepted it with his palm, deflecting the blow, and spun around to deliver a spinning kick to Kaito's side.
Kaito dodged the attack, but didn't stop. In that instant, he launched a flurry of punches at Gojo's Infinity, surprising the sorcerer as a thunderous sound echoed in the air.
Even though Gojo wasn't taking direct damage, the pressure of the attacks pushed him back with each impact.
Gojo reacted immediately, counterattacking with precise blows. However, Kaito easily intercepted or dodged them, keeping the fight going.
The intensity of the fight increased. Their movements were so fast that, to an ordinary spectator, they seemed like blurry flashes colliding with each other. Each blow generated explosions of energy that raised dust and fragments of the ground.
As they fought, Gojo was pushed back, receiving more attacks in quick succession. He decided to move at high speed in another direction, but Kaito followed him without giving him any respite.
What remained of the forest became their battlefield. They moved like flashes, their attacks destroying everything in their path, leaving broken trees and the ground fractured with each clash.
Finally, they both met in the center of the devastated area and, at the same time, threw a direct punch at each other.
The impact created a massive explosion, shattering the ground and expanding a huge crater in all directions. Cracks spread rapidly, and the earth was uplifted by the force of the impact.
The hand-to-hand combat continued at the epicenter of the destruction. Kaito exerted more force, managing to push Gojo backward, sending him sliding to the ground.
Adjusting his posture, Kaito composed himself and spoke calmly:
"I didn't think you were that strong... but you're not used to fighting against beings of your own level. I guess there aren't many of them in this era."
Gojo, after stabilizing himself, looked at his hand for a moment and then fixed his gaze on Kaito.
"Your way of using cursed energy is different from ours," he commented with interest. "I've been observing it, but I think I understand now."
Kaito looked at him silently, without taking his eyes off him.
Gojo raised his fist, concentrating for a moment. Then he lowered it and looked at Kaito with amusement.
At that moment, both disappeared and reappeared in the center of the battlefield, colliding their fists with tremendous force.
The impact was brutal. Kaito was thrown backward. Without losing control, he bounced in the air, used his hand to push off the ground, and landed on his feet, stabilizing himself.
Behind him, the ground was completely shattered by the shock wave.
Kaito looked up at Gojo, who was watching him with a confident smile.
"What an interesting way to use cursed energy," Gojo commented with amusement. "My power just increased, Kaito."
Kaito stood up completely, calmly analyzing him.
"It was his eyes… Yeah, what a pain. His barrier protects him from all harm, and now he's trying to replicate my method…"
With his face imperturbable, Kaito spoke coldly:
—Do you really think you can copy the way I use cursed energy? They tried in the past… and failed. Because there's something you don't have.
Gojo took a step forward confidently, but suddenly…
Splurt !
He spat out blood.
Gojo looked at his hand, surprised for a second, and then his smile widened.
Kaito looked at him expressionlessly and spoke calmly:
—I perfected my method of cursed energy movement with effort… and years of training.
He paused briefly, his tone becoming sharper.
—Do you know why?
Gojo raised an eyebrow, waiting for her answer.
—Because if I didn't… my own energy would have destroyed me from within, since it was created by my clan. Your body has never had to deal with anything like that.
Kaito took a step forward and, in an instant, appeared in front of Gojo.
Without hesitation, he threw a punch straight at Infinity.
The impact resonated in the air, but Gojo didn't even move, Kaito stayed watching him closely.
"The human body is strange," he murmured coldly. "You probably won't be able to move your arm for a while."
Gojo blinked, feeling a slight tingling in his limb.
Kaito narrowed his eyes.
—It's not a wound... it's extreme fatigue.
Gojo looked at him with a confident smile, but at that instant, a punch resonated against his Infinity, pushing him back as he slid across the ground.
Before he could react, Kaito appeared at his side and, with a devastating kick, sent him hurtling forward, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake until his body violently impacted against a mountain.
The roar shook the ground.
Kaito began to walk towards Gojo calmly, without haste, as if he had already considered the battle over.
