CH 117

"Because of the law of Coverture, in the magical world, the families of the females born into one of the important Houses wanted to ensure that, if there became a problem that required the marriage to be magically and legally dissolved, the property brought into the marriage by the wife, could be recovered. As parents of a daughter, I'm sure you see the wisdom of that."

Both Grangers nodded. "Further, there comes the issue for the Ancient Houses and what's called Primogenitor - birthright," he continued. "Something even the muggle world needs to deal with in a monarchical society such as Great Britain. Succession in the magical world is incredibly important; probably more so than it is in the muggle world outside of the Royal Family.

"Without a betrothal contract, if Daphne and Harry were to marry, then something happened to me, the Lordship of House Greengrass would flow directly to Daphne through Primogenitor, then instantly to Harry, as her husband, under Coverture. He would become Lord Greengrass and Head of House Greengrass. With that power he could legally wreak havoc on House Greengrass, including subsuming House Greengrass into House Potter; thereby effectively ending the Greengrass line." Some of the adults gasped in shock while the Grangers looked stunned.

After the shocked mutterings ended, Cygnus continued, "This is where the wisdom of a betrothal contract comes into play; as they're used to put a stop to that sort of nonsense. For example, I may have foreseen such a situation and put clauses in the contract to stop that."

Cygnus looked at Harry, who nodded.

"First, the contract may - and I'm not saying it does, mind you - include a stipulation where Daphne is required to bear for Harry at least two male children. That's normal in these situations. The first would become Lord Potter on Harry's death, or if he were to pass on the Lordship earlier. Their second-born son would have the name Greengrass and would take up the Head of House Greengrass on his eleventh birthday, and the Lordship on his seventeenth.

"To protect that further, if there is no second son, we might have decided the titles would transfer to Astoria's second oldest son; or, Daphne's eldest daughter; or some other familial member of Greengrass blood. Plus, there may also be a stipulation Harry continue to keep the business interests of both Houses as separate entities and run them side-by-side. That way Daphne's second-born son will have a fully established House to inherit, and the Greengrass line will continue."

Harry then leaned forward and said, "Having now thought about this for a while, I'm quite sure that, considering the danger of the war they were in at the time and that they were Aurors - magical police - fighting in that war, both my father and Cygnus knew there was a risk to House Greengrass of that occurring if Daphne and House Greengrass weren't immediately protected by a betrothal contract.

"It has become clear to me my father was always one when went beyond the norm to protect his friends. And that protecting House Greengrass for Cygnus may have been part of what went through his mind when he agreed to the contract."

Cygnus looked surprised and said, "That actually makes a lot of sense. Your father was always willing to - as you put it - go beyond the norm to protect his friends. And, yes, much of what's in the betrothal contract goes towards protecting the interests of House Greengrass."

Turning more fully to Harry, he said, "But, it also goes a long way towards protecting the interests of House Potter. Don't ever forget that."

After more general conversation, the adults returned the Grangers back to their home so they could begin their road trip to Wendell's mother's home. The Grangers swore to give what was offered to them due thought and would let Cygnus know as soon as they had decided.

Wanting to get his business with the goblins out of the way early, Harry asked permission to take Daphne and visit Gringotts the day after Boxing Day; the next day; a Friday.

Sirius immediately piped up and asked if Harry wouldn't mind an escort. "I have no problem with that," he replied.

Hearing Sirius would be escorting the two pre-teens, Isabel gave her permission for Harry and Daphne to go.

A quick trip through the floo, with Harry again landing face first on the floor of The Leaky Cauldron, they were through the back door of the pub and out into the Alley.

As they mounted the stairs to enter the bank all three caused their postures to become more erect and strode in.

Walking up to the first available teller, Harry waited until the goblin looked up at him. He said, "Good morning, Teller. I hope gold continues to flow into your vaults and your enemies are no longer."

With an answering grin the goblin said, "It is and they are, young wizard. What do you want?"

