
A Tumultuous Journey

A couple of days have passed, and today was not quite a good day. Though there are things that I want to say. I had to travel to Myrnala for a chess event. This was my second time visiting, but I had no idea what to do to get into the needed places. The first time, I went with my brother—well, not blood-related, but like a relative. Unfortunately, he was currently in Lysa and would take longer to get to Myrnala.

I tried to follow the steps my brother took the first time. I called him and asked the local bus drivers where I could find a bus to Myrnala. Eventually, I found one—it was a microbus. The trip turned out to be quite pleasant because I sat by the driver, and the window was large, allowing constant airflow. There were times when the windows had to be closed due to dusty roads, but it was only for brief instances. However, the driver was pretty annoying, at least to me. Whenever I asked for locations, he would speak in a low voice, making it hard for me to hear. When I said "What?" he would retort with "Are you deaf?" and I would just reply, "Yeah, I am." He would also instruct me to get the plastic from the box in front of me, but I was wearing earphones, listening to music, so I didn't hear him. He repeated himself in an annoyed tone, making the experience quite unpleasant.

After enduring the horrible ride, I finally reached my destination. I stayed on the microbus even after arriving because I had no idea where I was. The driver then asked, "Are you just gonna sit there?" It was kind of embarrassing. I called my brother, who was planning to come to Myrnala as well, and he advised me to book a hotel in Elmdale. The problem was, I had no idea about that place. He was stuck in traffic, and I had no clue if he would even make it to Myrnala or how I should book the hotel.

I used the rider app to call a driver to get me to Elmdale, but he also had no idea about the directions, so he kept asking me. We ended up going in circles, which was both embarrassing and quite uncomfortable. Eventually, I reached Elmdale, but the problem was it felt like an isolated place deep inside the city—or at least, that's where Maps led me. I gave up on finding a room and decided to book a ride back to the hotel where we had previously stayed.
