"Come on, mum'' I said "Please, I can't stay here alone, I need to go with them. I will go out of my mind if I stay here alone" I pleaded.
We had been on this issue for over an hour. She kept insisting I could not go to a boarding school. But I just needed to push a little further to emerge victorious.
She just stood there, watching me like I was insane. You would think I was asking for something big.
"There's no way you're going to a boarding school Pres. Not in that area, and how did you guys even know that school? It's too far from home baby".
" I'm not a kid anymore mum, why will I want to be around all the time?" I replied " Told you to get company" I added in a whisper.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing," I said frowning.
We just stayed silent for as long as it took, only the sound from the evening news she was watching on the television could be heard. We looked into each other's eyes, letting it all out through the silence. I could not give up, this was the only way and since I knew I had to win this, I put up the most sorrowful face I could.
"You know I love you right?." It worked. But I did not answer, I had to melt her heart completely. So, I just sobbed and wiped a fake tear.
" Don't do that Pres, you know I'm doing this for your good." Silence.
"Come on love" she persuaded.
"Fine" I finally replied." It's always either your way or no other way" I continued and tried to move away from her side.
That is a very big lie, she always lets me have my way.
My mum is a kind soul, although she comes off as tough sometimes. All that is just so that she does not let her guard down, after everything my dad did.
I wiped that away, I needed to stay focused.
"You know that's not true," She said, in the calmest tone she could muster. I just ignored it and walked slowly towards my room.
"Pres", she called, so calmly I almost gave up. I stood at the entrance to the corridor. " Pick a school somewhere else, just not Mbamwi. It's too small for crying out loud. Since when did you start liking small things?".
"I love my tea with just a pinch of sugar." I joked.
" Shut up." She glared at me.
" Sorry mum. The thing is, Micheal's dad wants him to school there and we can't allow him to go there alone. You know everything, mum, he needs us. Harry's parents already agreed mum, it's just me now. Please mum." I pleaded and put on my signature sorrowful face. The one she couldn't resist.
"Don't do that, you know I don't like that face."
"Always works," I thought.
"Please, mum."
She remained silent for some time, clearly weighing her options. I held my breath, one can never be so sure.
"When do they start their interviews?" She said in the lowest tone ever, but I heard.
"Mum" I called, just to be sure. But any doubt was completely wiped out when she looked at me and smiled.
"Exactly what you heard my boy."
I could not help myself, I launched on her and held her so close.
Brown eyes and brown skin to compliment the eyes and blonde short hair to fix it all. She was beautiful, slender, and petite, she had suffered hugs from me, whenever I needed to wrap my arms around her, either to thank or comfort her or myself.
She was the closest I had, all I had.
She was not surprised, of course, she was used to that.
We just stayed like that, no words, because our embrace communicated better.
"I believe I asked a question" she smiled at me. Typical weird mum.
"Early July mum."
"Prepare yourself then" She rose to leave " I have to be early in the shop tomorrow. Goodnight."
"I love you, Mum."
"Love you too my boy."