"I come seeking audience with Account Keeper Bloodfang," replied Harry. "Please be so kind as to inform him Mister Potter is here to see him."

The goblin reached down under his counter, brought back up a sheet of parchment and, using an old gnarled root and ink, wrote a short note. He folded it in half and dropped it into a slot.

Looking back up he said, "A message has been sent to Account Keeper Bloodfang you await him, young wizard. An escort will be with you shortly. May your business, this day, prove profitable. Please, step back." Harry gave a very slight bow in response and backed away from the teller station. He rejoined Daphne and Sirius away from the tellers in the middle of the Hall.

Less than a minute later, a younger looking goblin approached Harry and said, "Please follow me, Mister Potter." He turned on his heel and started walking away.

Harry took Daphne's hand in the crook of his elbow and followed. Sirius was walking behind them.

The goblin led Harry and his party to the same office he was in on the first day he walked into Diagon Alley. The goblin knocked on the door and paused a moment before opening it and ushering the three inside. Not entering himself, the young goblin then closed the door behind them.

"Mister Potter," said Bloodfang. "How may Gringotts provide service to you today?"

"A couple of matters are of interest, Account Keeper Bloodfang, my friend," replied Harry. "First, these are my betrothed, Miss Daphne Greengrass, and my godfather, Lord Sirius Black," he introduced them.

After the required pleasantries, Harry asked, "Now, has wizard Albus Dumbledore finally returned that property which belongs to me?"

"He has, except for two magical artefacts, seven books of advanced magic of quite some age, and an amount of gold," replied the goblin looking at the inventory before him. "One is an invisibility cloak owned by your family for generations; the other is a solicitor's pensieve of the highest quality clearly marked with the Potter family crest."

"I see," said Harry. "Do you know where those two magical artefacts and books might be at this time?"

"We believe all nine items are in the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts Castle."

"And what is the amount of gold?" "9,258 ₲ 9 Š 14 Ҝ, Sir." (Nine thousand two hundred and fifty eight Galleons, nine sickles and fourteen knuts)

"I shall also require a copy of the inventory of items returned plus their current location," said Harry.

He thought for a moment and said, "I believe pursuing wizard Dumbledore for the gold will cost greater effort than the gold is worth if he is unwilling to return it. However, I have been more than fair concerning the return of my property.

"How much would it cost me for the goblins to effect recovery of my property still in the hands of wizard Dumbledore?"

The goblin looked down at his notes for a moment before looking up with an avaricious grin. He replied, "9,258₲ 9Š 14Ҝ, Sir." Sirius burst into laughter while Harry struggled to keep it in.

"And you don't consider the price a little steep, Account Keeper Bloodfang?" asked Harry.

"If it is an amount you're willing to forgo when it is rightfully yours, clearly you do not place much value on it," replied the goblin.

That time even Harry laughed.

"Alright, my friend," he said to the goblin, once he'd calmed down a little. "Recover it all from wizard Dumbledore, including the gold, then you may keep the gold as payment for this service. However, I shall not forget your shenanigans here, this day."

The goblin grinned in what Harry thought was 'happily' before he ducked his head down and wrote a few things on parchment.

"Now, I also wish access to the Potter private properties so I may investigate them," said Harry.

Nodding, the goblin wrote on another sheet of parchment, folded it in half and dropped it into a slot on his desk.

"Your ring is able to take you to each property simply by pressing on the stone and speaking the name of the property. However, I've assumed you want others to go with you, as well. I've ordered reusable portkeys to be made for Potter Manor, Potter's Retreat and The Winter House and they shall be with us momentarily," said the goblin. "Potter's Cottage has been claimed by the Ministry and we still await your order about whether or not to claim it back or demand payment for it. Lily's Pad is here in the Alley and you only need to press on your ring and say 'Lily's Pad' for it to become visible to you. And I've left out the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade as it does not require any special access at this point to enter."

"And, finally, I would like to add my godfather here," said Harry, pointing over his shoulder. "To have access to the Potter vaults when I am otherwise unavailable."


For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.

[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]