It had been two days since we came to school—two days of fun and pain. We had cleaned the whole school for the rest of the school's arrival. The work was fun, as we played and joked around while we worked. I was among those cleaning the classrooms and windows. That was not bad because I had cleaned the floor at home several times, so I knew I did my best.
While I went to fetch water for those dry cleaning, my eyes caught the most beautiful sight ever. The same guy I had a few seconds of eye contact with, the same guy whose eyes kept me awake all night, was standing in his gloriousness, shirt off, with just his sportswear trousers and working boots. Wow.
Now that I had time to see him, his body was simply one word: PERFECT. From his perfectly handsome face to his, oh my God! Are those abs? Take me, Lord. He did not have big muscles, but that was fine; I don't like big muscles.
Snap out of it Lelah, he is not your boyfriend.
While I appraised his front, it was like God saw the need to help, because just then he turned around and picked a matchet. That was the finest ass ever.
Hard and well-shaped.
He turned back around and laughed at what his friend had said. Perfect teeth.
If hotness was a person.
Boys like him should be locked up. Damn.
Get it together gur...
"Hey, are you mad or feel the need to act abnormal? You're blocking the way" a guy carrying a bucket of water behind me said.
I let him pass, as I heard the girl he was helping fetch water whisper "And you are not his type" I was getting confused when she pointed toward "hotness god" and smirked.
Of course, I arrived with the water late and was well scolded. Who cared? All I thought of was the hotness god, and then "You are not his type". Okay, pause. I was in a hurry to carry water, so I had no time to analyze that statement before then. What did she mean anyway? I agree I'm a little short but not too short, and I'm beautiful, I think. Whatever, the point is you do not kill a person's self-esteem like that. Damn.
Well, I thought to myself, I will let that drop, I came here to study.
* * *
It was Monday, the day of the arrival of the rest of the school. We had to rise as early as 6:00 am instead of 7:00 am. We cleaned the school campus after the worst breakfast ever. The supper we took on the day of our arrival, bread and tea, which was not bad, but was hardly what we had at home, was way better than this. To think I thought that was the worst. We heard rumors that that was the last time we had "not so bad" tea. Boarding school.
After cleaning, we all assembled in the school hall for some announcements.
The hall was all rowdy, and the odor in there could kill a dog. Sweaty armpits, bodies, and bad breath filled the air, as everyone struggled and bustled to get comfortable sits.
We all needed it after the hectic "last-minute cleaning" which was more like "last-minute killing". I found a comfortable space by the wall and window. While I was comfortable on the bench alone, I stretched out my legs and relaxed, with my face towards the window. This did not last for long, as a guy I did not know slid on the bench and I had to put my legs down because the bench was not long enough, and I did not want to put my bare legs too close to a stranger.
While I concentrated on analyzing anyone my eye caught, the guy on the bench was slowly drifting towards me without my knowledge. Before the Kaisa's, as they asked to be called (apparently, seniors and prefects collaborated, and also needed names).
Kaisa was the name for the present batch of upper-sixth boys, and the girls were called Kaises. The thing is, they just needed a respectable name, to differentiate them from us the none seniors. But they were taking the name thing too far. Kaisa was a good name, yes, for kings and great people. But all these seniors and prefects were taking it too far, feeling like kaisa's and kaiseses themselves. So much for being in power.
It did not end there. Since we could not call all of them the same names, the senior prefects, were Emperor and Emperess. Imagine.
The big Ks( as I chose to call them), came in before the big Es, closely followed by the vice principal. The one whose name we had to get from people other than him. All he had to do was clear his throat, and the hall would be dead silent.
"So," he began after the big Ks and Es had taken their sits around the hall.
Mannerless bastard, can't even greet.
"We all know today is complete resumption day since the rest of the school will be resuming today," he continued.
"Hey," the guy beside me said, tapping my arm.
"Hey," I replied, looking at him, and then the vice principal.
"You all will have some free time from now until 5:00 pm. You will have lunch..." The vice principal spoke on.
"You're beautiful," the guy beside me continued " I've been watching you since Friday"
Errrg. Boys. This is how they acted with me since I arrived, " Hey beauty, I'm talking to you" he touched my shoulder. "You are the mayor's daughter, right? You're so cute. Didn't notice that before now. Too bad you're a nerd. But I can fix that" Mad people everywhere. Stupid Kaisa's even had to send their friends to call for me. I only went because of fear, but came dashing out of the class or hall or wherever we were when they started on about wanting to be in a relationship with me. This guy had to stop before I lost it.
