The Prefect, only just then noticing the two girls trying to get in, backed off to let them pass.
"Just leave the door unlocked so we can check on you if we need to," said the girl, sticking her head back in.
No one bothered to say anything back, just hoping she'd go away.
She did a few moments later with an angry scowl.
As soon as she was gone, Neville pulled the door shut and locked it. And Harry cast the Door Sealing Charm on it.
"I thought she'd never leave," said Tracey. That caused the others, including herself, to laugh in response.
As mid-afternoon approached and the countryside outside the window gave way to suburbs, the Seven began to get ready to disembark the train.
By the time the announcement of 'Five minutes to Kings Cross' was heard, they were all ready well beforehand.
As Neville and Harry lifted the trunks down off the overheads, ladies first, the girls were dragging them outside.
When both boys had theirs down Neville led Harry out of the compartment. As he passed through the door, Harry let go of his trunk and cancelled the Sticking Charm on the note. As it fell away, he grabbed it and stuffed it into his pocket.
Dragging his trunk off the train he levitated it and was about to walk away when the same female Prefect from earlier stopped him. "I thought I told you to leave compartment door open," she glared.
"You did," he replied. "I remember it quite well."
"Then why didn't you?" she scowled.
"Because we decided request," he replied.
"I could deduct points off you, you know," she said.
"Of course, you can!" he calmly replied. "But, from which House? All four Houses were represented in that compartment. If you decided to take points off all four Houses, which you would have been obliged to do, then you really wouldn't have accomplished anything, would you?"
She continued to scowl at him while he watched her try to parse that one out.
After a few moments he saw her scowl deepen before she spun about and stormed off. Harry just grinned after her.
Trailing his trunk behind him, Harry walked apart from the train. His friends and family were waiting for him against the back wall of the platform.
"What was that about?" asked Cygnus with a flick of his chin towards the Ravenclaw Prefect, while Harry was getting a hug from Sirius and Isabel.
"She's a Prefect and wanted to have a go at me for sealing the door of the compartment after she told me not to," he replied. "However, she was overstepping her authority when she did it, so we chose to ignore her request.
"She threatened me with taking House points off us for having the door sealed after her telling us not to. When I told her we represented all four Houses, and that taking points off us all would have been pointless, if you'll pardon the pun, she left a little upset." Cygnus grinned and said, "That must have been hard for her to take."
"She's a Ravenclaw," said Harry with a shrug. "She's going to be trying to work that one out right through Christmas."
"Now why didn't we think of having mixed compartments when we rode the Express?" asked Sirius, musing.
"Because you would never have sat with a Slytherin," replied Isabel in a matter-of-fact voice.
Sirius just grinned.
"I have to go out and find my parents," said Hermione, butting in. "If I don't see you folks over the Christmas break I look forward to seeing you back here on the eighth."
"Hold your horses, Miss Granger," said Isabel. "We're coming out through the barrier, too."
Meanwhile, Harry had managed to place his trunk on the top of one of the trolleys the adults had brought in. It was on top of someone else's trunk but he felt he could manoeuvre it on his own. Hedwig's cage went on top.
As Harry was finishing up loading things, Astoria came forward and softly said, "Hello Harry."
"Tori!" exclaimed Harry happily. "My, my..." he softly said towards her before turning to Cygnus.
He asked, "Cygnus? Why are you not carrying a big stick?"
A little confused, Cygnus asked, "And why would I do that?"
"Why, to beat off all the boys who would dare to come sniffing around this vision of loveliness, of course!" replied Harry, as if stating the obvious and gesturing towards Astoria.
He didn't see Daphne roll her eyes towards her mother, or Isabel trying to smother her giggles in response.
"Ooooh!" squealed grapple-hugging him.
Cygnus chuckled whiled Sirius said, "Damn, pup! I think I'm going to need to take notes!" To which he received a smack on the arm from Isabel.
"Hush, you!" she tried to sternly say.
Sirius just impudently grinned back.
Susan and Hannah left with Hannah's mum while Tracey left with her father and Neville left with Gran. The first two via portkey and Neville via side-along apparating. They'd see them in a few days at most, so parting was not that much of a big deal.
"Alright," said Cygnus. "I guess we're what's left and we're all here. How about we head out?"
