When Su Su returned to the Zheng camp, it was almost dawn. Fang Chu Hao, who had not been able to find his sister, was quite anxious. When Prince Cheng heard that his comrades had not found his sister, he came out to ask his guards to help search for her. When they saw her horse lying in the forest on the other side of the camp, everyone gathered there and waited for her.
Su Su, who had been hurriedly running back towards her horse, barely had time to stop her feet. She was shocked to see many lights where she had left her horse waiting. It wasn't until she ran over that she saw her eldest brother's anxious expression. Prince Cheng could only gnash his teeth, also worried about Su Su. She could only shrink her neck, afraid that she would be scolded by her brother. When Fang Shihao saw his sister running almost to them, he rushed over and hugged Su Su with concern.
“ Where have you been? Do you know how much Big Brother worries about you?”