Chapter 4

Adam awoke when the first rays of the sun reached his face he felt so uncomfortable with his makeshift bed of leaves but at least it kept him off the bare ground. He began to sit up and slowly stretched out, He took one of his roots and started to chew his new Routine (Pronouncing it like Rootine) God he needed people just a few days without contact with another person and already making puns to himself. 

His belly sated he cleaned up his makeshift camp and decided he was gonna follow the trail today. His eyes were constantly on the lookout not just for herbs but for anything out of the ordinary in every movie he's ever watched now is where the person is always attacked. The only things he had seen for hours while walking this trail were a few small animals


Creature Identified: Rainbow Squirrel

Description: Small, Tree-dwelling, Herbivore.Passive behaviorHunted for its eyes they change color depending on temperature.

The Squirrel paused for a moment then looked at me as if it could tell I inspected it, Its fluffy tail twitching as we made eye contact for a moment then it ran and vanished into the near by foliage.

Adam sighed and continued to walk Following the trail hopefully to somewhere. Around midday he stopped to rest for the last hour he noticed the trees getting less thick the trail slowly getting wider and the ground flatter. As he was consuming the magical root he smelt smoke, Smoke usually meant people people meant a bed. He hurried and consumed the ROOT and decided he was going to jog and follow the smell, The smell of food carried with the smoke even with the effects of the root he was craving an actual meal. As he continued on the trail he started to hear voices he was about to encounter people, Instinctively he reached for his harvesting tool hoping he wouldn't need it. Adam took a deep calming breath stepping into the clearing he didn't want to scare anyone. His gaze swept over the camp, They didn't seem overly concerned by his arrival no one had drawn a weapon or shouted at him. One person a man with short cropped dark hair looked up from the fire and caught site of him, the man's eyes narrowed and for a moment he thought the old man would make him leave but then his eyes softened. "Well, well," the man said his voice rough from the road. "Didn't expect anyone else to be out here"

Adam took another step closer to the fire his heart racing " I Didn't mean to intrude i smelt the smoke and thought I might get some help or directions" he found his voice horse with disuse. 

The man gave a small, understanding nod "We've got food and a place to rest if you got some coin." Coin? Adam's Mind whirled. He didn't give any coin, Maybe he could offer trade. "I don't have any coins but i have herbs and can offer some healing what ever you might need.

The man raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Herbs, huh? Well, you got my attention we have one woman who can't keep food down we've tried everything we can, but we have to be on the road. We will give you food and a place to sit if you help tend to her. If you can make her better by morning, you can travel with us to the next Village Sound good?"

Adam didn't even need to think about it. "It sounds amazing. Thank you. Could you please show me to her?"

She looked pale, her face gaunt, her hair tangled and matted with sweat. Her breathing was shallow her eyes tried to stay open when they entered the room, but it was a lost cause as she drifted back off. "She hasn't been able to keep anything down for days," A man sitting next to her said while dabbing her forehead, "Please help her."

"It's the wasting disease," The man who brought him in said "He will try his best but we all know how it ends," He said and walked away. Adam stepped closer to the girl studying her carefully; he tried to use inspect but that didn't add any information that might help him. His mind raced though the herbs he had in his inventory. The girl needed something immediately to help her, Something that could stave off the effects of her condition long enough to help her keep something down and get to the village. He scanned his inventory, landing on the bitterleafe a herb that increased the resistance to nausea. Maybe that with a healing herb may help. Then a feeling in the back of his mind said to grab dullroot too.

He asked around to see if anyone had a mortar, but no one did, so he grabbed a nearby rock and used some water to clean it just like last time. He quickly began grinding the herbs his hands steady despite the urgency he felt for the girl. Biterleafe has a sharp bitter sent to it He crushed it until it turned into a paste, then added the dullroot it was more earthy but he did the same, adding in the basic healing herb he added water and put it in a pot to boil it together, hopefully, it better infusing all the helping properties in the plants. He removed it from the fire and let it cool. When the paste was cool enough Adam approached the cot where the girl lay. "This should help her."

The girl grimaced at the bitter taste but she swallowed. A few minutes later as adam saw her body relax and breathing become more stable, the color of her skin getting more flushed as time went on. "Is she going to be okay?" Adam nodded. "The worst should be over now but make sure she drinks only water the rest of the night and we will know by morning." 

He walked away and sat by the fire checking the messages that appeared.


Alchemy Level 2: 

You have created a potion. Potion of cure wasting disease. Using Bitterleafe, dulleroot and basic healing herb grind together and bring to a boil serve with care. Can now feel what herbs can help a create grow stronger


For using herbalism to help heal someone who would have died you are rewarded. 50 XP



Remember, herbs are used to heal but also to kill when needed; continue to grow.

Adam was excited; not only did he help save someone's life, he leveled up. He could have done without the reminder at the end, but he wasn't going to complain. He checked out his updated stats. 

Name: Adam

Class: Herbalist (Level 2) 10/500


Race: Human

Patron: Airmed

Titles: Master of a Legendary Class

Current Status:

HP: 150/150 (2.1/min)

MP: 110/110 (2.4/min)

Stamina: 60/60 (2.7/min)


Herb Identification (Passive) – You can identify and analyze any plant or herb nearby.

Alchemy (Active) level 2 – Ability to craft with herbs.


Inspect (Active) Level 1


Strength: 6

Intelligence: 11

Dexterity: 6

Wisdom: 13

Vitality: 15

Attribute points: 2

He was growing, and he loved it.