Ayanokoji, The Demon of the fourth Generation, The Masterpiece, The Master Puppeteer and Orchestrator was mysteriously basted to the past.
Where did he end up? In the warring states of China as a Bastard prince of Qin.
What will Ayanokoji do?
How will Ayanokoji take the throne and unify whole of China?
This novel is a work of fiction that explores historical events within the context of a parallel Earth.
Any similarities to real-world historical occurrences are purely coincidental and are a product of the author's imagination.
The intent is to offer an alternate perspective on history and should not be construed as an accurate representation of actual events.
Reader discretion is advised.
This is my first fanfiction so there may be somethings that may be rushed , fast paced or abrupt shifts so please go easy on me.
well, the firat thing to point out was that ... this has less dialogue or conversation than expected, everything seems like a summary of something, Ayanokoji did this, he did that, he done that, something like that. it's not bad as first writing, but I assure you it will be much better if you make them into a full-fledged, fleshed out stories not just a naration.