After breakfast the next day, the soldiers in the army packed up all their tents and loaded them onto the carts like they had come. They still had quite a bit of supplies left. A hundred thousand soldiers could survive for several more months. This was thanks to the Fang family sending people to deliver supplies along the way until they arrived at the eastern border town with a large amount of food.
Su Su went to get her horse and rode it to her eldest brother's carriage as she usually did since they traveled to the border city. Prince Cheng, who was overseeing the clearing of the camp, had already sent someone to deliver a message to General Guan early in the morning, as well as sending a messenger pigeon back to the capital to inform his uncle that he would be continuing his advance towards Zhan. It might take a long time for him to take Zhan's capital, and he would send back news from time to time.