He laughed again, the sound deep and velvety, sending a reckless storm of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. It only fueled her anger further. She huffed, leaping onto the bed like an indignant cat and yanking the blanket over her head.
"If you're done mocking me and prying into my mind, tell me—what have you done to me?" she snapped. This wasn't a joke. This was dishonorable.
"It's unfair that I can't hear your thoughts," she added through clenched teeth.
"Oh? Well, alright. Don't beat me, wife," he drawled playfully, his voice thick with amusement.
Her breath snagged in her chest.
"I have one condition," his voice was as pleasant as the cool air brushing against her skin.
Ren gritted her teeth. "What is it?"
"Hm. I can't see your face. I won't take this deal seriously otherwise."