The room fell into complete silence, the staff too stunned to speak. Even Victoria, who had been smirking moments ago, had her expression frozen in place.
Without another word, Valentina picked up the items that had been unjustly taken from her and walked out of the station with calm confidence. The officers who had once stood against her now stepped aside, their gazes lowered in silent submission.
As soon as she got outside, she took a deep breath, letting the cold air fill her lungs. She pulled out her phone again and sent Raymond the address.
"Please come meet me I'll be waiting," she texted.
Moments later, her phone buzzed.
"I'm on my way," was Raymond's reply.
A small, tired smile touched her lips. He had been worried. She could hear it in his voice earlier. But now, she needed to push all of this aside—she had somewhere important to be.