From inside the crater, Gojo moved slowly, sitting up.
"So much strength..." he thought as he looked at his arm. He tried to move it and could barely flex his fingers.
"The rebound from using energy like that was stronger than I expected… but I'm almost recovered. I just need a little more time."
Kaito continued moving forward expressionlessly.
Suddenly, he disappeared.
Gojo could barely notice when Kaito appeared in front of him, staring at him.
—What are you thinking about?
Before he could respond, Kaito grabbed him by the head and slammed him into the mountain with overwhelming force, shattering part of the rock and causing a loud bang.
The earth shook with the impact.
Gojo, caught in Kaito's grasp, smiled in amusement.
Kaito looked down and noticed that his hand was still millimeters away from touching Gojo's head.
The Infinite continued to protect him.
He clenched his jaw and increased the pressure, pushing him harder against the mountain.
—Your barrier is a pain… Without it, you'd be pretty weak, you know that?
Gojo gave a confident smile.
—You think so?
At that instant, Gojo moved his paralyzed arm and threw a punch straight at Kaito's chest.
A burst of energy resonated through the air. Kaito's chest fabric was instantly ripped, shattered by the force of the impact.
The blow pushed him back, forcing him to take several steps as the ground behind him shattered from the power of the attack.
Kaito narrowed his eyes in surprise.
"Did it destroy my clothes…? It was even reinforced."
Before he could react, Gojo raised his other fist and threw it with all his might at the same spot.
The impact sent him flying, crashing to the ground and dragging him several meters, leaving a deep crack behind him.
Kaito slowly stood up, spitting out a little blood.
"He destroyed several of my ribs…" he thought, feeling the pain run through his torso.
At that moment, red lines appeared on his chest, running across his skin like living marks. Within seconds, his wounds healed, and his regenerated clothing returned to its original state.
From above, Gojo descended with speed, his fist ready to strike.
Kaito dodged it at the last moment, jumping backwards.
Gojo's punch hit the ground, causing an explosion that spread cracks in all directions.
While still in the air, Kaito spoke in a calm tone:
—So you created your own style, copying part of mine… It's not bad, but it's not enough.
At that instant, he clenched his fist. From his shoulder to his hand, several red lines activated, glowing brightly as his cursed energy concentrated.
Gojo swung his arm to pull him off the ground, but Kaito appeared beside him in the blink of an eye and brought his fist down with all his might.
The impact shook the ground. A gigantic portion of land was thrown into pieces, as the Infinity Barrier took a full blow. However, this time it wasn't enough.
Gojo was slammed into the ground, causing another massive explosion.
A huge cloud of dust and debris rose up, covering the area with a fierce wind that spread in all directions.
And then, in the center of the chaos, another explosion resounded loudly.
When the dust cleared, Kaito and Gojo were face to face, their fists colliding with destructive pressure.
Kaito's body was completely covered in red lines that pulsed with cursed energy.
Meanwhile, Gojo radiated a similar feeling, his body adapting to the energy flow, copying part of Kaito's style.
They both disappeared in an instant and reappeared at another spot, colliding their fists with devastating force that caused another explosion.
They moved at a speed impossible to follow, looking like nothing more than flashes of light colliding with each other—one gold, one blue.
Each impact resonated with a thunderous explosion, shaking the ground beneath them.
Their figures flashed across the battlefield, changing positions in the blink of an eye. With each clash, more destruction spread across the area.
Lo que quedaba del bosque quedó reducido a escombros; los árboles fueron arrancados de raíz, y el suelo quedó cubierto solo de polvo y ceniza. Incluso las montañas cercanas mostraban enormes secciones destruidas, fracturadas por la brutalidad de los combates.
En el choque final, ambos chocaron sus puños en el centro del campo de batalla, liberando una enorme onda de choque.
El suelo se sacudió violentamente y se formó un enorme cráter en el epicentro del impacto. La presión del impacto lanzó una nube de polvo y escombros en todas direcciones.
