50 Collection Special: Servant Profiles, Edition 1

(Main Characters)

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Kato's Saber

Known Aliases: 'Hero of America', 'The Commissioned Pirate', 'Father of the U.S. Navy'

Traits: Strategic, Honor-Bound, Boisterous, Outgoing, Friendly, Officer

Background: In life, Saber was likely some kind of Naval Officer, based on her particular sword type, and what she refers to her master as. She is obsessed with the idea of honor and chivalry, constantly wanting to prove that she is more than 'just a pirate'. 

Appearance: Saber wears a blue and white uniform over white undershirt, with only a few of the special ornaments an officer would be expected to have. She wears a bicorne hat, which is usually somewhat wrinkled, and keeps her messy blonde hair in a ponytail (most of the time). Saber almost constantly wears a smile on her face, whether it be a smirk, or a genuine laugh. Her sword which she wears at her hip would not usually be used for battle, being only a little sharp, acting more as a decoration than a weapon. Luckily, though, Saber's combat strength does not suffer from this. 

Likes: All kinds of alcohol, Sailing, Tavern brawls, Strategy games, Dogs

Dislikes: Liars, Court authority, Governments, Disloyalty, Mutiny


When asked about how her life ended, Saber always seems to avoid the subject... Just what is she hiding...?


Aneka's Assassin

Known Aliases: 'The Whitechapel Murderer', 'The Killer Shrouded in Darkness'

Traits: Killer, European, Insane, Polite, No physical body

Background: -------

Appearance: Assassin appears as a cloud of darkness, or an eerie presence looming over the battlefield. 

Likes: Killing, Enclosed spaces, Blood, Quiet

Dislikes: Open spaces, people, their mother


Assassin, for some reason, refuses to fight in the open... he needs to have cover, or tight spaces... but, why...?


Wakata's Saber

Known Aliases: 'Carolus Magnus Rex', 'The Paladin King'

Traits: King, Honourable, Kind, Handsome, French-speaking

Background: In life, Saber was a great King, dedicated to his kingdom and knights. He was known for his kindness, his power, and his order of paladins at his command. Having origins in France, he is a bit of a romantic, though that does not take away from his might. 

Appearance: This Saber appears wearing adorned armor, blue, white, and silver being the most prominent colours. He has tousled black hair, with a streak of white, though not from old age. On the contrary, Saber has a very youthful appearance, which is amplified by his upbeat attitude. The only unnatural thing about him, really, is his right arm, which appears a dark, inky black, with glowing red markings.

Likes: His master, Roses, Sword Fighting, Duels, Helping people

Dislikes: People who have no reason to fight or kill, Bats


An unwavering will to help people... What kind of King was Saber, really...?


Jag's Rider

Known Aliases: 'King of the Ocean', 'The Terror of the Seas'

Traits: Composed, Strategic, Naval Officer, Loyal, Human

Background: Rider was one of the most famous naval officers of his time, and maybe of all time as well. The ship he commanded was the greatest ship ever to set sail, holding its title even now, over 1,000 years in the future. 

Appearance: Rider appears as a portly, middle-aged man in a grey uniform, adorned with medals. Overall, though, he looks... pretty average. 

Likes: Quiet, the ocean, giving advice, talking about his ship

Dislikes: War, talking about himself


Pride of a nation, a beast made of steel... 


Haji's Caster

Known Aliases: 'The Cursed Inventor', 'The Man Despised by Fate Itself'

Traits: Apathetic, Genius, True Neutral, Cursed

Background: Caster has a long history of misfortunes, stemming from an argument with a Goddess, leading to a curse to be inflicted on him. Despite Caster complying with the demands of anyone above him, somehow, he was left imprisoned and alone, torn from his family. Renown for his skill in a forge, Caster has become known as one of the greatest inventors and blacksmiths of all time, on top of being the smartest man in Greece. 

Appearance: Caster is very average looks-wise, appearing as a disheveled man in his mid thirties, wearing a large brown coat over casual clothes. His hair is messy, and dark rings are under his eyes. The only thing, really, that marks him as abnormal is the logo on his jacket, being two gears connected into a blade.

Likes: Forging, his family, sleep

Dislikes: Royalty, Gods and Goddesses, mazes, heights, people, talking


The greatest inventor in history, cursed by Wisdom herself for a murder spurned by jealousy... how, then, does his forge still fire?
