Chapter 55

With a groan, TJ kicked off the blankets. He was sweating, uncomfortably warm under the comforter and quilt he'd pulled over himself. As he blinked and actually woke up, he was struck by how bright it was. He grunted and checked the time from the System.


TJ swiped at his eyes, disbelieving. Yes, he'd gone to sleep after 2 AM, but even so, he'd thought someone would wake him up long before now. The thought of everyone waiting on him was a little embarrassing, but then, that last Skill option crossed his mind again. Primeval Champion. If he was honest, it was a damn cool name for a Skill, and he was curious as to what the weapons proficiency meant. A Copper tiered Skill would obviously be hugely impactful for his future, and TJ was sure he'd take one of the three for his next Skill. 

He walked out of his room, the house much warmer than he'd expected. Stanton didn't answer when TJ called out, so he figured he was alone. The weapons he'd made the night before remained on the table, and TJ grabbed his backpack to bundle them together before going out the door. Surprisingly, it was almost warm out, well over freezing, and though TJ could survive much colder temperatures than ever before with his 61 Vitality, it still wasn't comfortable for him. 

As he walked through the town, whenever someone saw him, they tried to get his attention and express gratitude or admiration for what he'd done last night. Zig's little storytelling escapade must have been even more impactful than he'd suspected, and they looked at him with near worship. Each thankful smile and grateful word put TJ's teeth on edge, so he nodded his thanks before walking past as quickly as he could manage without being too terribly impolite. Fortunately, there weren't too many people actually out on the street, so he was able to get to the general store before too long. There, TJ only ran into Jeff, who nodded curtly and gestured for him to go ahead into the store. 

"Thanks." TJ said before entering. 

The store remained much as every time he'd entered it, shelves ever depleting of their stores, no natural light and a couple LED flashlights set up every so often to cast just enough light not to get lost in the aisles of shelves. TJ made his way through, towards Laura's desk. There, he found nobody. With a sigh, he turned and walked back out where he'd come in. 

"Why didn't you tell me Laura wasn't in?" He couldn't help but snap at the man who sat there, looking decidedly smug. 

"You didn't ask."

"And I didn't ask to be let in either. I walked up and you gestured for me to go ahead."

"Thought you were doing something else."

TJ blinked hard and slow. "Fine. Where's Laura?"

"She said everyone's gotta go out on these hunts, so she's leading by example. Went out yesterday too."

"Oh. Oh shit."

"What?" Jeff asked, serious and immediately showing signs of panicking himself.

"We noticed the monsters were getting smarter, planning, and I was going to talk to her about it today. I don't know if people will be safe, since they're making plans out there now!"

"Oh, just that." Jeff relaxed. "She's with Zig and Charlie. She's also the highest level Disciple we have. Jeez. You scared the daylights outta me."

"I… never mind. I'll just hope you're right." TJ cut his hands through the air, dismissing the argument. He didn't know where she was, how he could get there, or when he should expect her return, but for now, there was nothing he could do. Instead, he walked to the firehouse, wondering if he'd be lucky enough to find something that wasn't some form of javelina to eat. If it was still fresh, even better.

TJ was disappointed. Cold javelina steak was all he received, though Penny was more than excited to talk to their newest hero.

"I didn't think that you were so… self sacrificing!" the old lady said, much more of a spring in her step than TJ had ever seen before. 

"Zig was just telling a story. Reality was very different from what she said. Really. I didn't do much of anything at all."

"So you didn't make sure that the monsters couldn't flank the team?"

"Me and Charlie, but he did most of it."

"And you didn't rush in against the wendigo, just to tie it up?"

"Yea, I did."

"And did you keep holding on to it after it stabbed you all the way through?"

"I didn't have a whole lot of other options available to me!" TJ protested. "And it's all being spun way out of proportion!"

Granny Penny leaned in close, her eyes heavy lidded, as she whispered, "I know."

TJ looked at her in confusion, but a sly smile slowly cracked her face. "You what?"

"Of course I know!" Penny cackled. "Yeah, I'm sure you did your best, but I've seen you. You're not a hero, not really. You're helping out, but it's not some self-effacing sacrifice. No, you're selfish. You know what you want, and it needs everyone else to cooperate to work. There's nothing more to it for you, is there?"

TJ scoffed. "You really had me going there."

"My Fred and I enjoyed being in musicals. Well, he'd complain and say he hated it, but you should have seen him in Bye Bye Birdie. Was a wonderful Albert." Penny's smile was sweet and tender and genuine and nearly brought a tear to TJ's eye. "Course, we had our whole lives together. I'm sorry you lost that."

The familiar lump in his throat returned. TJ nodded curtly. "Yeah."

"I didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry, honey." Penny's apology was sincere, and she reached out with two wrinkled hands and patted TJ's own. "I just meant to say that I know what you're fighting for. I understand what your thoughts are, and I don't blame you. I just wanted to get a laugh outta you, then I got all misty eyed on you."

"It happens." TJ swallowed. "Thanks for caring."

