Chapter 16. The First Spell is Ready

Arthur carefully unrolled the scroll containing the spell model. His fingers trembled slightly, but he quickly calmed down, immersing himself in reading. The scroll displayed intricate diagrams, rune descriptions, and detailed instructions for creating the spell model.

"Alright, let's give it a try," he muttered to himself, taking a deep breath.

Closing his eyes, he focused and entered his spiritual world. The pink clouds surrounding the island greeted him with their softness. The vast forest he had explored earlier stretched before him in all its majesty. Arthur began walking around, carefully examining every tree and path.

"I need a place where the runes will harmonize with the forest," he mused.

Finally, he found the perfect spot in the heart of the woods. The trees stood in a dense circle, their branches intertwining as if protecting the area. Soft light filtered through the leaves, creating a tranquil and serene atmosphere.

"This is perfect," Arthur decided as he looked around.

Recalling the rune pattern from the scroll, he began the process. His fingers gently traced over the tree bark, leaving behind glowing magical symbols. The runes emitted a soft greenish light, absorbing the energy of his spiritual world.

The work was slow and meticulous. Each symbol required absolute concentration and precision. Arthur took short breaks to restore his spiritual energy before continuing. Once all the runes were carved, he moved on to the next stage—creating energy channels.

Focusing intently, he began weaving invisible threads between the runes, connecting them like a delicate web. This was an intricate task that required not only skill but also a deep understanding of magical structures. If a single channel was misaligned, the spell could either fail or become unstable.

When the circle was complete, Arthur stepped back to assess his work. The magical formation, composed of hundreds of interconnected runes, now covered a significant portion of the forest. Its lines glowed with a warm green light, radiating peace and stability.

"Now for the final step—infusing it with spiritual energy," he said to himself, preparing for the last stage.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated and channeled his energy into the formation. The runes glowed even brighter, their light becoming more intense. The magical circle shimmered with a vibrant green hue, illuminating the entire forest.

Arthur felt the spiritual energy come to life. It was an incredible sensation—his spell model had become a living part of his spiritual world. The circle was complete, which meant the spell was now ready for use.

Exhausted but exhilarated, he sat down on the ground, smiling. His first spell was fully prepared. He could now call himself a true apprentice wizard!


Arthur slowly opened his eyes, returning from his spiritual world. His heart was beating faster than usual, overwhelmed with excitement. He stepped toward the mirror in the corner of his room, staring at his reflection for a few moments.

"Alright, let's see what I can do now," he murmured.

Focusing his thoughts, he activated the spell. Instantly, the magical circle in his spiritual world flared to life, pulsing with a bright green glow. Arthur felt his spiritual energy surge like a rushing river.

Inside his spiritual world, the process was just as breathtaking. The spell formation rapidly absorbed the surrounding energy, drawing it from the very fabric of space. The energy transformed within the circle, altering its structure before flowing directly into Arthur's physical body.

He felt the magic compress around him, wrapping him in warmth and strength. Within seconds, visible changes began to occur on his skin.

At first, it was a faint layer, like a thin film covering his arms. But soon, it thickened, and Arthur watched in awe as bark-like material started forming on his skin. It resembled the surface of an ancient tree, complete with fine veins and intricate patterns that mirrored the structure of his magical circle.

Raising his hands, he examined them with fascination. The bark extended beyond his palms, covering his shoulders, chest, and back, forming a natural magical armor. He clenched his fist and noticed how the bark moved seamlessly with his muscles, allowing complete freedom of movement.

"Incredible..." he whispered, unable to look away from his reflection.

The bark was firm yet flexible. Arthur tapped his arm with his finger, producing a dull, hollow sound. It was like knocking on wood but with a metallic resonance.

Turning sideways, he observed how the armor covered his body. It wasn't just a protective shell—it was a manifestation of his magical essence. Occasionally, faint green glows flickered across its surface, as if magical energy was flowing just beneath.

"It actually works," he said with a small smile. "My first spell..."

A wave of excitement and pride washed over him. He studied his reflection for a while longer before gradually releasing his focus. The bark armor began dissolving, fading into the air. Arthur felt his spiritual energy retreat back into the magical circle, recharging it for future use.

The spell was perfect. This was his first real step toward becoming a true wizard.


Arthur carefully monitored his body and spiritual world after each use of the spell. Closing his eyes, he focused on his internal state. His spiritual world quickly adapted, refilling the magical circle with energy.

"About 60% remains," he estimated after the first activation. He realized that while the spell was powerful, its energy efficiency left much to be desired.

Pacing around his room, he considered how best to test it further. After thirty minutes, his magical circle had fully recharged, and he decided to activate the spell again. This time, he timed it—roughly five to six seconds passed from activation to full transformation.

"Fast enough, but still a delay. In battle, that could be crucial," he noted.

Activating the spell again, he experimented by covering only one arm with the bark armor. Surprisingly, the energy consumption increased.

"That's odd…" he muttered, examining his left arm, now encased in bark. It looked solid and sturdy, but for some reason, maintaining it drained his energy faster. He repeated the experiment several times to confirm the effect.

"Smaller coverage requires more control. I wonder why?"

For his next test, he activated the spell over his entire body and intentionally struck the armor with a blade. The bark cracked but began regenerating within seconds.

"That's useful," he noted, observing the fractures vanish. The armor not only provided protection but also had self-repairing properties, though it likely consumed additional energy.

Analyzing further, he calculated that a single full-body activation used about 30% of his spiritual energy. Maintaining it drained an extra 5% per minute.

"At most, I can sustain it for 14 minutes using my full reserve," Arthur concluded. "But that's pushing my limits. I'll need to be careful."

As he wrapped up his experiments, he made another discovery—each time he used the spell, his magical circle became slightly more stable. Frequent use seemed to strengthen the connections between the runes and energy channels.

Exhausted but satisfied, he sat on his bed, contemplating his next steps…