Kiran’s Warning

"Alright, team… here’s the plan. We’re spread thin, but we need to gather as much intel as we can simultaneously. Clarissa, and Kiran, I want you two to continue the search here in Singapore. Focus on getting deeper insights into the Nine Dragons’ operations and connections."

Clarissa nodding. "Understood Sebastian. We’ll check in with Serena to utilize her expertise in cyber intelligence. If we can tap into their networks, it might lead us to more evidence."

"We can also reach out to local contacts who might have seen something suspicious. The more eyes we have, the better."

"Exactly Kiran. Meanwhile, Felix and I will head to Thailand to connect with Pailin and Sakda. We need to understand their resistance movements and how we can support their efforts."

"Sounds good. Sebastian, I have some contacts in construction there who might provide us with information on the Nine Dragons’ operations. We can use that to our advantage."