Penny gently kissed the top of TJ's head as he sat, and his mind flashed to the kitchen table in his grandparents' home. For a brief moment, he saw the family photos decorating their wall, the cabinets filled with china, the plants on the windowsill. The pasture out the back door, the strawberry plants patterning the path. Not for the first time that morning, TJ swiped the back of his hand across his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time he was so quick to tears, so emotionally fragile. He couldn't help but laugh at himself, but ate his food as quickly as he could manage. 

To take his mind off of it, TJ asked the question he should have before going to sleep, but had fallen asleep too quickly to. "What does 'This Skill choice will unalterably change the path of the Savage Occupation' mean, exactly?"

The base Savage Occupation is a multifaceted Occupation, able to gain experience from most activities, granted they are performed within the restrictions of the Savage Occupation's intent. If you are to select the Primeval Champion Skill, that will no longer be the case. Instead, the Savage Occupation will become an Occupation focused exclusively on interpersonal leadership and combat. You will retain your Primitive Craftsmanship Skill, but it will not be able to progress and all things you create will be suppressed to the Dirt rank of Divinity.

TJ sighed. Of course, there was a drawback to the Skill. The more he'd thought about it, the more it'd seemed too good to be true. Taking away the versatility of the Occupation would be extremely bad, and never getting more Skills to allow him to create things to help himself sucked. Looking at Equipment Fabrication, he saw that items and equipment could give bonus attribute points, so did he want to cut himself out of being able to provide that to himself? There was no way people would happily hand over the best items available just because he said please.

Now realizing that the question to answer was whether he wanted to be able to craft or not with his Occupation, TJ pushed back from the table, his plate empty. As always, Penny swiped the disposable plate and cup from him before he could stand.

"I am an Attendant, after all." Penny smiled sweetly. "You're letting me get stronger if you just let me take your things." 

TJ sighed and waved her off. Then, with his backpack slung over his shoulder, he made his way outside. A hunting party was returning, more wounds than usual. A queasy feeling in his stomach surged as TJ watched the group carry four people, maybe dead bodies, on their backs. Wait, then that meant the group had at least 20 people in it, more like 25.

Stanton led them, gesturing for the hunters carrying people to move along into the firehouse. They did so without complaint, following the wordless command. They jogged past, Stanton speaking before they were all out of earshot, "How was your rest? You needed it."

"I just barely woke up." TJ confessed, feeling bad about it.

"Don't worry." The old man answered, apparently reading TJ's mind. "You still slept the same amount as these yahoos, or less. I checked out those knives, by the way. Interesting things you made there."

"That's a way to put it. You want one?"

"Nope. Frankly, they're disgusting." Stanton scoffed. "I've got my knife. All I need."

"Fine by me. I'm sure someone will want the grotesque but powerful things. Now, about them." TJ tried to change the subject as quickly as Stanton had. "I hit level 10 in Occupation last night when I finished those. Have a new Skill to choose, and wanted to use you as a sounding board, see what you think."


"Got some choices between Copper tier Skills, and trying to make the choice between two kinds of options. Two of 'em are about creating things, like I did last night, but they're not what I want your opinion on. The other one is quite different. It's called Primeval Champion, and it seems like the Skill's meant to make me a hero. Like, people looking up to me, being a leader, fighting all our enemies, and so on."

Stanton nodded, following along but not saying anything yet.

"The catch is that it'll basically take away my ability to make things like this," TJ lifted his knife from his pocket, "making my Occupation more of a combat one."

Stanton stood, mulling over what TJ'd said for a moment. "Which do you want to take?"

"Not sure, that's why I'm talking to you about it. It's a pretty big difference, and I see the benefits to both."

"That wasn't the question, kid. Which one do you wanna do?"


"Quit lying to yourself. Or me. You know which one you want. Maybe a part of you thinks you should do the other 'cause it might be better for other people. But you do know what you want to do."

At that, TJ realized that yes, he did know what he wanted. He smiled at the old man who smirked in return, the look almost lost under the massive handlebar 'stache.

"Yeah, I'm not much of the hero type, am I?"

"No. Sure you are to your boy, but not to the rest of us. No need to be something you're not."

"Fair enough. Thanks, geezer."

Stanton waved him off, walking towards the firehouse. That he didn't seem to be in a rush or particularly worried calmed TJ, and he began to decide which of the two similar Skills he wanted. The upgrade to Primitive Craftsmanship was impressive, and the percent increase would be especially marked. On the other hand, Equipment Fabrication was more specialized–create better items. He didn't know how specifically to enhance whatever it was that he made, but this Skill would get him that understanding. Even so, TJ felt that improving the core of his core creation Skills first would allow him to do something more impressive later on, which would enhance Equipment Fabrication or whatever other Skill he ended up taking down the line. 

Decision made, TJ selected Introductory Divine Primitive Craftsmanship, laughing about the long and somewhat silly name to himself. Just as he did, a shock rocked him, a twinging that went down his spine. Before he could get used to it, though, someone screaming for help sprinted up the main road towards the general store.