The atmosphere in the classroom during the next lesson was focused yet relaxed. Not all students had managed to complete the creation of their rune circles in the spiritual world, and Amelia, assessing the overall situation, decided to conduct a lesson dedicated to the combat applications of transformation magic. This sparked interest even among those who had struggled with their homework.
She began the lesson with a confident step, her voice as calm yet firm as always:
— Today, we will talk about the combat applications of transformation. I see that not everyone has completed their rune circles yet, so this lesson will help you understand where you are headed and what heights you can reach through transformation.
With a wave of her hand, moving images appeared in the air before the students. They depicted a battle scene where a wizard transformed into an elemental being of fire, then into a giant water serpent that attacked enemies with a swift torrent.
— For most students, transformation magic at the beginner level seems more like a supportive skill, — Amelia explained, her gaze lingering on each student. — And that's true. At the apprentice level, using transformation in battle is extremely difficult. Several factors influence this: lack of spiritual power, insufficient knowledge, and weak control over one's energy.
She paused, allowing her words to sink in.
— However, official wizards who reach the first level gain access to entirely new possibilities. Transformation allows them not only to change their bodies but also to become part of the elements. You can see this in the demonstration, — she gestured toward the image of the elemental wizard fighting amidst magical flames.
Arthur watched the demonstration, holding his breath. He had always known that transformation magic was something grand, but now he saw its power brought to life.
— Normally, the ability to transform into elemental forms becomes available only to fourth-level wizards, — Amelia continued, a note of respect in her voice for these masters. — However, those who specialize in transformation magic can access these abilities as early as the first level. This is one of the main advantages of this school of magic.
Her gaze settled on one of the students who seemed overwhelmed by this information.
— At your stage, as wizard apprentices, transformation is more of a supportive tool. For example, it allows you to turn into ordinary animals. This can be useful for reconnaissance, stealth, or escaping danger. Of course, it's not as spectacular as transforming into an elemental giant, but even such a skill can save your life.
Arthur listened intently, imagining himself in the body of an animal, capable of evading enemies or infiltrating inaccessible places.
Amelia continued:
— At higher levels, transformation becomes more than just a means of hiding or fleeing. You will be able to alter your body, turning into powerful magical creatures. Imagine transforming into a giant dragon, a phoenix, or a mountain titan. True masters of transformation make this a reality.
She stepped forward, her gaze becoming even more serious.
— Another aspect of transformation magic available to high-level wizards is the ability to alter the environment. Imagine a battle where you turn the ground beneath your enemies into lava or create colossal golems from stone. All of this is accessible to those who master this school of magic.
Arthur felt his heart race. Every word Amelia spoke ignited his desire to delve deeper into transformation magic.
At the end of the lesson, Amelia addressed the students again:
— In the next class, we will explore practical applications of transformation at your level. For now, your task is to complete your rune circles to be ready for further experiments. Remember, transformation requires not only strength and control but also patience.
Arthur left the hall, deep in thought. His inspiration mixed with a slight sense of unease. The idea of transforming into a powerful being or altering the world around him sounded incredible, but the risk of making a mistake seemed just as great.
He headed to the library, determined to review books on transformation once more to better understand its fundamentals. At the entrance, he ran into Anya. She looked lively and immediately noticed the thoughtful expression on his face.
— Everything okay? — she asked, tilting her head slightly. — You look like you just learned something incredible.
Arthur smirked and nodded.
— Today's lesson was about the combat applications of transformation. It's… amazing, but also terrifying. I thought this magic was just about changing appearances, but it turns out it offers so much more.
Anya smiled.
— That's true. I've heard that in the past, some transformation masters turned themselves into mythical beings the size of entire worlds. Though, to be honest, I'm more interested in its non-combat applications. Like creating a beautiful place for relaxation.
— You always think about something peaceful, — Arthur noted with a smile.
Anya shrugged.
— And you always think about battles and adventures. Someone has to maintain balance.
They laughed, and the tension Arthur had felt after the lesson eased slightly. Soon, he said goodbye to Anya and immersed himself in the library.
Arthur spent several hours studying books. He was looking for specific examples of how mages began their journey in transformation. In one of the books, he found a mention of an exercise that helped students better sense energy flows in their spiritual world. It involved mentally "blending" magical energy with the images of animals or elements.
Intrigued, he returned to his room and immediately entered his spiritual world. His forest remained as calm and serene as ever. Choosing a small clearing so as not to interfere with his spell circle, he began his practice.
The first exercise involved visualizing a part of his body altered by magical energy. He decided to start with his hands. Mentally imagining his fingers turning into claws, he directed magical energy to his right hand.
The process was more difficult than he had expected. The energy seemed to "scatter," refusing to take the desired shape. It took several attempts before he managed to create even a weak resemblance of claws, but the result was still unsatisfactory.
— This is much harder than it seems, — he muttered, staring at his hands.