I continued listening to the VP.
"Anyone who destroys any of the balls will be held highly accountable. For those who feel the need to disturb, the music room will be open. The..."
"Yess!" the hotness god exclaimed before the VP could continue. His face was total happiness. His perfect teeth, beautiful muscles, shit. Get a grip, Lelah.
"Excuse me," the VP said.
"Sorry sir, we were just excited," he replied, smiling. That was when I noticed he was not the only one excited, his friends were grinning from ear to ear. Wow. They were not just fine, they loved music too.
"You know I can punish you right?" the VP warned, "You do not talk when I am talking," he said in a threatening tone.
"I'm sorry Sir," he apologized.
"Williams," the VP called, and the famous Kaisa Williams stood up and walked to him.
"Let him clean the infirmary after lunch."
"What? " hotness god, spoke out, all the happiness from before, gone. Replaced by a frown. "I said I was sorry."
"Make it the infirmary and the high school toilets," he added, and with that, he left.
Hotness god remained standing, extremely confused. You could not miss out on the tears that formed in his eyes. He quickly wiped it. Poor boy, if only he were a girl.
"Hey, are you even listening to me?" Someone beside me said. I turned around. Errg. The same guy.
"See, I'm not in the mood for all this. Carry your flirting with any other girl, just not me," I said, and I meant it.
I don't know why but what they did to hotness god affected me like I was the one being punished. That felt strange. All these feelings building up for someone I did not even know, someone way beyond my league. Because let's face it, if having the greatest interest in bookwork and knowing practically everything to the extent that I can sing anything you ask me, like it was discovered by me, means being a nerd, then I was one. I was obsessed with bookwork. And from how hot this guy was, he was not a nerd kind of person. No one wants a girl who talks only about books and books-related stuff when she gets the chance.
"Proud girls. You that I want to manage, you will soon come begging," he said and left angrily. When he reached the door, I just gave him an answer that I thought was necessary.
"If I were to date, and all the boys in school didn't want me, I would rather die single, than be with a blockhead like you," I thought that was appropriate, he deserved it.
He stood where he was, staring at me. What did I do? I just told him the truth right? He was a blockhead for thinking I would beg him or that he could manage me.
I stood to leave, and that was when I realized the entire hall had gone dead silent. "Please tell me you did not use your trumpet voice," my inner self said. "From the look on everyone's face, I think I did" I replied.
"That hit home bruh," someone shouted.
Emmm, I'm a girl, not anyone's brah, or whatever.
There was a round of applause for me. I did not know why, but I had to be out of there. So I left.
* * *
When I finally made it outside, I went straight for the dormitory but felt the need to stop when I saw hotness god and his friends. He was looking straight at me, and smiling. Oh my God! I was sweating.
"Hello," he greeted. Did he just speak to me? As in hotness god, spoke to me. I was dumbfounded, no words left my mouth.
"Are you alright?" he asked, causing me to compose myself. He was now beside me and God help me, he touched my cheek and said " Your temperature is high."That was when the words came.
"I'm fine, thank you," I smiled. He looked at me like I was some sort of weirdo. Cause I was.
"Thank goodness, you looked like you would pass out, I was getting worried," he said. He was worried about me?
"Calm down girl, did you see the look on your face? Anyone will be worried." My inner self chose this moment to do a flip back. "At least he cares" I replied to her.
"You silenced that jerk."
"Excuse me?" I was off again and did not hear him.
"The incident in the hall, the way you answered that guy? No one would have the guts to do that," he said.
"Ohh that, he got what he deserved," Why was everyone making it a big deal?
"Yeah, he did"
"So, you like music?" I enquired, just out of curiosity. His face lit up.
"Like is an understatement. I love music. The piano, it calms me," he replied.
"Wow," was all I could say.
We stood there for what seemed like ages, just staring at each other. Awkward.
"Do you need help cleaning?" Wait, where did that come from? I hate working. Jeez.
"You wanna help?" He asked. You could read doubt in his eyes. Yeah. In my eyes too.
"Yes, I'll just get to the dormitory. Be right back". I turned around and practically ran because I did not know what I was doing.
"Thanks," I heard him scream.
Welcome bruh.