The Feud Between Bintang and the Dragons

Bintang stands at the edge of Jakarta Bay, watching the sprawling cityscape dominated by projects funded by the Nine Dragons Syndicate. The sky is filled with the smog of industrial development, a byproduct of the Syndicate's relentless grip on the region’s resources. A constant reminder of the power he once sought to dismantle, and perhaps, in some ways, still respects.

Bintang’s face is shadowed by both the setting sun and the burden of his choices. His father’s political legacy, his covert alliances, and his unspoken ambition to one day free Indonesia from the Nine Dragons—it all weighs heavily on him. And in moments like this, the past haunts him.

He clenches his fists, recalling the voice of Wei Long, the man who shaped much of his understanding of power and fear.
