"Amelia?", Bruce asked running to her side
Walter on the other hand just stood at the foot of the door, he couldn't believe his eyes, this couldn't be happening
Amelia only coughed
Yes she was awake, although she was still pale in the face, her lips were dried up and her body shriveled she was awake
But there was a problem, she wasn't talking, nor blinking nor even moving, it was like she was a vegetable
The only movement she had made so far was to cough once, and that was all, her body was stiff and cold
"Amelia", Bruce shouted shaking her, but she still wasn't reacting to anything, she blinked once though, at least that was helpful
Her doctor and her nice nurse entered the room with different injections and needles, medical equipments were arranged in a large tray which the nurse brought in and put on a metal table at the foot of Amelia's bed