Turning to Sirius, Harry asked, "Do you recognise these elves, Sirius?"
"I didn't until they turned up, Harry," he replied. "Now, I do. It must have something to do with - where they're from being unplottable and under a Hiding Charm. I had completely forgotten they even existed." Turning back to the elves Harry introduced them to Daphne as his betrothed. Each then came forward and did the same strange gesture of holding her right hand fingers, palm out, to their foreheads.
"That's quite the peculiar thing to do," mused Harry.
Daphne turned to him and said, "They're recognising me as the next Lady Potter. It's an elf custom related to their magic."
All four elves nodded when Harry turned back to them.
"Alright," he mused. Looking at the latest three he asked, "And what do you guys do at Potter Manor?"
Petey stepped forward again and said, "I be Master's personal elf. I take care of personal living spaces. Callie stepped forward and said, "I be cook and take care of other spaces."
And Rizzy said, "I take care of gardens, greenhouses and stables."
"I take it you all help each other out, too?" asked Harry.
He saw four elf heads nod in response. "Do you feel you are busy enough, at the moment?" "Rizzy busy in spring and summer," said Rizzy. "Not so busy in winter."
Petey, Callie and Ninny all looked sad and Petey said, "We busy once family come back to live in Potter Manor. We not busy now."
Looking at Sirius, Harry grinned before turning back to the elves. "Master Sirius has a big home in London," he said. "The house elf there, Kreacher, is not doing his job..."
"We know Kreacher," said Petey, looking a little angry. "Kreacher is a bad elf!"
"Well," said Harry, "Master Sirius needs help in cleaning his big home up. It has not been cleaned in a very long time. If Master Sirius calls you, would you please go and help him clean his home up? You have my permission to do so."
All four elves just about bounced on the spot in excitement. "Oh, yes! Oh, yes!"
"Harry!" exclaimed Sirius.
Harry turned to him and said, "They need to work, Sirius. You know that. And they've been pretty much idle for over a decade now. You'd be doing them a favour if you let them clean that old place up for you." "Yeah, I would; wouldn't I," said Sirius, before he let out a sigh. "Alright, they can do it. I'll be sure to call them when I return."
Harry grasped Sirius's arm in a reassuring manner before turning back to the elves.
"Alright, then," said Harry to the four of them. We're going to have a look around here, then we're headed back to Greengrass Estate. We plan on visiting Potter Manor some time over the next couple days; so I'll see you then."
The other three all bowed before disappearing leaving Ninny behind.
"Alright, Ninny," he said to her. "How about you show us this place and then we'll be on our way."
Ninny nodded and showed them around. Lily's Pad had the lounge they were standing in with the almost mandatory large fireplace, and a small balcony overlooking Diagon Alley was also accessed from there; the small alcove dining room with a table set for six; the small kitchen they could just see from the lounge, until they walked in to have a better look; a bedroom with a Queen bed, walk in robe and dressing table, and two bedside tables; and an office. The office also contained two foldaway cots.
Indicating the largest couch, she described how it was also a foldaway sofa bed.
When Harry asked about when his Mum lived there, Ninny said it was Mistress Lily's home until she married Master James. And that, once they were married, Master James and Mistress Lily used it as a guest house. She said the fireplace there was linked with the fireplace at Potter Manor until they went into hiding at Potter's Cottage. "Is the fireplace still connected to the floo network?" asked Harry.
"Yes, but turned off," replied Ninny.
"Can I turn it back on from here?" he asked.
Ninny showed him how to turn the fireplace back on, re-establishing the connection to the floo network.
Looking around, he saw a small ornamental box in the mantelpiece. Looking inside he found a small supply of floo powder.
Looking at the elf, he asked, "The floo address for here is Lily's Pad?" "Yes, Master Harry," she replied. "Alright, then; I suppose that's it?" asked Harry, looking at the others.
Both Daphne and Sirius nodded. "Then let us away to Greengrass Estate," he said, offering the container to Daphne first.
Daphne floo'ed away first, then Sirius, finally Harry after he returned the box to the mantelpiece and bid Ninny to take care of herself.
Wanting to get unsealing Potter Manor out of the way, Harry convinced the Greengrasses to let him go there the next morning.
Cygnus showed him the ward ledger for Greengrass Estate and told him how a similar ledger would be kept at Potter Manor. He would have to get the elves to show him the ledger, and taught him how to add and remove the names of those who were permitted through the substantial wards on the property. Harry would need to go, alone, first; add the names of those who he wanted to allow through, reconnect the floo, and then tell everyone else when he was done.
Harry dropped into a pocket quill and ink, in case he needed it for the ward ledger in the Manor. Because of the wards at Greengrass Estate, he had to walk to the front gates of the property and leave the warded area before he was free to use his ring portkey. Daphne escorted him out.
Once outside the gates, Daphne told him he was far enough away to be beyond the wards. After a quick hug and kiss between them, he firmly pressed on his ring and called, "Potter Manor!"
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