Tracey took it from there. "What you see here - now that I think of it - is a very powerful bloc of very powerful families from within wizarding Britain. Harry, once he reaches his majority, will become Lord Potter; Daphne, as his betrothed, will become Lady Potter when they marry, and mayhap Lady Greengrass-Potter; Susan will become Lady Bones when she reaches her majority; my older brother will become Lord Davis when my father passes, and I might become Lady 'something else' if I become betrothed to someone of equal or greater station; the same applies to Hannah; as she, too, has an older sibling."
"Wow!" said Hermione. "You're all, like, wizarding royalty."
"Pretty much," said Harry, with a bit of a shrug. "However, unlike the poncy git by the name of Malfoy you just met, wedon't put on the la-di-dah airs those like him do. We prefer to be just ordinary folks. There's no need to rub someone's face in it unless they're someone like Malfoy."
"And - ummm - Why do you call each other by your first names, and me as 'Miss Granger'?" she timidly asked. "Ah!" said Daphne. "That would be because you haven't given us leave to use your first name. It's considered rude in the wizarding world to use someone's first name when they've not given you leave to do so."
"Oh! Sorry!" blushed Hermione. "Please call me Hermione. Everyone."
"Thank you - Hermione," replied Daphne with a slight nod.
"Have I - done something wrong when I've used your first name?" she asked worriedly.
"No, because you were introduced using first names only," replied Daphne. "Don't worry, you caused no slight. However, it's something you should be aware of, once we get to Hogwarts."
"Is there a book on this?" she asked. That elicited a chuckle from almost everyone.
"There's many books on this," Tracey laughed.
"I have one in my trunk," said Harry. "I'll get it out for you when we get changed into our school robes."
"So, it's Mister or Miss when introduced. But, use first names when invited to do so. Anything else I should know so I don't make a fool of myself?" asked Hermione.
"Well, you're close. What you said applies to almost all occasions. However, on formal occasions, things change for those of us of noble lines," said Harry.
"Using Daphne, here, as an example," he said. "She's 'Daphne' to those invited to use her given name in informal settings, she's 'Miss Greengrass' to those who haven't been invited to use her given name in informal settings, she's 'Lady Daphne' on some formal occasions particularly conversationally, and she's 'Heiress Greengrass' for formal announcements and the like. Lady Greengrass is her mother, married to Lord Greengrass. If, perish the thought, Daphne's father passes, Lady Greengrass will become Dowager Lady Greengrass formally and Dame Greengrass informally; and Daphne, on her majority before she marries me, will become Lady Greengrass.
"Now Susan, like me, is an orphan. And Susan's titling comes by way of her father. Even though there is no Lady Bones, at present, Susan is still formally known as 'Lady Susan'. The younger sister of her father, Amelia Bones, is Susan's current guardian. Now, Aunt Amelia is also Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the DMLE. As such she holds a seat on the Wizengamot, the wizarding world's parliament, and becomes known informally as Madam Bones. Plus, she has also taken on the role as Susan's Regent and has taken seat on the Wizengamot in that role, as well. So that also makes her - when it has to do with Wizengamot proceedings relating to House Bones or business matters relating to House Bones - Regent Bones."
"On the male side of the divide it's no less murky. Let's take Neville, for example..." to which Neville nodded he was okay with it, "... Neville's father is still alive and is Lord Longbottom. However, Lord Longbottom is currently unable to attend to his duties. Though Neville is Heir Apparent, he is considered too young to take on those duties himself. So, his paternal grandmother, Augusta Longbottom Dowager Lady Longbottom - is acting as both his guardian and regent. She currently sits the Wizengamot as Regent Longbottom. Neville is Heir Longbottom, or Mister Longbottom. And Augusta is Dowager Lady Longbottom, or Dame Longbottom or just Madam Longbottom. Only her very closest friends and family ever get to call her anything else."
That made Neville laugh. "You got that right."
"Now, my situation is rather unique." Looking around, Harry said, "What I'm about to tell you is a closely guarded secret. Daphne, Neville and Susan are pretty much aware of this already; and the information is protected under House alliances. But, I'm putting a great deal of trust in you - Tracey, Hannah and Hermione - to keep this to yourselves unless I specifically tell you otherwise, alright?"
"You don't need a magical oath on it, do you?" asked Tracey, a little worried. "No, just your word will do me," replied Harry
After the three gave it, he said, "I'm 'Harry' for invited informal, 'Mister Potter' for uninvited informal, and 'Heir Potter' for formal. However, because I've already accepted the Headship for House Potter, I may also be called 'Lord Potter' as a mark of acknowledgement to my status on formal occasions. Once I attain my majority at seventeen - or I'm otherwise legally emancipated before then - I then properly become Lord Potter, and may be referred to as 'The Potter'.
"My current guardians are muggles, and Albus Dumbledore has managed to get himself named as my magical guardian. And, as neither my muggle guardians nor Dumbledore, were listed in my parents' Will as who they designated for me to have as guardians, it appears he have may done it illegally. However, though he claims to be my magical guardian, he is not acting as my regent. Instead, it appears he has appointed a proxy to my House seat. Something of which I'm not bloodyhappy about, and something else which it appears he was not legally allowed to do so."
"But, Albus Dumbledore is Headmaster of Hogwarts, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Supreme Mugwump of the ICW, and the Leader of the Light!" exclaimed Hermione. "How could he do such a thing?"
"Yes; he's got everyone fooled, Hermione," growled Harry. "Lord Greengrass, Madam Bones and Regent Longbottom all agree it sounds very dodgy; so, they're currently researching through Ministerial and Wizengamot records to unearth the truth." "Furthermore, I've also discovered my godfather, Sirius Black, has also formally named me his Heir."
That drew a gasp from just about everyone but Hermione.
Harry nodded and said, "According to the goblins, Sirius Black, though he currently resides in Azkaban, became Lord Apparent for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black when his grandfather passed on the 31st of March earlier this year..."
"But, that's not possible!" exclaimed Tracey, cutting in. "Anyone sentenced to life in Azkaban is automatically and magically stripped of being able to hold a Lordship!"
"We know," replied Harry. "That's yet another issue Lord Greengrass, Madam Bones and Regent Longbottom are researching through Ministerial and Wizengamot records. The why of it."