
Who is sending me messages today of all days, not only was I not in the right mood but I wasn't even in the right mental state (yeah, it differs).

I turned on my phone. An unknown person?, probably spam, I thought while I turned off my phone.

Reminiscing the series of events that took place today I was drained and there was no amount of electricity that could restore me.

My stomach is churning, my head is aching, my brain is overheating and I don't know what to do, not even in the slightest.

Maybe a walk will do the trick,but red hot lady is downstairs, that doesn't matter it's still my house.

I put on a pair of sweats and walk downstairs sluggishly.

I was greeted by the sight of Dank and the red hot lady dangerously close to each other, talking about something I do not have the capacity to comprehend.

The red hot lady turns her head, probably sensing a presence, when she sees me she smirks wickedly, Frank doesn't seem to notice which is obvious because he looked like he was trapped in a really tiny world with the red hot lady.

I walked past both of them heading to the kitchen making sure Frank sees me and he does and he finally burst out of his little bubble.