Chapter 8 Kidnapping

Since my first time, two days have passed and I cannot be confused by my thoughts.

How could I be so passive and think about the child. I know that giving birth is painful and I don't want to experience such pain, maybe someday, and then I won't be the one who gives birth.

I didn't know what happened to me until my wife pointed out, I'm part cat now, and apparently like a cat I'm in heat, that's why I felt hot, and it coincided with my first time, lust clouded my mind and I couldn't think straight. So yes, for the last two days I was the leader, dominated, of course I also allowed her to strap on me, but not like the first time, although I won't lie, I liked my first time. But I prefer to give than to receive.

In these two days, I have been looking for the guy that the pirate queen needs, and where is the best place to look for information? That's right, on the black market.

From Vidu, the city itself is quite civilized and peaceful, but the underground hides many terrible deeds.

When I got to the black market, slaves were sold everywhere, from sex slaves to slaves who could be workers.

They tried to attack me myself, as I appeared here because of my beauty and ears, although how do they know that they are real, usually people assume that they are fake. Well, in general, everyone who attacked me was already in the next world, and no one batted an eyelid that I simply killed people, here in the underground this happens all the time.

There were also drug dealers there, selling all sorts of nasty things, disgusting!

Of course, they also sold ships, weapons, houses, and dirt on corporations, and a lot of other crap.

I found out where my target is, in the most famous hotel, but the problem is that there is a mercenary of the eclipse.

I needed a plan that immediately came to mind. There are buildings nearby that will be larger than the hotel, I bought a grappling hook and binoculars.

And today is the evening when I will put the plan into action.

I climbed onto the neighboring building, and first of all, I scouted the roof of the hotel; there are two snipers there, who change positions every 10 minutes. At this moment they will be blind and should not notice me.

Looking through binoculars, counting down the minutes, I shot the cat, which was clinging to the concrete on the roof of the hotel, and began to descend along the rope. As I was descending, the sniper managed to reach his position, noticing me, and before he could shoot me or inform his friends, I shot at him, the bullet flying through the eye and out of the back of his head. Yes, for this task I decided to take the best pistol with a silencer, which was on the black market M 11 "Silencer". Jumping from the rope, I made sure that the second sniper did not notice me, silently approached him, and shot him in the head, another one was ready.

Approaching the entrance inside, it was blocked as always, why couldn't they leave it open, but it wasn't difficult to break into it either.

After looking at the diagram, I'm just walking towards the penthouse where my target is located.

Going down the stairs, I carefully walked up to the edge of the door arch and looked out, noticing one mercenary standing at the door. Without hesitation, I went out and hit him in the head with the first hit. As far as I can tell, there are two doors leading into this penthouse, and I'm currently at the smallest one. 

I opened the door slowly, entering the penthouse, there was no mercenary there, but just a person watching TV.

Raising the gun and pointing it at him, I walked over to the sofa.

"So, how are you doing?" I asked him. 

 He apparently didn't expect to hear a voice and jumped up, looking at me.

'Who are you? Although probably a mercenary, how much did this whore pay you? I can give more."

I just smiled evilly at him

"No thanks, this is a matter of principles, my partner asked me to deliver you to her and not necessarily intact.

"I understand, but..." he doesn't have time to finish as the main door is broken down and the Eclipse mercenaries run into it, I immediately dive for cover, and meanwhile the guy runs away.


There is continuous fire at the place where I am hiding, I look at the opposite side, where there is a climb to the top, which will help me eliminate them.

I wait until they leave to reload and run to the other side, simultaneously managing to put a hole in the head of two of them.

Having reached, I immediately climbed onto a hill, and stopping abruptly, which saves me from a bullet, I shoot in the side without looking, but I know that I hit him in the head.

When I reached the balcony, I took a position.

"Enterprise, get me out of here, I'm caught in the crossfire here." I say through my terminal, and the mercenaries keep coming and coming.

But then the sound of engines is suddenly heard, and the Enterprise appears at the balcony level, with turrets coming out of its hull and beginning to suppress the enemy. 

Without letting them come, I jump into the opened hatch, closing the airlock behind me.

Rising to the bridge.

"Enterprise, track all recent takeoffs from the planet that were in a hurry."

"There is one coincidence, 5 minutes ago, an A-class fighter left the planet in a hurry."

"Track him and catch him," I told her.

She nodded and directed the ship into space, where my target appeared.

"Damage his engines," I said, and then there were two small shots that disabled the engines.

"So what should I do with him now? Enterprise, grab him on a cable and read his court." - which is what she did, I put on a spacesuit, and went into outer space, reaching his ship, I broke open the door and, entering, closed the airlock behind me.

I carefully walked along his ship, which was in vain, because apparently due to the fact that I disabled the engines, his ship shook and he hit, switching off.

I put on him the spacesuit that was inside his ship and returned to my ship, with the guy in tow.

After leaving him, I told my wife that we should return to Omega.

"Our weekend has come to an end."

I said as the Enterprise docked with the station.

I slung this guy over my shoulder like a sack of shit and went to the club.

Now that Enterprise and I are fully married, we need to take a surname, in the past my family was the ancestors of the Scandinavians, but I liked Scandinavian surnames, but I don't want to take a surname from a past life. We need to think about this.

"Here is the dick that betrayed you," I said, throwing this guy's carcass to the ground.

Arya raised an eyebrow.

"You're pretty strong, okay I am now."

"No need, I don't mind helping you just like that." - I told her

"Oh, no one has ever refused a reward from." I interrupted

"Treacherous bitch?"

She laughed.

"You know, I've killed for less, and often send many people on a "date" with space."

"Do you want to kill me?" - I smiled slyly

She laughed even harder.

"I'm liking you more and more and your sense of humor."

'I'm glad.'

She patted the sofa

"Sit down, let's have a drink, there are no tasks yet, and don't look like that, call your wife, she'll watch you, since you're not confident in yourself. In the meantime, tell me how your date went and you fucked the ship?"

"Well..." I briefly told her and again her laughter struck me that she was so loud.

"So you were the one being fucked by the ship like a little slut?"

I blushed, because it was true because I was in heat.

We were still talking until Enterprise showed up.

What does this mean?

Give me some booze!