For the next few days, Arthur devoted himself to improving his technique. He experimented with different forms—claws, scales, even trying to imagine his skin turning into feathers. Each time, he made small progress, but he still felt he was at the very beginning.
When the next lesson began, Amelia greeted the students with a satisfied expression.
— I hope you haven't been slacking off. Today, we will take our first practical steps in transformation.
She moved to the center of the hall, waved her hand, and several floating illusions appeared in the air. These were images of animals—cats, birds, wolves, and even lizards.
— Your task is to choose one of these creatures and try to mentally merge its image with your body. This exercise will help you understand how to properly channel magical energy. But remember: don't expect quick results. True mastery of transformation is achieved only through patience and perseverance.
The students began their work, focusing on their chosen images. Arthur picked a bird with long, bright wings. He thought it would be easier than claws or scales, but he quickly realized he was wrong.
His first attempts nearly ended in failure: the energy dispersed too quickly, and he felt his spiritual world losing stability. However, he recalled Amelia's advice to maintain concentration and direct energy smoothly.
After several tries, he felt a tingling sensation in his shoulders. It was new, strange, but also encouraging. He looked into the mirror in the hall and noticed that his shoulders had begun to change slightly, as if preparing for the emergence of wings.
— Excellent, Arthur, — Amelia's voice rang out as she observed the students. — You're beginning to grasp the basics. Don't rush. In transformation, precision is more important than speed.
His heart pounded with excitement. He felt like one of the great wizards he had read about.
Every small achievement was a victory, and Arthur was ready to keep pushing forward. He knew his journey into transformation magic was just beginning.
After several days of attempts, Arthur headed to the library with a firm determination to learn more about birds. He realized that to succeed in transformation, it was not only necessary to master magic but also to thoroughly understand the structure of the creature he was trying to transform into.
The academy's library was enormous, and fortunately, thanks to his recent level advancement, Arthur now had access to more advanced sections. He quickly found a section dedicated to the biology of magical creatures and ordinary animals.
One of the books that caught his attention was titled Flight: The Anatomy of Birds and Magical Creatures. It provided a detailed description of bird anatomy, including their bones, muscles, feathers, and even the unique features of their respiratory system.
Flipping through the pages, Arthur learned a great deal:
Bird bones are very light yet strong due to their special porous structure. This adaptation allows them to fly without compromising skeletal strength.
The muscles responsible for wing movement are incredibly developed, especially the chest muscles, which make up almost a third of a bird's body mass.
Feathers have a complex structure. They consist of a central shaft and numerous tiny barbs that interlock, creating a smooth and aerodynamic surface, making flight efficient.
Birds have a unique respiratory system: their lungs work in conjunction with air sacs, allowing them to receive oxygen both on inhalation and exhalation.
He also found chapters dedicated to magical birds. Unlike ordinary ones, they often had additional organs capable of accumulating magical energy. This allowed them to fly faster than physics would normally permit or use magic while airborne.
Arthur was fascinated. He had never imagined how intricate and well-designed these creatures were.
With a notebook in hand, Arthur sketched and recorded important points. He even attempted to draw a diagram of a wing to better understand its structure. It seemed to him that the more he knew, the easier it would be to visualize the image in his spiritual world.
He paid special attention to feathers. It turned out that birds had several types of feathers: flight feathers for movement, contour feathers for body protection, and down feathers for warmth. Each played its role.
"So that's why I couldn't create a clear image," he muttered to himself. "I imagined the wing as a single entity rather than a complex structure made up of hundreds of feathers."
The next day, Arthur decided to visit the ecological park where birds resided. He recalled that one of the enclosures housed owls, eagles, and even several rare species of magical birds.
He observed their movements carefully—how they spread their wings, how they landed and took off. The magical birds with shimmering feathers, which seemed to glow with all the colors of the rainbow, left a particularly strong impression on him.
He noticed one bird, resembling a hybrid of an eagle and a phoenix, using magical energy to enhance its flight. Its wings glowed with a soft golden light, leaving behind a trail of sparks.
"What a beauty," Arthur said in admiration, mentally picturing himself using magic in the same way one day.
Returning to his room, Arthur once again entered his spiritual world. He stood in the clearing and tried to recreate the images he had seen. Now he imagined the wing not as a simple shape but as a complex combination of bones, muscles, and feathers.
He started small, mentally forming a single feather. At first, it was rough and clumsy, but over time, he managed to give it the correct shape. Then he added another, and another, until he had created a small section of a wing.
The process took several hours, but the result was worth it. For the first time, Arthur felt the energy in his spiritual world flowing more smoothly, responding to a well-defined image.
He repeated the attempt several times, improving the details with each iteration. By evening, he had managed to create a wing that resembled a real one.
Every free moment, Arthur dedicated himself to studying birds and training. He understood that achieving outstanding results at his level was difficult, but each small achievement brought him joy and inspiration.
"One day," he said to himself, looking at his progress, "I will fly just like these birds."