Where are we going?

The enforcer lunged at Sebastian, his fists swinging. Reacting instinctively, Sebastian sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the punch. Mayang, her instincts sharp, quickly grabbed a nearby decorative vase and hurled it at the enforcer. It shattered against the wall, shards scattering everywhere.

“Run!” Sebastian shouted, pulling Mayang by the arm as they sprinted down the hallway.

The enforcer bellowed in frustration, giving chase, his heavy footsteps echoing ominously behind them. They darted through the hotel’s labyrinthine corridors, heartbeats racing, adrenaline surging.

“Where are we going?” Mayang panted, glancing back to see how close their pursuer was.

“Through the service exit,” Sebastian replied, spotting a door labeled ‘Staff Only’ at the end of the corridor. “It’ll lead us to the back alley.”