Zhu Fen’s Death and Leadership Struggles

In the towering office in Jakarta, Huang Jin stood by the window, staring out at the city below. The death of Zhu Fen had sent shockwaves through the syndicate. Officially, it was a heart attack, but Huang Jin knew better. The whispers about the curse had reached him too, and though he didn’t believe in superstition, there was no denying that strange things were happening.

Behind him, Shen Ai entered the room, her movements graceful but deliberate. She sat down without a word, crossing her legs and observing him with calm, calculating eyes.

"Zhu Fen’s death leaves a vacuum. Liang Ren is already making moves to fill it. I assume you have your plans?"

Huang Jin turned to face her his expression unreadable. "Liang Ren is too ambitious for his good. He won’t last long. And Mei Ling—"

Shen Ai … cutting in. "Mei Ling is a wildcard. She’s more cautious than you think. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t dangerous."