“The Beginning of War”

Aria felt the cold touch of metal against her skin before she even opened her eyes.

A low, distant rumble vibrated through the rooftop beneath her, faint but steadily approaching. Her mind was still tangled in the shadows of dreams—echoes of memories wrapping around her consciousness like rusty chains.

And then—

"Spirit! Wake up!"

The voice cut through the fog in her head like a sharp blade.

Her eyelids twitched, then slowly lifted. Above her, the artificial glow of the city flickered, distorted by the eternal smog of Prime Eden.

Far above, behind the misty clouds, lay the towering lights of the Upper City, unreachable, like a distant universe.

A dark silhouette loomed over her, panting, tense—a messenger. One of Vex's men. His breath was ragged, his body rigid.

Bad sign.

If a messenger was out of breath, it meant nothing good.

Aria rubbed her temples and slowly sat up. Her body felt heavy, as if the night had swallowed her whole.

Where am I?

Reality crashed back into her thoughts. The rooftop. The city. The Bloodchain.

"What's going on?" Her voice was rough, barely more than a whisper.

The messenger was still catching his breath, sweat glistening on his forehead. He looked around quickly, as if ensuring they were alone.

Then, he finally said it.

"Spirit, the war has begun."

The Battle for Territorial Control Begins

Aria blinked. Her muscles tensed, her breath steadied.


The word echoed in her mind, sending a cold wave through her chest.

She ran a hand over her face, forcing her thoughts into order.

"Which war?"

Her voice was no longer drowsy. It was sharp.

The messenger swallowed and continued hastily.

"The White Wolves. They've started moving. Their territory is expanding rapidly."

A sense of unease settled in Aria's stomach. The White Wolves were always fighting. That was nothing new.

But if he was calling it war… it meant they had launched a large-scale offensive.

"How far have they advanced?"

"They've begun pushing north."

Aria's stomach twisted.

The North.

A region that had remained a no man's land for years—too dangerous for a single faction to claim.

But if the White Wolves managed to secure it, they would have a massive advantage.

And yet, that wasn't the worst part.

"What about our territory?"

The messenger shook his head.

"The West is still holding… but that's not our biggest problem."

He hesitated for a moment, as if choosing his next words carefully.

Then, he finally spoke the name Aria had dreaded to hear.

"Void struck."

Void's Shadow – The Lab's Destruction

A tight knot formed in Aria's chest.


A ghost from the shadows. A hunter who came when least expected—and left without a trace.

His name was both a curse and a promise.


The messenger pressed his lips together.

"He hit Vex's research labs."

A heavy weight sank in her gut.

Void wasn't like the White Wolves.

When he attacked, he did it with absolute precision. When he destroyed something, he left no room for questions.

"Any survivors?"

The messenger hesitated. Then, he shook his head.

"No." His voice was stiff. "The lab is… just ashes now."

Damn it.

Aria ran a hand slowly through her hair.

A complete massacre.

No survivors. No witnesses. No data left to recover.

A knife to the throat of the Bloodchain.

She closed her eyes briefly.

"Vex knows?"


Of course.

And if Vex knew… he would act.

And when Vex was forced to act, there was no hesitation.

Vex's Risky Plan

"Vex will respond." Aria exhaled slowly. "What's his plan?"

The messenger looked uneasy.

Then, he said it.

"He wants to send an elite unit to Black Mark."

Aria blinked. Once. Twice.

Her fingers clenched slightly.

Black Mark?

She narrowed her eyes at the messenger, searching for any sign that this was a bad joke.

But his face remained serious.

"Please tell me I'm still dreaming."

The messenger remained silent.

Aria gritted her teeth.

"Has he already forgotten what happened to the last ones who went there?"

The messenger gave a slow nod. "He remembers. But he wants the artifact to strengthen our forces."

She shut her eyes. That damned artifact.

Something hidden deep within Black Marka cursed island where laws and reality itself had begun to decay.

"Does he seriously think it's worth the risk?"

"Vex believes in whatever's hidden there. And he believes you're the right one for this mission."

The Secret Mission

The messenger inhaled deeply. Then, he finally spoke the words Aria had already expected.

"Vex decided: You and the two monsters will handle this mission."

Aria ran a hand down her face.

"Who else is coming?"

"Ghost and Phantom."

A second wave of tension coiled in her gut.

Not them.

Ghost and Phantomtwo of the most ruthless killers in the Bloodchain.

If Vex was sending them both, this wasn't a simple scouting mission.

It was a war maneuver.

"How classified is this operation?"

"No one can know we were ever there."

"Of course."

Aria sighed.

Black Mark wasn't just dangerous—it was a place where the very laws of the world had ceased to exist.

But Vex wanted the artifact.

And Aria had to retrieve it for him.