The Gate

"Clear the way!" I shouldered through the group. "Getting her to the sofa."

"What happened?" Dan's voice was tight with concern.

"Tattoo filled in. Must've been the Vestige and your magic display that triggered it."

"Fascinating," Teras murmured. "Dream spreads faster than I thought possible, even without an active gate. This is how you turned?"

I ignored her, focused on my mother's still form. Her tattoo pulsed golden yellow. "Why this color?"

"Those of dream don't receive these marks," Teras said. "We develop our path naturally—first a Job in youth, then an Ideal born of need. Some grow into Legend, fewer fade into Myth. An Ideal brings benefits. Longevity, among others."

"Longevity?" I tucked a blanket around my mother.

"Indeed. The further down the path, the greater the power. Some manifest their Ideal as an avatar."

"You have all these categories but no infinity symbol? Can you display your status like this?" I pressed my tattoo, showing my Mythos.

"We can view status screens at places of power in dream. Yours seems... incomplete."

The guild whispered among themselves—their voices clear to my enhanced hearing despite their attempt at privacy. They wanted to come with us.

My mother's eyes snapped open, glazed white. Her voice carried terrible purpose: "Seek the gate, guard the path, and fulfill your purpose. You who has taken the first step to immortality, walk the path of the chained seven and reclaim your rightful place. Grow quickly, flower of Elysium. The Capricious Queen seeks an end to all."

She collapsed back, tattoo fading to dull yellow.

"Truthseer," Teras breathed, eyes wide.

"Well, that's not disconcerting." I missed my boring motel job already. "Any ideas what it means?"

"You've taken The First Step," Dan said. "Maybe these seven are the ones Teras mentioned? Though the Capricious Queen and flower of Elysium..."

I kept quiet about the Elysium reference. Let them wonder about my middle name—Asphodel, the flower of Hades' fields.

"We should focus on the task," Jessica interrupted. "We're coming with you."

"You will do no such thing," Teras commanded. "Not until we know what awaits. I can barely protect Lord Ishan alone."

"Jace," I corrected again. "But she's right. Someone needs to guard this side of the gate and protect my mother."

"Especially with the Capricious Queen involved," Teras shuddered. "She's nearly as old as the Unbroken King, and far less forgiving."

"Jace." My mother's whisper drew me back.

Her eyes opened, now flecked with emerald light. "I was in a marble hall," she said. "Crystal pillars glowed rainbow colors. There was an altar with a business card—my name written on it."

"When I touched it, my memories returned. Years of fog cleared in an instant. Before I passed out, I saw seven pillars wrapped in black chains, spike-driven into the floor. In their center stood an eighth pillar, unchained, pulsing brilliant white."

Teras gasped. My mother pressed her yellow tattoo, revealing a single word: Mother.

"We need to leave." Teras bolted for the door, trembling.

I turned to Dan. "Please look after her."

"We will," he promised. "I remember her condition. She's safe with us."

The marble arch dominated the courtyard, flanked by pines. A cobblestone path wound through the garden to meet it, punctuated by a lone birdbath.

Teras shed her cloak, revealing silver-black armor beneath. Throwing knives lined her thighs and chest, curved kukri crossed at her back. She approached the arch with deadly grace.

Each step I took grew heavier. Not like Dan's power—this was mental weight. Doubt crushed down. What if I didn't return? Was my mother truly safe? Why me?

The need to run almost overwhelmed me. Then I remembered the blood-hunger, the primal need to hunt and kill. If I didn't master these changes, I'd lose control. Someone would die.

"Why is my head pounding?" I reached the arch at last.

"The price of freedom. Dream bleeds into reality through the Vestiges. Your claim will redirect that influence, bend it to your will."


"Touch it. Focus your desire to make it yours. Hold that thought until it's done."

I pressed my palm to cool marble and closed my eyes. For a moment, nothing.

Then reality exploded backward. I watched myself retreat from the arch, Teras' cloak rising to cover her. Time accelerated until yesterday, when the news of Infinity Online broke. The arch sank into earth, pulling my perception with it.

Colors whirled, condensing into a black human outline touching the arch—mirroring my pose. The figure solidified: a middle-aged man, white hair slicked back, wearing a shimmering white robe. Golden-tanned skin showed at his wrists. He turned, meeting my gaze. Recognition flashed in his eyes as he saw my crystal-caged golden ones.

He smiled, and the vision shattered.