Chapter 7: A Web Of Emotions

Sarah's eyes widened in disbelief, and I wondered if she thought to herself, "It's not even a week since we broke up, and he's already with someone else." Her face said it all - the shock, the pain, and the tears that began to well up in her eyes.

She took a few steps back, the sound of her footsteps echoing through the air, she stopped and looking at me with a mixture of sadness and accusation, she turned and ran away, sobbing uncontrollably, her cries fading into the distance.

As I watched Sarah disappear into the crowd, I felt an overwhelming urge to run after her. I wanted to check on her, to understand why she was sobbing uncontrollably. Were we still just friends, or did she still harbor feelings for me? I was lost in thought, weighing my options, when Thando's composure suddenly crumbled.

She marched towards Frank, who sat calmly with his new girlfriend, oblivious to the drama unfolding. The warm sun beat down on us, casting a stark contrast to the cold, hard reality of the situation.

Thando stood before them, her feet tapping impatiently on the ground, her arms crossed. Her face was pale, and she struggled to breathe, her chest heaving with each ragged inhale.

"Frank, is this why you weren't picking up my calls?" she demanded, her voice raised in anger, echoing off the surrounding buildings. Before Frank could respond, Thando stormed over to the girl, her hand connecting with a loud slap. The sound echoed through the air, drawing attention from nearby students.

The two girls clashed, exchanging blows and screams, their voices piercing the air. The fight intensified, with the girls' hands flailing and their feet kicking out.

Frank, realizing they might seriously hurt each other, jumped up, desperation etched on his face. "Thando, stop! Thando, please!" he yelled, trying to intervene. But the girls were beyond reason, their anger and hurt fueling the brawl.

Realizing I needed to step in, I rushed over and grasped Thando's hand, pulling her away from the chaos. Frank, meanwhile, swiftly scooped up Lisa, his girlfriend, and lifted her into his arms, swiftly walking away from the scene.

As I pulled Thando away, I exclaimed, "Let's get out of here!" My voice was low and soothing, trying to calm her down. I tightened my grip on her hand, gently but firmly guiding her through the crowd.

The campus sounds - chatter, laughter - faded into the background as I focused on calming Thando down. But this day was quickly becoming a disaster. I'd just returned from a run, sweaty and exhausted, only to face trouble with Sarah, who'd run away sobbing uncontrollably. And to make matters worse, I hadn't followed her.

As I tried to steer Thando away from the crowd, my eyes met Charlotte's. She stood at a distance, watching the drama unfold, her expression a mixture of disappointment and disillusionment.

Our gazes locked, and I felt like I was being crushed between a hard place and a rock. Charlotte's eyes seemed to bore into my soul, making me feel guilty, anxious, and helpless all at once.

I decided to ignore Charlotte's disapproving gaze, hoping to ease the tension and drama. Thando and I took a different direction, walking away from the scene. As we distanced ourselves, the whispers and murmurs grew louder. People were talking about us, their voices laced with amusement and scorn.

"She's dating him, but she's still fighting over her ex," someone said, chuckling.

"What a mess," another voice chimed in.

Their laughter and snickers followed us, and I could feel Thando's embarrassment and frustration. Her grip on my hand tightened, and I gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Hey, don't worry about them," I said, trying to console her. "People will always talk behind your back. Trust me, I know from experience. It's not worth letting it get to you."

Thando gazed up at me, a soft smile spreading across her face. She squeezed my hand firmly but gently. "Thanks, Cedric. You're sweet and kind. I don't know how to thank you for everything you've done for me."

Her eyes sparkled with amusement. "I'm sure a lot of girls would love to be with you." I met her gaze with a warm smile, but my mind whispered a different truth. I thought to myself, She has no idea who I really am. Unloved, unvalued - just a facade. It was Sarah who changed my life, giving me things I never thought I'd have. Her presence made me feel seen, heard.

As these thoughts swirled in my head, guilt crept in, followed by a pang of concern for Sarah. I couldn't shake the feeling that I needed to check on her, to make sure she was okay.

As we approached the girls' hostel, disaster struck. Sarah emerged from the entrance, her eyes locking onto mine with a fierce intensity. Seeing me with Thando ignited her fury, still simmering from our previous encounter. She stormed towards us, her voice trembling with rage.

"Cedric, so you've moved on to her just a week after we broke up?" Sarah's words cut deep, laced with pain and accusation. "Did you ever truly love me?" She paused, choking back a sob. "I can't believe you'd do this to me."

Before I could respond, Thando sneered, "It's your loss, friend. I'll take my chance with him since you dumped him. What a loser." Sarah's eyes blazed with anger, her face pale, her eyes reddening. With a fierce cry, she lunged at Thando, grabbing her. The two girls crashed to the ground.

I rushed forward, grasping Sarah's arms. "Hey, stop! Listen to me, Sarah. You're better than this. Come on, please."

Thando's voice rose, her words dripping with venom. "You're a loser, Sarah. Without your looks or your money, you're nothing." She paused, her chest heaving with agitation, as she locked eyes with Cedric.

"And to think, I just met him today, and he's already stolen my heart. He's sweet, charming, and I'll do everything in my power to make him fall in love with me." Thando's gaze lingered on me, her eyes burning with determination. "Starting now."