Let's rewind a moment, back before the group's imprisonment.
It was a bright day, with rolling hills on sunlit fields, clear skies, and lush forests. It was a perfect view, to be certain.
...that is, if not for what had just transpired.
In a camp in the middle of the woods, lies a group of (now) refugees. They had been driven out of the Cosmic Reach by the return of their Primordial Ruler, The Scarlet Emperor.
The refugees leader, and former Steward of the Celestials, was a boy named Sydrial. He was small and thin, with an absent minded yet sharp look in his eyes, showing wisdom far beyond his physical age. His messy hair, which usually falls loose but for a single long braid, was unkempt with a small flower in it. Normally, he would be wearing royal, regal clothes as boasting of his position (one in which he takes little pride, if any, in), but, on this day, he sported a small robe of the ancients, with a floral pattern on it.
...the only problem was, it was as of now too small for him, and it left most of his nigh feminine legs exposed. Not that anyone minded, of course. well, none except for one; his personal attendant, Tatrasiel. She was an interesting story, unique to be sure.
But, that is a story for another time.
For now, though, there are two humans in their midst, under the protection of Sydrial himself. Two humans and two demigods, a party of four. The leader of the group, Wakata Kentaro, fell in the category of demigod, as did his sister. The two humans were, of course, Aneka of the Shadow, and the holy priest Haji. Presently, they had been separated from the rest of their small group through the escape from the Cosmic Reach.
...and so, our story begins...
"Huhh?! The hell you mean, you want us to go into that city?!"
Aneka, while somewhat justified in her anger, was unleashing it unto the wrong target. The target in question was the (surprisingly) small and feminine former Steward of the Celestials, Prince Sydrial of the Silver Sky. Her words were borne of fear and panic, having just witnessed something that would make even the toughest war gods piss themselves.
...that is, if they weren't all just massacred or brainwashed...
Still, even though her anger wasn't specifically directed at him, Sydrial seemed to take it that way. The boy was... not very good with interpreting emotions, and his absent minded behavior seemed to reinforce that, when really, he was one of the most intelligent beings in all the four realms. Another thing that reinforced that belief was the fact that Sydrial did not show emotions at all, acting unfazed through everything. It was as if he was artificial.
If it were anyone else, it would scare her. but, there was something about him that spoke of an innocent child, of an artificial being wanting the best for others yet unable to convey it. There was an innocent kindness about him, even if it were not apparent.
"...oh, I see... I am sorry. I did not realize you did not want to. ...Unfortunately, I must continue to implore you... I will be quite occupied with everyone's needs here, healing and making a camp... I do wish I could be of more help, but..."
With those regretful words from Sydrial, Aneka let out a sigh of exasperation and shook her head almost apologetically.
"...hahh... whatever, kid... we'll do it, so quit crying."
Despite Sydrial's protests that he was not, in fact, a child, Aneka walked away towards Haji and the rest of their fractured group. Once she arrived in front of them, Haji spoke up, his voice sounding somewhat worried.
"Aneka. We have yet to find Jag, Kato, Khalrie, or the two brothers. Furthermore, Chiho is injured. Wakata is tending to her, but her condition is not ideal. ...I do hope you did not make any arrangements regarding supply runs... right...?"
Hearing Haji's words, Aneka only rolls her eyes, exasperated at his seemingly narrow view.
"...ah, geez... that's all ya think of, huh? we need supplies too, just like that pretty prince boy I just talked to. Either we go into the city with Chiho, or she stays here with no one to look after her. ...so, which'll it be, big man?"
Haji would only shake his head, resigned to the situation at this point.
"...fine, Aneka. We shall all go. But, we will also keep an eye out for our missing comrades. is that clear?"
"yeah, yeah, whatever... hurry up then, old man."
With a bit of 'encouragement' (aka; yelling) from Aneka, the group would begin to travel out of the woods and onto the crest of a line of hills overlooking the city of Bouldhaven, its layered walls and impressive architecture now outdated, its once beautiful spires tainted with corruption, the rolling hills and sunlit fields around it a stark contrast to the prejudice and undeniable suffering occuring within a city once dubbed 'The City of Enlightenment'.
After only a moment of silence, the group continues onwards, to the city gates...