Ambos retrocedieron varios metros, respirando con dificultad mientras se evaluaban mutuamente.
Desde la distancia, los tres estudiantes observaban con total asombro. A su alrededor reinaba la destrucción total; el bosque había desaparecido, dejando solo ruinas y tierra fracturada.
Nobara observó la escena con el ceño fruncido y expresión sombría.
"No pensé que ese tipo le plantaría cara a Gojo-sensei", murmuró, con un tono más serio de lo habitual. "Incluso parecen estar a la par".
Megumi, con ojos penetrantes y expresión tensa, no apartó la vista de la pelea.
—Gojo-sensei solo se está divirtiendo. No ha abierto su dominio ni ha usado un Púrpura.
Itadori tenía los brazos cruzados, pero su rostro reflejaba confusión.
—Pero Kaito-san nos dijo que podía crear maldiciones, ¿verdad?
Megumi y Nobara intercambiaron miradas.
"¿Y entonces?" preguntó Nobara sin apartar la vista de la batalla.
Itadori frunció el ceño, tratando de poner en palabras lo que estaba pensando.
—Bueno… aún no ha usado ninguno.
Megumi abrió los ojos un poco más, comprendiendo lo que estaba insinuando.
—Entonces… él también se está conteniendo.
Nobara mantuvo el ceño fruncido y su mirada sombría.
"¿Qué estás haciendo…?" susurró con tono serio.
Megumi suspiró cansadamente, pero su mirada se volvió más analítica.
—Hay algo más. No olvides que Kaito no es humano. Es una maldición.
Itadori sintió un escalofrío recorrer su columna.
—Quiero decir… tu cuerpo no tiene los mismos límites que el nuestro.
Megumi asintió lentamente.
—Si ese es el caso... es posible que solo esté probando los límites de Gojo-sensei. Evaluando de qué es capaz antes de ponerse serio.
Un fuerte viento soplaba a su alrededor, levantando polvo y cenizas.
Nobara se cruzó de brazos con fastidio.
—Genial… Nos quedamos atascados viendo quién se cansa de jugar primero.
Los tres observaron el campo de batalla.
Esta lucha… aún no había llegado a su verdadero punto crítico
En medio de la pelea, Kaito observó tranquilamente a Gojo antes de hablar.
—Eres fuerte… quizás incluso superior a tu antepasado. Pero, al mismo tiempo, eres inferior a él.
Gojo levantó una ceja, pero lo dejó continuar.
Sabía usar su energía eficientemente, mejor que tú. Me lastimó bastante... Pero tú... —Kaito entrecerró los ojos—. Sigues sin ver más allá de lo que te fue dado.
El viento sopló a través de los escombros.
—Tus ojos están bien desarrollados, pero tu Infinito es extraño… como si solo tuvieras técnicas definitivas. Un ataque lo suficientemente poderoso como para eliminar a tu enemigo de un solo golpe… y una defensa impenetrable. Nada más.
Gojo frunció el ceño ligeramente.
—No estás acostumbrado a pelear con gente fuerte. Tus técnicas son para gente débil.
Gojo sonrió con un dejo de diversión, pero su mirada tenía un tono perceptible.
—Hablas mucho… como si fueras el mejor. Eres bastante arrogante.
Kaito smirked with a hint of irony.
—The same could be said about you. After all, you're a narcissist, aren't you, Gojo Satoru?
Gojo let out a small laugh and shrugged.
—We'll see if my abilities are only for the weak.
Without warning, Kaito sighed, turned around, and began walking toward a fallen log. He sat on it calmly, as if the fight no longer interested him.
—From here on… I won't fight you.
Gojo watched him with curiosity, his smile never fading.
Kaito rested an elbow on his knee and stared at him intently.
—I hope you enjoy entertaining my pets.
The glint in Gojo's eyes sharpened for a moment before he let out a quiet chuckle. He stepped forward, assuming a combat stance.
—Don't get ahead of yourself…
The air around them grew tense once more.
The battle was far from over.