After a few moments, she sighed in recognition and said, "I hadn't noticed."
"Neither had I until you started talking about the magic of 'normal' betrothal contracts," he replied. "But, do you feel as if you're drifting apart from your family and friends?"
"No," she sighed.
"Good," he stated firmly. "If you ever feel that is the case, then it shall be my fault. And I would do all in my power to rectify the situation."
Daphne stopped, spun Harry towards herself and planted a powerful kiss on his lips, before spinning him back and egging him forward.
Quite stunned, he asked, "I just did something really good again, didn't I?"
"Yes, Mister Potter; you did," she replied.
After a short while of walking and then turning back towards the rock, Harry guided Daphne to a spot just alongside it. As he stood there, a picnic basket magically appeared with a thick blanket folded neatly over it.
Looking down at what was now next to Harry's feet, Daphne asked, "Where'd that come from?"
"I asked the elves a couple days ago if they wouldn't mind preparing a picnic lunch for us if we went for a walk together on Sunday," replied Harry. "They were happy to do it."
Very soon thereafter, Harry had the blanket spread out upon the grass and had moved the picnic basket onto it.
Helping Daphne down to a sitting position, he said, "I have no idea what they've prepared for us, so I have no idea if they've packed your favourite foods or not." While Daphne was opening the top of the picnic basket and removing containers, Harry was sitting down opposite.
From his side, Harry removed a couple of plates, two sets of cutlery, and a pair of cups. Then he removed a sealed jug of chilled orange juice. He continued to watch as Daphne was concentrating on opening containers. The smells of food wafting out smelled delicious.
Soon, both of them were enjoying quite the picnic feast.
"This was a good idea, Harry," she finally said, between bites.
"Thank you," he simply replied. "I thought it would be nice for us to share a private meal together, away from the other five. This was the idea I came up with."
After they spent some time eating in companionable silence, Harry said, "From what I read about the betrothal contract, I take it your birthday was not long before mine. However, I have no idea when it actually is."
"The twenty-ninth of June," she replied. "And, don't worry about the others. Hermione has now written up a calendar with all the important dates within. That includes everyone's birthday."
"Good," said Harry, with a sigh in relief. "I'd hate to think we've missed anyone else's."
They sat there for a while longer before Daphne sat up straighter and said, "Well, we need to pack this lot up and return it to the kitchens. We have a club meeting for which to prepare."
With a nod and sigh, Harry helped pack things up. The last was folding the blanket.
While he carried the basket, Daphne carried the rug. As had become their norm, she tucked her hand into his elbow as they walked.
Entering the castle she allowed him to lead her down the stairs into the first level of the dungeon.
"Ummm - Harry?" she asked.
"Mmmm?" he asked back.
"You do know where we're going, right?" she asked.
"Oh!" he replied. "I forgot to tell you I know where the kitchens are, and how to get in."
"And that's where we're going now?" she asked.
"It is," he replied.
Soon Harry led her into a hallway with a large painting of a bowl of fruit. With a grin, he reached up and tickled the pear at the forefront in the bowl. The pear gave a giggle and shivered before turning into a pear-shaped doorknob. Harry grasped the knob, gave it a turn, and pulled the painting away from the wall.
With the hidden door now wide open, Harry led his betrothed into one of the areas of the castle very few students ever got to see; the massive kitchens.
Not too far inside, was a cleared table. Harry reached it and carefully placed the basket on top of it.
Almost immediately, he was seen by the elves and one of them popped into sight right in front.
"Was your picky-nick satisfactory, young master?" the elf asked.
"It was wonderful, thank you," replied Harry. "We enjoyed it very much." "Master is kind!" said the elf. A quick snap of it's fingers and the basket and blanket were gone. "Would young master likes anything else?"
"No; thank you, though," replied Harry. "We have to get ready for a club meeting."
"Please comes back and visits us, anytime," said the elf.
"We will, thank you," said Daphne.
Back out in the hallway, she said, "Thank you for showing me that, Harry."
With a small shrug and his lop-sided grin, he said, "Well, the twins - that is, the Weasley twins - showed me a few days ago."
"I know which twins you meant, Harry," she mock-scoffed at him.
"Of course you do," he said. "Anyway, they said it's not a secret that should be kept. Everyone with a penchant for a between-meal or late night snack should be given the secret of the kitchen."
After finding the others finishing up their own lunch at the Hufflepuff table, Harry said he and Daphne were heading to the club meeting room to make sure things would be ready for later that afternoon.
"Do you mind if I tag along?" asked Hermione.
"Not at all," replied Harry. "And we don't consider it tagging along, either. You're one of us; our group, that is; we like having you a part of us."
After a few moments she softly replied, "Thank you, Harry."
"You're welcome," he simply replied. "By the way, I'm glad to see that Charm for your hair is working well for you. It looks even better than when I cast it upon you." "Oh," she said a bit more chipper. "I taught it to the girls in my dorm. We do it for each other now. Plus, it's also because I'm now getting that special shampoo and conditioner that Tracey recommended. And, the girls in the dorm all told me to tell you, 'thank you', when it came up again. So, thank you."
With a chuckle, he replied, "Then tell them from me that they're welcome."
The walk up to the third floor was finished in companionable silence.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]