Chapter 14: Despair (4): Not Again!

Chapter 14: Despair (4): Not Again!

My eyes were hollow. My head was hurting.

I didn't know how to kill this spineless bastard.

I just stood rooted in place as I got killed.

『You Died』

『You Died』

『You Died』

『You Died』


"Argh! This is killing me!" I grabbed my head in frustration.

What could I possibly do against that thing?!

Would we all be trapped here for eternity, serving as nothing but a meal for it?!

Why did that scary human even leave this thing here?

Haa… Calm down… Calm down…

After calming my nerves, I decisively began to think about all that had happened until now.

How I carried out my plans, which all had failed, and which were close to success.

If only there was a way I could track the overgrown slug…

Track… Track…

Spilling blood doesn't work on it. The snake is invisible, and even if some kind of mark is put on it, if it becomes fast, they just seem to disappear.


Does doing so reduce its energy? Is it also like my skill?

Would doing it again and again make that little sh*t tired?



I felt chills spreading over my body as I quickly rolled on the ground. As expected, little Bling Bling over here had decided to attack me with its tail.

It once again became invisible, and this time I couldn't defend or dodge. Its tail coiled around my body.

Looked like lovely Bling Bling had recognized me and was giving me special treatment.

It began squeezing my body to the point that it felt as though I'd puke my organs any second.


It was difficult to breathe.

And in the end, my body simply went splat as I exploded into a bloody mist.

『You Died』

My eyes opened to the light. I had no time to waste as I immediately sprang into action.

I dashed like a mad goblin, successfully evading two of the fat fuck's attacks, but the third one tore through my leg.

It once again rushed towards me, ready to eat, but it was at this moment that I dug my nails into my neck and ripped it apart, spurting my green blood everywhere.

The snake's head and eyes were covered with it.

A smug look appeared on my face.

『You Died』

This time I managed to dodge 7 attacks before the bastard swallowed me whole.

In my next try, I used a fellow Gobia as bait and dodged 12 attacks!

Next, I managed to dodge 47 attacks!




And each time I died, I ensured all my blood squirted onto the funny-faced turd.

『You Died』

『You Died』

『You Died』

"Haa… Haa…"

It once again had me in a deadlock, as it slowly coiled around me, ready to kill my sorry self once again.

I couldn't breathe.

Looks like I'd die once again.

This time I had dodged 99 attacks.

But there wasn't any satisfaction within me.

My eyes turned bright.

I… Couldn't… Breathe…


Hatred. I felt a deep sense of hatred.

Kill… This bastard…!

I will kill this bastard!

And evading was no way to harm it!

The energy within my body started depleting, and I felt a wave of fatigue.

But that didn't matter any longer.

Sparks of flames began materializing, and when the brainless dirt string realized, it was already too late.

『Fire Bolt』


『You Died』

Hell! The explosions ended up killing me, though I believed it was injured.

This time, it seemed as though it took longer for me to respawn.

But when I did, I wasted no time, once again dashing like a mad goblin.

Run! Evade! 『Fire Bolt』! Die! Run! Evade! 『Fire Bolt』! Die! Run! Evade! 『Fire Bolt』! Die!

Run! Evade! 『Fire Bolt』! Die! Run! Evade! 『Fire Bolt』! Die! Run! Evade! 『Fire Bolt』! Die!

Using 『Fire Bolt』regularly had now created many craters that I could use to hide myself.

I once again repeated the vicious cycle.

『You Died』

I stayed in the darkness, contemplating how to kill that joke of a creature.

It took a while before I once again saw the dim bluish light.

This time I didn't dash. I just collapsed to the ground, tired.


Argh! Damnation!

May you be damned for eternity!

Why don't you just stay here peacefully?!

I monster, you monster, we monster!

I sluggishly stood up, surprised that I wasn't dead yet.

The serpent slithered, looking at me menacingly.

And I returned the gaze defiantly.

He looks at me.

And I look at him.

And he looks at me.

We were in a deadlock, refusing to look away.

My eyes stung.

The bastard was trying to get to my head!


It menacingly hissed at me, so I did the seemingly most sensible thing.


I hissed back at it.


And it looked flabbergasted and offended simultaneously.

Haa! Look at this coward! Trying to argue in a language I didn't know!

Seems like puffing out my chest and hissing in a high tone offends it!

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!"

Peace was never an option!

Look at this shameless snake! It was actually backing away. Coward!

It was at this split second that the serpent abruptly shot forward, its maw biting into me.

It had grown quite a bit. Maybe, fattened up because of how much it ate.

It started to roll around with me in its jaw.

This scene was familiar, too familiar. And just as I expected, it shot up towards the ceiling.

But this time it'd be different.

I was hungry. Very hungry. Even if my organs were melting, I was hungry.

And I assigned all of that to my strength.

A burst of energy and my hand shot forward, my fingers sinking into the bastard's scales.

Crack* crack!* crack*!

Since you have devoured me, it's only fair if I devour you too!

The next second, I bit into the slithering sausage.

Sausage…? What was that, I didn't know. But it didn't matter.

The serpent started shaking and rolling. My body was flung downwards, the ripped piece of flesh still in my mouth.

I crashed into one of the craters formed due to 『Fire Bolt』but did not spit the meat out.

I was going to savor it! Enjoy it! Feast on i—


The serpent's blood in my mouth sizzled, melting holes through my jaws.

I instantly spat the flesh out, the lingering burning sensation still remaining in my mouth.

I silently raised my hand, just to see that even my fingers had melted.


Looks like this was once again the end. The serpent would crawl in and enjoy my body.


I was unwilling to give in!

With what remaining strength I had, I tried to crawl up the crater and see what was happening.

And what I saw was…

Two deep red eyes, staring right into my soul.

He had entered through the portal!

It was that monster!

He raised his sword.

Was he going to kill me again? Humiliate me again?

And, the sword swung at a pace that wasn't visible to me.

And blood splattered.

It wasn't my green blood. It was the black blood of the serpent that melted the rocks on the ground.

The aura around the man grew stronger.

It was something I was very familiar with.

Very, very familiar with.

He had leveled up.

He then casually turned around, walking towards the portal.

But I knew… that he had already noticed me!


Because my body was already split into half vertically. How? When? Why?

I was clueless…

It wasn't just cut. A second later flames erupted, engulfing my body.

And from the corner of my eyes…

I noticed a familiar scene—the scene of the man slowly bringing out a pouch, through which a small serpent, roughly the size of my finger, slithered out.

『You Died』