With physical and verbal nods the group made their way out through the magical barrier.
Not too far out the other side, Hermione almost immediately saw her parents and, with a squeal, she rapidly pushed her trolley towards them. Letting it go and ducking out from behind it, she dashed the last few steps to envelop both parents in one of her unpatented grapple-hugs.
That gave the others time to casually walk over.
Introductions were left to Isabel to start. "Dear," she said, making sure her husband was paying attention. "This is Doctor Wendell and Doctor Monica Granger, Hermione's parents. Wendell. Monica. This is my husband, Lord Cygnus Greengrass."
"Cygnus, will do," said Cygnus stepping forward to shake Wendell's hand, before leaning forward and lightly kissing the back of Monica's hand.
"And it's Wendell and Monica for us," said Wendell.
"Thank you," said Cygnus, stepping back. He then said, indicating each in turn, "And I introduce: my eldest, Daphne; her betrothed, Harry Potter; my youngest, Astoria; and Lord Sirius Black, Harry's godfather.
Harry stepped forward and copied Cygnus's actions, shaking Wendell's hand and lightly kissing the back of Monica's hand; followed by Sirius doing the same, also telling them to call him Sirius.
"Betrothed?" asked Monica.
"Yes - umm," tried Cygnus actually blushing a little, before Isabel lightly laughed and said, "Cygnus and his friend, James - Harry's father - managed to get themselves drunk soon after Harry's birth and - the next morning they found they had both signed a non-breakable betrothal contract between Daphne and Harry."
"It - can't be broken?" asked Monica, a little alarmed.
"No," replied Cygnus. "It's a magical contract and was signed in blood."
Monica looked a little horrified and Wendell showed concern.
"It's okay, Ma'am," said Harry, speaking up before things could get out of hand. "I think I speak for both Daphne and I when I say we're actually now quite happy with it."
Daphne nodded and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek.
"However," said Harry lowering his voice slightly. "My deargodfather, now that he has recovered from his recent troubles, is in deep trouble about it."
"Awww! Pup!" whined Sirius. "You're not really going to hold your dear godfather guilty about this, are you?"
"And I believe that's a long discussion best left until Boxing Day," said Isabel, cutting in. "It will take some explaining to fully understand."
The Grangers nodded.
"And, I think it's nigh time we went back through the barrier to portkey away from here," said Cygnus. "Wendell. Monica. Nice to finally meet you. And I look forward to you visiting us at Greengrass Estate in three days."
After words of parting the Grangers left to exit the station out the muggle entrance, while the Greengrasses returned through the barrier to the platform to portkey away.
They arrived in a clutter on the floor in the Entry Hall of Greengrass Estate. That is, Harry landed and immediately fell flat on his bum, while the Greengrasses and Sirius lightly touched down in a slight crouch.
Cygnus looked at Harry with a grin, while Harry climbed to his feet muttering, "I hate magical travel."
"Because of the spin, you need to touch down in the direction of the spin and as if you're running forward," said Cygnus. "You landed backwards and almost stiff legged. That's why you fell back onto your bum."
"Just like Floo travel, Harry," said Isabel. "You just need to practice."
"I'll take the trunks upstairs," he said. "At least I can do thatwithout looking like a twit."
Using featherweight charms Harry first placed one on top of the other before levitating both. While holding them both up he grasped the handle of the bottom one and pulled it with him. He was so focussed on what he was doing, he didn't see the looks of shock on either Cygnus's or Isabel's face.
After Harry left up the stairs, pulling the trunks behind him. Cygnus motioned the rest toward to the parlour.
Once in there, Cygnus turned to Daphne and asked, "How long has he been able to do that?" he asked. Knowing why her father was so surprised, she said, "Almost from the start. Professors Flitwick and McGonagall keep loaning him advanced Charms and Transfiguration texts and he practically devours them.
"Once he's read them he practices each and every spell. And, once he has both wand movement and incantation correct, he never has to worry about it again; it's learned."
"But he shouldn't have the power..." started Cygnus before he heard Harry coming back down the stairs.
Harry entered and saw Daphne smiling at him while Cygnus, Isabel and Sirius were looking at him a little strangely.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]